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Last active June 5, 2019 21:42
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Beginners Guide to Git

First some notes on markdown

Use the "#" character before lines to indicate different header types. One "#" will create a large H1 type header

Multiple "#" characters, up to 6, can be used to show smaller sub-headings, h2-h6.

  1. Numbered lists are easy
  2. Just add "1." or "2." etc to the beggining of the line to indicate its numbered place
  3. And now you have a numbered list!
  • To make a bulleted list:
  • Use either a "*", "-", or "+" at the beggining of the line
  • These characters will be formated as bullet points in the final list

To make a word or phrase bold, wrap it in double "*" . This is bold!
To make a word or phrase italic, wrap it in a single "*". This is italic!

To indicate snippets of code, wrap the desired text using a single back-tick character. This is a code snippet

Strike through text by wrapping it in double "~" . This text is crossed out

include links in your markdown by wrapping the link text in [], then using () afterwards to write out the actual web address. Here is a link to google

Create a horizontal line across the document by using three "-" characters in a row. Here comes a line!

Basic Terminal Commands:

  • pwd - Gives your current path, tells you where you are
  • mkdir - Creates a new directory, must be followed up with its name
  • ls - Lists the contents of the current directory
  • cd - Change Directory. Must give directions in and out of the directory
  • cd .. - Goes back one step to the parent directory
  • touch - creates a file, must be given a name and extension
  • echo - adds text to a file. Example$ echo "Text to add" >> sample.txt
  • cat - reads the contents of a file, must be given file name and extension

Destructive commands:

  • rm - removes a file, must be given file name and extension
  • rm-rf - remove a directory and all its files. Cannot be used on the directory you are currently in so you must give rm-rf a directory to eat.

Git is a Version Control System (VCS)

Basic Git Commands:

  • git init - Start tracking the current directory with GIT
  • git status - Checks the status of the current files being managed
  • git diff - Show changes between your commits
  • git add - Move a file you have modified over to the staging area
  • git commit - Merge the file with the master branch
  • Use Control+C or Control+D to get out of sticky situations

  • git clone - allows you to copy an existing repository and move it to your local computer. This will create a new directory, so make sure to switch out of any directories that already have Git active.
  • git remote add origin - allows you to link a local Git repository to one at GitHub
  • git push origin master - sends your modified files back to the master repository on GitHub. They wont be included in the master branch until verified by the repository's owner.

  • To add an image in markdown, use the same format as for a link, except put a ! in front of it. The text in the brackets will become the alt text.

Winking Kitten

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