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Last active January 13, 2020 15:48
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Post Turing Graduation Action Plan for Michael Schneider


Calendar Screenshot

Image 1-12-20 at 11 42 PM


What motivates you?

  • Learning about the world, especially science and exploration. Being able to share adventures with friends, like going camping or hiking.

How will you keep yourself going when faced with rejection in the job search?

  • Each interview, each time somebody wants to know more about me is a victory. I can take those experiences, review them and make a better impression the next time.

How will you hold yourself accountable to your plans? (Ex: Attend Mod 5, meet with cohortmates, attend Kayt's coffee shop hours, etc.)

  • Keeping up to date with Slack, #job-hunt, #mod5, etc. Work on group projects with cohort mates. Continue to meet up with my mentors and let family and friends know how I'm doing.

How do you like to communicate?

  • In person works best. Otherwise Slack/email, or if its really important call/text.

What is your ideal job?

  • Working with a smaller team on projects that change every few months. Having colleages I can learn from and an environment I can continue to grow in.

What has been your approach to the job search so far?

  • Polishing my resume and portfolio. Having coffee meetings and mock interviews with Mentors. Have done warm outreach, but haven't attempted any cold so far.

What could you use help with?

  • Getting more resumes out, sending outreach emails and polishing cover letters.

Anything else you'd like Kayt to know?

  • Nothing I can think of at the moment.

If you are not using Huntr, please include a link here to the job tracker you're using so that Kayt can follow along with your progress.

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