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msullivan / aoc-1.edgeql
Last active December 1, 2022 20:05
advent of code day 1 in edgeql
# I made an object Input with a data property, which made it easier to
# develop this in the CLI. It also works fine to make the input a parameter.
input := (select Input filter .day = 1).data,
# input := <str>$0,
grps := array_unpack(str_split(input[:-1], '\n\n')),
sums := (for grp in grps union (
with entries := <int64>array_unpack(str_split(grp, '\n')),
select sum(entries)
msullivan / stlc-tuples.elf
Last active November 3, 2021 07:42
twelf formalization and type safety for simply typed lambda calculus with n-ary tuples
%%%% Formalization of a simply typed lambda-calculus with n-ary tuples.
% I decided to do this because it seemed like something small and
% interesting that was definitely not on the twelf wiki as a case
% study or a tutorial. n-ary tuples are a great feature in that they
% add no expressive power over pairs but are a much bigger pain to
% machine formalize!
% Doing it on paper is mostly just a matter of sprinkling "subscript i"
% and "..." around, but is otherwise pretty straightforward.