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from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import cv2
img = cv2.imread('/Users/mustafa/test.jpg')
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
plt.title('my picture')
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What should we do if we get: "AttributeError: module 'cv2.cv2' has no attribute 'COLOR_BGR2RBG'"


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delarco commented Aug 16, 2021

We can also use display() of IPython.display module and Image.fromarray() of PIL module

from PIL import Image
import cv2 
from IPython.display import display

img = cv2.imread('image.png') # with the OpenCV function imread(), the order of colors is BGR (blue, green, red).

# In Pillow, the order of colors is assumed to be RGB (red, green, blue).
# As we are using Image.fromarray() of PIL module, we need to convert BGR to RGB.

img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # Converting BGR to RGB


Worked really nice! Thank you so much!

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r0oland commented Nov 16, 2022

Here is a simple function based on the code above to display the image with an optional title.

def show_rgb_image(image, title=None, conversion=cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB):

    # Converts from one colour space to the other. this is needed as RGB
    # is not the default colour space for OpenCV
    image = cv2.cvtColor(image, conversion)

    # Show the image

    # remove the axis / ticks for a clean looking image

    # if a title is provided, show it
    if title is not None:

Usage is simple:

image = cv2.imread(r'c:\Users\johan\Pictures\road.jpg')
show_rgb_image(image, 'Original Image')


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One more example for displaying a color image. Matplot lib expects img in RGB format but OpenCV provides it in BGR.

RGB_im = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

Screenshot from 2024-06-08 12-44-04
Screenshot from 2024-06-08 12-44-26

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