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Last active April 9, 2021 03:31
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Getting Started, 3D modeling with Blender

Michael Learns Blender!

Week 1

Alright, I want to learn Blender! So, here are my notes. My process will involve installing things, learning how to navigate, what my hotkeys are and finally some scene setup. Once all that is figured out I'll just play around and see what I can create!


Install is easy

First I'll go download and install Blender
As of writting, I'm using version 2.91.2

Navigate using Middle Mouse

  • To orbit, hold middle mouse and move the mouse around
  • To zoom, scroll middle mouse
  • To pan, hold middle mouse + shift, then move the mouse around


G grab and move selected object(s)
R rotate selected object(s)
S scale selected object(s)
X Y and Z, align object(s) you are moving/rotating/scaling along the coorisponding axis

E extrude from selected vertex(s)
Alt + E options when extruding multiple faces
Ctrl + right click will extrude to where you mouse click I to create an inset face

Numpad 1 view front on
Numpad 3 view right on
Numpad 7 view top down
clicking middle mouse while moving objects will snap them
Shift + right click move 3D cursor to click location
Shift + C reset 3D cursor at 0,0,0
Shift + A add Object menu

Shift + D duplicate selected object(s)
X delete selected object(s)
O toggle proportional editing, allows neighboring nodes to be manipulated
M move selected objects into a group
N open properties

A select everything
A A deselect everything
Z shading quick menu
H hide selected object(s)
Alt + H unhide selected objects(s)

1 to select vertices in Edit Mode
2 to select edges in Edit Mode
3 to select faces in Edit Mode

F2 rename selected object
F3 search
F12 render camera image

Tab toggle between Object Mode and Edit Mode
Shift + Tab toggle snap Space start and pause animation

Alt + Z toggle X-ray mode, allow selecting through objects
Alt + left mouse to select an edge
Alt + S to shrink and flatten faces

Ctrl + I invert selection
Ctrl + J join selected meshes
Ctrl + S save .blend file
Ctrl + Shift + S save as
Ctrl + B bevel edges

Numpad . focus camera on selected object
Numpad 0 see through camera
. pivot point pop up menu

Scene Setup

When I start up the program I see a box and wireframe light and camera. I noticed that the camera and light can get in the way early on, so feel free to delete them. You can always add them back later. cameraBoxLight

Instead of the clunky light, its easier to use one of the HDRIs that comes free with Blender. First go into render mode from the hot menu by tapping Z. Then in the upper right of the viewport is a dropdown arrow that leads to two checkboxes for lighting. Deselect Scene World. This will give you the option to pick a background. Also don't forget to change World Oppacity and Blur so you can actually see that background. HDRIsetup

I'll build up my square a bit more by entering into edit mode with Tab, then hitting 3 for face select. Select a face and use E to extrude it. Rinse and repeat to your hearts content. I like more definition in my shadows, so I'll want to turn on Ambient Occlusion under Render Properties and set Distance to 4m with a Factor of 4.00. Shading

Now I feel like adding some color. A to select all. Then click on Material Properties and Change the Base Color. Roughness will change how refelctive your material is. I like smooth blue today. For really reflective, keep all the material selected and right click, then select Shade Smooth. shiny blue

Next, I'll go back to Object Mode with Tab. Here I want to find a high point on whatever I've created and Shift + right click on that point. This will move the 3D cursor here. Next hit Shift + A to add a new object. Add a cube and then move it G, and align it with middle mouse, repeat the last two as necessary. Get the cube somewhere precarious. highpoint

With the cube selected and while in Object Mode, hit Ctrl + 5. Your cube should now be a sphere, we just added a subdivision modifier! Now with the new Sphere still selected, click the Object Menu then Rigid Body and Add Active. Ctrl + I will select the rest of your creation. Click the Object Menu for that as well, but assign Rigid Body to Add Passive.

Now hit Space!!

Obviously this was just a start to things, so go experiment! Here are some haphazard examples of things I put together in my first week:

dominoooooooes marsh

Where I learned this stuff!

Next time?

Move gizmo, glowing edges, sculpting, gravity, more hotkeys, maps??

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