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mschneider247 /
Last active July 4, 2024 18:50
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

By: Stephen R. Covey

These notes and sketches by: Michael Schneider

Hello, I recently finished reading 'The 7 Habits of Highly Efficient People' by Stephen R Covey. I enjoyed it so much I decided to condense it down to the parts I found the most informative including redrawing my favorite diagrams. All information here is for the point of review, please go buy a copy for yourself!
Here we go!

Part One, Paradigms and Principles

mschneider247 /
Last active June 14, 2024 00:54
Connect to Ollama with JS


learning about Ollama


learning about Ollama

Ollama works like a normal REST API

Michael Learns Blender(2)

Week 2

Hello everyone and welcome back! Last week I went over some of the basics of Blender, mostly a long list of hotkeys and some basic scene setup. This week I'm going to take the time to flesh out a scene with a few more details and get more accustomed to creating objects in Blender.

As a rough outline, I'll cover a few more hotkeys for this week and then show you how to apply a color palette to your objects. After that I'll dive into building a tree and using that to help flesh out a Cabin by the lake!

more preview


mschneider247 /
Last active April 9, 2021 03:31
Getting Started, 3D modeling with Blender

Michael Learns Blender!

Week 1

Alright, I want to learn Blender! So, here are my notes. My process will involve installing things, learning how to navigate, what my hotkeys are and finally some scene setup. Once all that is figured out I'll just play around and see what I can create!


Install is easy

First I'll go download and install Blender
As of writting, I'm using version 2.91.2

Just 4 steps to setting up and running Vue.js

notes collected from work by: @N-Gibson

npm i -g @vue/cli

This will install the Vue client at a global level

vue create project_name
mschneider247 /
Last active March 5, 2020 23:48
A quick start guide to using Material-UI for React

Getting started with Material-UI, or Material Design

Introduced by Google in 2014, design language that is very popular for web and mobile apps. Very easy to use along with React. Library is called material-ui this provides a library of different react components for quickly building out polished User Interfaces.

Full documentation at

npx create-react-app [your_app_name]

cd [your_app_name]
mschneider247 /
Last active January 13, 2020 15:48
Post Turing Graduation Action Plan for Michael Schneider


Calendar Screenshot

Image 1-12-20 at 11 42 PM


What motivates you?

  • Learning about the world, especially science and exploration. Being able to share adventures with friends, like going camping or hiking.

How will you keep yourself going when faced with rejection in the job search?

mschneider247 /
Last active January 19, 2020 15:28
A quick overview of Type Script
this is a code snippppppet

TypeScript, the short version

by: Michael Schneider

TypeScript is an open source programming language from Microsoft. It is a superset of JavaScript and compiles down to plain JavaScript.

mschneider247 / TypeScriptTheShortVersion
Created January 13, 2020 02:47
A quick overview of Type Script
## Type Script, the short version

Section II: Job Hunt, Short Answer Responses:

Why do you want mentoring in the job search?

  • Continued feedback on portfolio, resume and approach
  • Group knowledge on what my peers are trying and how they're performing
  • Connection with Turing support and network

How will you hold yourself accountable to balancing time for your job search and following your mentor and group's advice?

  • Schedule in advance