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Created February 2, 2016 11:51
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import android.content.Context;
import android.util.Log;
* Handles image decoding and optimisation.
public class Image {
private static final String IMAGE_TAG = "image process";
* byte array of image
private byte[] byteArray;
* scaling factors
private float scaleFactor; //with respect to original size
* box
private Box box;
* Construct with file path,
* Image is loaded from the provided file path and re-sized to the optimized size for upload
* @param filePath path to a local directory
public Image(String filePath) {
this(filePath, ResizeSettings.STANDARD);
* Construct with file path.
* Image is loaded from the provided file path and re-sized to the optimized size for upload.
* The default size is 512, it is allowed to be customized. Use ResizeSettings.HIGH to
* set the resize limit to 1024.
* For images with finer patterns, it is recommended to use a large size.Noted that to required
* a large size image for upload search takes higher network bandwidth and longer response time.
* @param filePath path to a local directory.
* @param resizeSettings resize setting
public Image(String filePath, ResizeSettings resizeSettings) {
//set inJustDecodeBounds true to only get image information, not image bytes
BitmapFactory.Options bitmapOptions = new BitmapFactory.Options();
bitmapOptions.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
BitmapFactory.decodeFile(filePath, bitmapOptions);
//find the optimal inSampleSize, with memory constrain
scaleFactor = calculateScaleFactor(bitmapOptions, resizeSettings);
//use the scale factor to decode the image from file path
bitmapOptions.inJustDecodeBounds = false;
bitmapOptions.inDensity = 10000;
bitmapOptions.inTargetDensity = (int) ((float) bitmapOptions.inDensity * scaleFactor);
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(filePath, bitmapOptions);
Log.d(IMAGE_TAG, "scale bitmap to fit the size: " + bitmap.getWidth() + " x " + bitmap.getHeight());
//get image byte array
ByteArrayOutputStream outs = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, resizeSettings.getCompressQuality(), outs);
byteArray = outs.toByteArray();
//clear bitmap memory
* Construct with Uri
* Image is loaded from the provided Uri and re-sized to the optimized size for upload.
* @param context Activity context
* @param uri Uri to link to the image
public Image(Context context, Uri uri) {
this(context, uri, ResizeSettings.STANDARD);
* Construct with Uri
* Image is loaded from the provided Uri and re-sized to the optimized size for upload.
* The default size is 512, it is allowed to be customized. Use ResizeSettings.HIGH to
* set the resize limit to 1024.
* For images with finer patterns, it is recommended to use a large size.Noted that to required
* a large size image for upload search takes higher network bandwidth and longer response time.
* @param context Activity context
* @param uri Uri to link to the image
* @param resizeSettings resize setting
public Image(Context context, Uri uri, ResizeSettings resizeSettings) {
try {
BitmapFactory.Options bitmapOptions = new BitmapFactory.Options();
bitmapOptions.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
BitmapFactory.decodeStream(context.getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri), null, bitmapOptions);
//find the optimal inSampleSize, with memory constrain
scaleFactor = calculateScaleFactor(bitmapOptions, resizeSettings);
//use the scale factor to decode the image from file path
bitmapOptions.inJustDecodeBounds = false;
bitmapOptions.inDensity = 10000;
bitmapOptions.inTargetDensity = (int) ((float) bitmapOptions.inDensity * scaleFactor);
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(context.getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri), null, bitmapOptions);
Log.d(IMAGE_TAG, "scale bitmap to fit the size: " + bitmap.getWidth() + " x " + bitmap.getHeight());
//get image byte array
ByteArrayOutputStream outs = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, resizeSettings.getCompressQuality(), outs);
byteArray = outs.toByteArray();
//clear memory
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
* Construct with raw byte array from the camera Callback
* The image is resize to be processed and transferred efficiently.
* The default re-size limit is 512
* @param byteArray byte array from camera callback
public Image(byte[] byteArray) {
this(byteArray, ResizeSettings.CAMERA_STANDARD);
* Construct with raw byte array from the camera Callback
* The default size is 512, it is allowed to be customized. Use ResizeSettings.HIGH to
* set the resize limit to 1024.
* For images with finer patterns, it is recommended to use a large size.Noted that to required
* a large size image for upload search takes higher network bandwidth and longer response time.
* If rotation angle is not indicated, no rotation is performed. The image might not be in the
* correct orientation
* @param byteArray byte array from camera callback
* @param resizeSettings resize setting
public Image(byte[] byteArray, ResizeSettings resizeSettings) {
this(byteArray, resizeSettings, 0);
* Construct with raw byte array from the camera Callback
* The default size is 512, it is allowed to be customized. Use ResizeSettings.HIGH to
* set the resize limit to 1024.
* For images with finer patterns, it is recommended to use a large size.Noted that to required
* a large size image for upload search takes higher network bandwidth and longer response time.
* The captured image will be in landscape for most of the hardware, set rotation value to rotate
* the image to the correct one
* @param byteArray byte array from camera callback
* @param resizeSettings resize setting
* @param rotation set rotation angle of the image
public Image(byte[] byteArray, ResizeSettings resizeSettings, float rotation) {
//get image info from byte array
BitmapFactory.Options bitmapOptions = new BitmapFactory.Options();
bitmapOptions.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(byteArray, 0, byteArray.length, bitmapOptions);
//find the optimal inSampleSize, with memory constrain
scaleFactor = calculateScaleFactor(bitmapOptions, resizeSettings);
//use the scale factor to decode the image from file path
bitmapOptions.inJustDecodeBounds = false;
bitmapOptions.inDensity = 10000;
bitmapOptions.inTargetDensity = (int) ((float) bitmapOptions.inDensity * scaleFactor);
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(byteArray, 0, byteArray.length, bitmapOptions);
Log.d(IMAGE_TAG, "scale bitmap to fit the size: " + bitmap.getWidth() + " x " + bitmap.getHeight());
//rotate the image if the given angle
if (rotation != 0f) {
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight(), matrix, true);
//get image byte array, use lower quality for byte array (COMPRESS_QUALITY_CAMERA)
ByteArrayOutputStream outs = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, resizeSettings.getCompressQuality(), outs);
this.byteArray = outs.toByteArray();
* Set the coordinates of a region in the image for search, the coordinates needs to be
* set with respect to the original size of the image
* @param x1 top-left corner x-coordinate
* @param y1 top-left corner y-coordinate
* @param x2 bottom-right corner x-coordinate
* @param y2 bottom-right corner y-coordinate
* @return this instance.
public Image setBox(Integer x1, Integer y1, Integer x2, Integer y2) {
float scale = getScaleFactor();
//need to scale the coordinates down to fit the re-sized image
box = new Box((int) (x1 * scale), (int) (y1 * scale), (int) (x2 * scale), (int) (y2 * scale));
Log.d(IMAGE_TAG, "box size: " + box.getX1() + ", " + box.getY1() + ", " + box.getX2() + ", " + box.getY2());
return this;
* return the image byte array after resize and compression
* @return image byte array
public byte[] getByteArray() {
return byteArray;
* get the scale factor
* @return scale factor
public float getScaleFactor() {
return scaleFactor;
* Get the {@link Box Box}
* @return Region in the image for search
public Box getBox() {
return box;
* Down sample the bitmap if its size exceeds the limit
private float calculateScaleFactor(BitmapFactory.Options options, ResizeSettings resizeSettings) {
int originalHeight = options.outHeight;
int originalWidth = options.outWidth;
int targetHeight = resizeSettings.getMaxHeight();
int targetWidth = resizeSettings.getMaxWidth();
float scale;
Log.d(IMAGE_TAG, "original image size: " + originalWidth + " x " + originalHeight);
//get the smaller ratio to fit the resize image to the target space
scale = ( targetWidth / (float)originalWidth < targetHeight / (float)originalHeight)
? targetWidth / (float)originalWidth : targetHeight / (float)originalHeight;
//do not upscale
if (scale > 1f)
scale = 1f;
Log.d(IMAGE_TAG, "scale factor: " + scale);
return scale;
* resize settings
public static class ResizeSettings {
* max size for low, medium and high
private static final int STANDARD_SIZE = 512;
private static final int LARGE_SIZE = 1024;
private static final int COMPRESS_QUALITY = 98; //compression quality
private static final int COMPRESS_QUALITY_LOW = 97; //compression quality for camera callback
public static final ResizeSettings STANDARD = new ResizeSettings(
public static final ResizeSettings HIGH = new ResizeSettings(
public static final ResizeSettings CAMERA_STANDARD = new ResizeSettings(
public static final ResizeSettings CAMERA_HIGH = new ResizeSettings(
private int maxWidth;
private int maxHeight;
private int compressQuality;
public ResizeSettings(int maxWidth, int maxHeight, int compressQuality) {
this.maxWidth = maxWidth < LARGE_SIZE ? maxWidth : LARGE_SIZE;
this.maxHeight = maxHeight < LARGE_SIZE ? maxHeight : LARGE_SIZE;
if (compressQuality < 0)
compressQuality = 0;
if (compressQuality > 100)
compressQuality = 100;
this.compressQuality = compressQuality;
public int getMaxWidth() {
return maxWidth;
public int getMaxHeight() {
return maxHeight;
public int getCompressQuality() {
return compressQuality;
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