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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
-- |
-- Module : RWLock
-- Copyright : (c) Masahiro Sakai 2023
-- License : BSD-3-Clause
-- Simple implement of various variants of RWLocks.
-- References:
-- * <>
-- * <>
-- * <>
-- * <>
module RWLock
-- * Basic typees
IsRWLock (..)
, RWLockState (..)
-- * MVar-based implementation
, RWLockReadMVar
, RWLockWriteMVar
, RWLockFairMVar
-- * STM-based implementation
, RWLockReadSTM
, RWLockWriteSTM
, RWLockFairSTM
) where
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
class IsRWLock rw where
newRWLock :: IO rw
acquireRead :: rw -> IO ()
releaseRead :: rw -> IO ()
acquireWrite :: rw -> IO ()
releaseWrite :: rw -> IO ()
withRead :: rw -> IO b -> IO b
withWrite :: rw -> IO b -> IO b
withRead rw = bracket_ (acquireRead rw) (releaseRead rw)
withWrite rw = bracket_ (acquireWrite rw) (releaseWrite rw)
data RWLockState
= Unlocked
| RLocked !Int
| WLocked
deriving (Eq)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | MVar-based RWLock with reader priority (aka first readers-writers problem)
data RWLockReadMVar = RWLockReadMVar !(MVar ()) !(MVar Int)
instance IsRWLock RWLockReadMVar where
newRWLock = do
resource <- newMVar ()
rmutex <- newMVar 0
return (RWLockReadMVar resource rmutex)
acquireRead (RWLockReadMVar resource rmutex) = do
modifyMVarMasked_ rmutex $ \i -> do
-- takeMVar can be blocked thus interruptible
when (i == 0) $ takeMVar resource
return $! i+1
releaseRead (RWLockReadMVar resource rmutex) = do
modifyMVarMasked_ rmutex $ \i -> do
-- resource should be empty, thus putMVar is uninterruptible
when (i == 1) $ putMVar resource ()
return $! i-1
acquireWrite (RWLockReadMVar resource _rmutex) = takeMVar resource
releaseWrite (RWLockReadMVar resource _rmutex) = putMVar resource ()
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | MVar-based RWLock with writer priority (aka second readers-writers problem)
data RWLockWriteMVar = RWLockWriteMVar !(MVar Int) !(MVar Int) !(MVar ()) !(MVar ())
instance IsRWLock RWLockWriteMVar where
newRWLock = do
rmutex <- newMVar 0
wmutex <- newMVar 0
readTry <- newMVar ()
resource <- newMVar ()
return (RWLockWriteMVar rmutex wmutex readTry resource)
acquireRead (RWLockWriteMVar rmutex _wmutex readTry resource) = do
withMVar readTry $ \_ -> do
modifyMVarMasked_ rmutex $ \i -> do
-- takeMVar can be blocked thus interruptible
when (i == 0) $ takeMVar resource
return $! i+1
releaseRead (RWLockWriteMVar rmutex _wmutex _readTry resource) = do
modifyMVarMasked_ rmutex $ \i -> do
-- resource should be empty, thus putMVar is uninterruptible
when (i == 1) $ putMVar resource ()
return $! i-1
acquireWrite (RWLockWriteMVar _rmutex wmutex readTry resource) = do
modifyMVarMasked_ wmutex $ \i -> do
if i == 0 then do
takeMVar readTry
takeMVar resource `onException` putMVar readTry ()
else do
takeMVar resource
return $! i+1
releaseWrite (RWLockWriteMVar _rmutex wmutex readTry resource) = do
modifyMVarMasked_ wmutex $ \i -> do
-- resource should be empty, thus putMVar is uninterruptible
putMVar resource ()
-- readTry should be empty, thus putMVar is uninterruptible
when (i == 1) $ putMVar readTry ()
return $! i-1
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | MVar-based RWLock with fair priority (aka third readers-writers problem)
data RWLockFairMVar = RWLockFairMVar !RWLockReadMVar !(MVar ())
instance IsRWLock RWLockFairMVar where
newRWLock = do
base <- newRWLock
serviceQueue <- newMVar () -- assume that this MVar is fair
return (RWLockFairMVar base serviceQueue)
acquireRead (RWLockFairMVar base serviceQueue) = do
withMVar serviceQueue $ \_ -> do
acquireRead base
releaseRead (RWLockFairMVar base _serviceQueue) = do
releaseRead base
acquireWrite (RWLockFairMVar base serviceQueue) = do
withMVar serviceQueue $ \_ -> acquireWrite base
releaseWrite (RWLockFairMVar base _serviceQueue) = do
releaseWrite base
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | STM-based RWLock with reader priority (aka first readers-writers problem)
newtype RWLockReadSTM = RWLockReadSTM (TVar RWLockState)
instance IsRWLock RWLockReadSTM where
newRWLock = do
tv <- newTVarIO Unlocked
return $ RWLockReadSTM tv
acquireRead (RWLockReadSTM tv) = atomically $ do
st <- readTVar tv
case st of
Unlocked -> writeTVar tv (RLocked 0)
RLocked n -> writeTVar tv (RLocked (n+1))
WLocked -> retry
releaseRead (RWLockReadSTM tv) = atomically $ do
st <- readTVar tv
case st of
RLocked 1 -> writeTVar tv Unlocked
RLocked n -> writeTVar tv (RLocked (n-1))
_ -> undefined
acquireWrite (RWLockReadSTM tv) = atomically $ do
st <- readTVar tv
guard $ st == Unlocked
writeTVar tv WLocked
releaseWrite (RWLockReadSTM tv) = atomically $ do
st <- readTVar tv
case st of
WLocked -> writeTVar tv Unlocked
_ -> undefined
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | STM-based RWLock with writer priority (aka second readers-writers problem)
data RWLockWriteSTM = RWLockWriteSTM (TVar RWLockState) (TVar Int)
instance IsRWLock RWLockWriteSTM where
newRWLock = do
tv <- newTVarIO Unlocked
writers <- newTVarIO 0
return $ RWLockWriteSTM tv writers
acquireRead (RWLockWriteSTM tv writers) = atomically $ do
m <- readTVar writers
guard $ m == 0
st <- readTVar tv
case st of
Unlocked -> writeTVar tv (RLocked 0)
RLocked n -> writeTVar tv (RLocked (n+1))
WLocked -> retry
releaseRead (RWLockWriteSTM tv _writers) = atomically $ do
st <- readTVar tv
case st of
RLocked 1 -> writeTVar tv Unlocked
RLocked n -> writeTVar tv (RLocked (n-1))
_ -> undefined
acquireWrite (RWLockWriteSTM tv writers) = mask_ $ do
atomically (modifyTVar writers (+1))
let body = do
st <- readTVar tv
guard $ st == Unlocked
writeTVar tv WLocked
atomically body `onException` atomically (modifyTVar writers (subtract 1))
releaseWrite (RWLockWriteSTM tv writers) = atomically $ do
modifyTVar writers (subtract 1)
st <- readTVar tv
case st of
WLocked -> writeTVar tv Unlocked
_ -> undefined
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | STM-based RWLock with fair priority (aka third readers-writers problem)
-- It uses MVar for guaranteeing fairness.
data RWLockFairSTM = RWLockFairSTM !RWLockReadSTM !(MVar ())
instance IsRWLock RWLockFairSTM where
newRWLock = do
base <- newRWLock
serviceQueue <- newMVar () -- assume that this MVar is fair
return (RWLockFairSTM base serviceQueue)
acquireRead (RWLockFairSTM base serviceQueue) = do
withMVar serviceQueue $ \_ -> do
acquireRead base
releaseRead (RWLockFairSTM base _serviceQueue) = do
releaseRead base
acquireWrite (RWLockFairSTM base serviceQueue) = do
withMVar serviceQueue $ \_ -> do
acquireWrite base
releaseWrite (RWLockFairSTM base _serviceQueue) = do
releaseWrite base
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
module Main where
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Monad
import Data.Proxy
import Data.IORef
import RWLock
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain tests
tests :: TestTree
tests = testGroup "Tests" [unitTests]
unitTests :: TestTree
unitTests = testGroup "Unit tests"
[ testCase "RWLockReadMVar reader do not starve" $ do
b <- readerStarvationScenario (Proxy :: Proxy RWLockReadMVar)
b @?= True
, testCase "RWLockReadMVar writer starves" $ do
b <- writerStarvationScenario (Proxy :: Proxy RWLockReadMVar)
b @?= False
-- , testCase "RWLockReadSTM reader do not starve" $ do
-- b <- readerStarvationScenario (Proxy :: Proxy RWLockReadSTM)
-- b @?= True
, testCase "RWLockReadSTM writer starves" $ do
b <- writerStarvationScenario (Proxy :: Proxy RWLockReadSTM)
b @?= False
, testCase "RWLockWriteMVar reader starves" $ do
b <- readerStarvationScenario (Proxy :: Proxy RWLockWriteMVar)
b @?= False
, testCase "RWLockWriteMVar writer do not starve" $ do
b <- writerStarvationScenario (Proxy :: Proxy RWLockWriteMVar)
b @?= True
, testCase "RWLockWriteSTM reader starves" $ do
b <- readerStarvationScenario (Proxy :: Proxy RWLockWriteSTM)
b @?= False
, testCase "RWLockWriteSTM writer do not starve" $ do
b <- writerStarvationScenario (Proxy :: Proxy RWLockWriteSTM)
b @?= True
, testCase "RWLockFairMVar reader do not starve" $ do
b <- readerStarvationScenario (Proxy :: Proxy RWLockFairMVar)
b @?= True
, testCase "RWLockFairMVar writer do not starve" $ do
b <- writerStarvationScenario (Proxy :: Proxy RWLockFairMVar)
b @?= True
, testCase "RWLockFairSTM reader do not starve" $ do
b <- readerStarvationScenario (Proxy :: Proxy RWLockFairSTM)
b @?= True
, testCase "RWLockFairSTM writer do not starve" $ do
b <- writerStarvationScenario (Proxy :: Proxy RWLockFairSTM)
b @?= True
readerStarvationScenario :: forall lock. IsRWLock lock => Proxy lock -> IO Bool
readerStarvationScenario _ = do
(lock :: lock) <- newRWLock
ref <- newIORef False
let w1 = forever $ withWrite lock $ threadDelay (120*1000)
w2 = threadDelay (40*1000) >> w1
r1 = threadDelay (80*1000) >> withRead lock (writeIORef ref True)
withAsync w1 $ \_ ->
withAsync w2 $ \_ ->
withAsync r1 $ \_ -> do
threadDelay (400*1000)
readIORef ref
writerStarvationScenario :: forall lock. IsRWLock lock => Proxy lock -> IO Bool
writerStarvationScenario _ = do
(lock :: lock) <- newRWLock
ref <- newIORef False
let r1 = forever $ withRead lock $ threadDelay (40*1000)
r2 = threadDelay (20*1000) >> r1
w1 = threadDelay (20*1000) >> withWrite lock (writeIORef ref True)
withAsync r1 $ \_ ->
withAsync r2 $ \_ ->
withAsync w1 $ \_ -> do
threadDelay (400*1000)
readIORef ref
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