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Created February 10, 2019 17:12
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# numpy/scipy translation of
import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.linalg
# TODO: Add more comments describing the math here.
def get_sizes(G, A=None):
if A is None:
neq = 0
new = A.shape[0]
return (G.shape[0], G.shape[1], neq, 1)
def forward(inputs_i, Q, G, A, b, h, U_Q, U_S, R, verbose=False):
U_Q, U_S, R = pre_factor_kkt(Q, G, A)
nineq, nz, neq, _ = get_sizes(G, A)
# find initial values
d = np.ones(nineq, dtype=Q.dtype)
nb = -b if b is not None else None
factor_kkt(U_S, R, d)
x, s, z, y = solve_kkt(
U_Q, d, G, A, U_S,
inputs_i, np.zeros(nineq, dtype=Q.dtype), -h, nb)
if np.min(s) < 0:
s -= np.min(s) - 1
if np.min(z) < 0:
z -= np.min(z) - 1
prev_resid = None
for i in range(20):
# affine scaling direction
rx = ( if neq > 0 else 0.) + + + inputs_i
rs = z
rz = + s - h
ry = - b if neq > 0 else np.zeros(0, dtype=Q.dtype)
mu = / nineq
pri_resid = np.linalg.norm(ry) + np.linalg.norm(rz)
dual_resid = np.linalg.norm(rx)
resid = pri_resid + dual_resid + nineq * mu
d = z / s
if verbose:
print(("primal_res = {0:.5g}, dual_res = {1:.5g}, " +
"gap = {2:.5g}, kappa(d) = {3:.5g}").format(
pri_resid, dual_resid, mu, min(d) / max(d)))
# if (pri_resid < 5e-4 and dual_resid < 5e-4 and mu < 4e-4):
improved = (prev_resid is None) or (resid < prev_resid + 1e-6)
if not improved or resid < 1e-6:
return x, y, z
prev_resid = resid
factor_kkt(U_S, R, d)
dx_aff, ds_aff, dz_aff, dy_aff = \
solve_kkt(U_Q, d, G, A, U_S, rx, rs, rz, ry)
# compute centering directions
alpha = min(min(get_step(z, dz_aff), get_step(s, ds_aff)), 1.0)
sig = ( + alpha * ds_aff, z +
alpha * dz_aff) / (, z)))**3
dx_cor, ds_cor, dz_cor, dy_cor = solve_kkt(
U_Q, d, G, A, U_S,
np.zeros(nz, dtype=Q.dtype),
(-mu * sig * np.ones(nineq, dtype=Q.dtype) + ds_aff * dz_aff) / s,
np.zeros(nineq, dtype=Q.dtype),
np.zeros(neq, dtype=Q.dtype))
dx = dx_aff + dx_cor
ds = ds_aff + ds_cor
dz = dz_aff + dz_cor
dy = dy_aff + dy_cor if neq > 0 else None
alpha = min(1.0, 0.999 * min(get_step(s, ds), get_step(z, dz)))
dx_norm = np.linalg.norm(dx)
dz_norm = np.linalg.norm(dz)
if np.isnan(dx_norm) or dx_norm > 1e5 or dz_norm > 1e5:
# Overflow, return early
return x, y, z
x += alpha * dx
s += alpha * ds
z += alpha * dz
y = y + alpha * dy if neq > 0 else None
return x, y, z
def get_step(v, dv):
#I = dv < 1e-12
I = dv < 0
if np.any(I):
return np.min(-v[I] / dv[I])
return 1
def solve_kkt(U_Q, d, G, A, U_S, rx, rs, rz, ry, dbg=False):
""" Solve KKT equations for the affine step"""
nineq, nz, neq, _ = get_sizes(G, A)
invQ_rx = scipy.linalg.cho_solve((U_Q, False), rx)
if neq > 0:
h = np.concatenate(( - ry, + rs / d - rz), 0)
h = + rs / d - rz
w = -scipy.linalg.cho_solve((U_S, False), h)
g1 = -rx -[neq:])
if neq > 0:
g1 -=[:neq])
g2 = -rs - w[neq:]
dx = scipy.linalg.cho_solve((U_Q, False), g1)
ds = g2 / d
dz = w[neq:]
dy = w[:neq] if neq > 0 else None
return dx, ds, dz, dy
def pre_factor_kkt(Q, G, A):
""" Perform all one-time factorizations and cache relevant matrix products"""
nineq, nz, neq, _ = get_sizes(G, A)
# S = [ A Q^{-1} A^T A Q^{-1} G^T ]
# [ G Q^{-1} A^T G Q^{-1} G^T + D^{-1} ]
(U_Q, _) = scipy.linalg.cho_factor(Q)
# partial cholesky of S matrix
U_S = np.zeros((neq + nineq, neq + nineq), dtype=Q.dtype)
G_invQ_GT = G @ scipy.linalg.cho_solve((U_Q,False), G.T)
R = G_invQ_GT
if neq > 0:
invQ_AT = scipy.linalg.cho_solve((U_Q,False), A.T)
A_invQ_AT = A @ invQ_AT
G_invQ_AT = G @ invQ_AT
(U11, _) = scipy.linalg.cho_factor(A_invQ_AT)
U12 = no.linalg.solve(U11.T, G_invQ_AT.T)
U_S[:neq, :neq] = U11
U_S[:neq, neq:] = U12
R -= U12.T @ U12
return U_Q, U_S, R
def factor_kkt(U_S, R, d):
""" Factor the U22 block that we can only do after we know D. """
nineq = R.shape[0]
(U22, _) = scipy.linalg.cho_factor(R + np.diag(1.0 / d))
U_S[-nineq:, -nineq:] = U22
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