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Last active April 6, 2017 21:08
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Sutherland-Hodgman clipping algorithm in rust
// Sutherland-Hodgman clipping algorithm, translated naively from :
// and posted back on :
struct Point {
x: f64,
y: f64
struct Polygon(Vec<Point>);
fn is_inside(p: &Point, cp1: &Point, cp2: &Point) -> bool {
(cp2.x - cp1.x) * (p.y - cp1.y) > (cp2.y - cp1.y) * (p.x - cp1.x)
fn compute_intersection(cp1: &Point, cp2: &Point, s: &Point, e: &Point) -> Point {
let dc = Point {x: cp1.x - cp2.x, y: cp1.y - cp2.y};
let dp = Point {x: s.x - e.x, y: s.y - e.y};
let n1 = cp1.x * cp2.y - cp1.y * cp2.x;
let n2 = s.x * e.y - s.y * e.x;
let n3 = 1.0 / (dc.x * dp.y - dc.y * dp.x);
Point {
x: (n1 * dp.x - n2 * dc.x) * n3,
y: (n1 * dp.y - n2 * dc.y) * n3
fn sutherland_hodgman_clip(subject_polygon: &Polygon, clip_polygon: &Polygon) -> Polygon {
let mut result_ring = subject_polygon.0.clone();
let mut cp1 = clip_polygon.0.last().unwrap();
for cp2 in clip_polygon.0.iter() {
let input = result_ring;
let mut s = input.last().unwrap();
result_ring = vec![];
for e in input.iter() {
if is_inside(&e, &cp1, &cp2) {
if !is_inside(&s, &cp1, &cp2){
result_ring.push(compute_intersection(&cp1, &cp2, &s, &e));
} else if is_inside(&s, &cp1, &cp2){
result_ring.push(compute_intersection(&cp1, &cp2, &s, &e));
s = e;
cp1 = cp2;
fn main(){
let _p = |x: f64, y: f64| Point {x: x, y: y};
let subject_polygon = Polygon(
vec![_p(50.0, 150.0), _p(200.0, 50.0), _p(350.0, 150.0), _p(350.0, 300.0),
_p(250.0, 300.0), _p(200.0, 250.0), _p(150.0, 350.0), _p(100.0, 250.0), _p(100.0, 200.0)]);
let clip_polygon = Polygon(
vec![_p(100.0, 100.0), _p(300.0, 100.0), _p(300.0, 300.0), _p(100.0, 300.0)]);
let result = Sutherland_Hodgman_clip(&subject_polygon, &clip_polygon);
println!("{:?}", result);
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