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Created April 4, 2017 22:13
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"use strict";
var sin = Math.sin,
cos = Math.cos,
tan = Math.tan,
acos = Math.acos,
asin = Math.asin,
atan2 = Math.atan2,
PI = Math.PI;
var ISEA_PLANE = Symbol('ISEA_PLANE'),
var constants = [
{g: 23.80018260, G: 62.15458023, theta: 60.0, ea_w: 3.75, ea_a: 1.033, ea_b: 0.968, g_w: 5.09, g_a: 1.195, g_b: 1.0},
{g: 20.07675127, G: 55.69063953, theta: 54.0, ea_w: 2.65, ea_a: 1.030, ea_b: 0.983, g_w: 3.59, g_a: 1.141, g_b: 1.027},
{g: 0.0, G: 0.0, theta: 0.0, ea_w: 0.0, ea_a: 0.0, ea_b: 0.0, g_w: 0.0, g_a: 0.0, g_b: 0.0},
{g: 0.0, G: 0.0, theta: 0.0, ea_w: 0.0, ea_a: 0.0, ea_b: 0.0, g_w: 0.0, g_a: 0.0, g_b: 0.0},
{g: 0.0, G: 0.0, theta: 0.0, ea_w: 0.0, ea_a: 0.0, ea_b: 0.0, g_w: 0.0, g_a: 0.0, g_b: 0.0},
{g: 0.0, G: 0.0, theta: 0.0, ea_w: 0.0, ea_a: 0.0, ea_b: 0.0, g_w: 0.0, g_a: 0.0, g_b: 0.0},
{g: 37.37736814, G: 36.0, theta: 30.0, ea_w: 17.27, ea_a: 1.163, ea_b: 0.860, g_w: 13.14, g_a: 1.584, g_b: 1.0}
var TABLE_G = 0.6615845383,
TABLE_H = 0.1909830056,
RPRIME = 0.91038328153090290025,
ISEA_STD_LAT = 1.01722196792335072101,
ISEA_STD_LON = 0.19634954084936207740,
PRECISION = 0.0000000000005;
var E = 52.62263186,
F = 10.81231696,
DEG60 = 1.04719755119659774614,
DEG120 = 2.09439510239319549229,
DEG72 = 1.25663706143591729537,
DEG90 = 1.57079632679489661922,
DEG144 = 2.51327412287183459075,
DEG36 = 0.62831853071795864768,
DEG108 = 1.88495559215387594306,
DEG180 = PI,
ISEA_SCALE = 0.8301572857837594396028083,
V_LAT = 0.46364760899944494524,
RAD2DEG = (180 / PI),
DEG2RAD = (PI / 180),
E_RAD = 0.91843818702186776133,
F_RAD = 0.18871053072122403508;
var tri_v1 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11];
var vertex = [
[0.0, DEG90],
[DEG180, V_LAT],
[-DEG108, V_LAT],
[-DEG36, V_LAT],
[DEG36, V_LAT],
[DEG108, V_LAT],
[-DEG144, -V_LAT],
[-DEG72, -V_LAT],
[0.0, -V_LAT],
[DEG72, -V_LAT],
[DEG144, -V_LAT],
[0.0, -DEG90]
var icostriangles = [
[0.0, 0.0],
[-DEG144, E_RAD],
[-DEG72, E_RAD],
[0.0, E_RAD],
[DEG72, E_RAD],
[DEG144, E_RAD],
[-DEG144, F_RAD],
[-DEG72, F_RAD],
[0.0, F_RAD],
[DEG72, F_RAD],
[DEG144, F_RAD],
[-DEG108, -F_RAD],
[-DEG36, -F_RAD],
[DEG36, -F_RAD],
[DEG108, -F_RAD],
[DEG180, -F_RAD],
[-DEG108, -E_RAD],
[-DEG36, -E_RAD],
[DEG36, -E_RAD],
[DEG108, -E_RAD],
[DEG180, -E_RAD]
function isea_triangle_xy(triangle){
triangle = (triangle - 1) % 20;
var c = {};
c.x = TABLE_G * ((triangle % 5) - 2) * 2.0;
if (triangle > 9) {
c.x += TABLE_G;
let t = Math.floor(triangle / 5);
if(t == 0){
c.y = 5.0 * TABLE_H;
} else if (t == 1){
c.y = TABLE_H;
} else if (t == 2){
c.y = -TABLE_H;
} else if (t == 3){
c.y = -5.0 * TABLE_H;
} else {
c.y = -5.0 * TABLE_H;
console.log("Error; t = ", t);
c.x *= RPRIME;
c.y *= RPRIME;
return c;
function isea_rotate(pt, degrees){
var x, y,
rad = -degrees * PI / 180.0;
while (rad >= 2.0 * PI) rad -= 2.0 * PI;
while (rad <= -2.0 * PI) rad += 2.0 * PI;
x = pt.x * cos(rad) + pt.y * sin(rad);
y = -pt.x * sin(rad) + pt.y * cos(rad);
pt.x = x;
pt.y = y;
function _downtri(tri){ return (((tri - 1) / 5) % 2 == 1); }
function isea_tri_plane(tri, pt, radius){
var tc = {};
isea_rotate(pt, 180);
tc = isea_triangle_xy(tri);
tc.x *= radius;
tc.y *= radius;
pt.x += tc.x;
pt.y += tc.y;
return tri;
function az_adjustment(triangle){
var v = vertex[tri_v1[triangle]],
c = icostriangles[triangle];
v = {lon: v[0], lat: v[1]};
c = {lon: c[0], lat: c[1]};
return atan2(
cos( * sin(v.lon - c.lon),
cos( * sin( - sin( * cos( * cos(v.lon - c.lon)
function sph_azimuth(f_lon, f_lat, t_lon, t_lat){
return atan2(
cos(t_lat) * sin(t_lon - f_lon),
cos(f_lat) * sin(t_lat) - sin(f_lat) * cos(t_lat) * cos(t_lon - f_lon)
function isea_snyder_forward(ll, out){
var i, g, G, theta, q, H, Ag, Azprime, Az, dprime, f, rho, x, y;
var cot_theta, tan_g, az_offset, Az_adjust_multiples, c;
theta = c.theta * DEG2RAD;
g = c.g * DEG2RAD;
G = c.G * DEG2RAD;
for(i=1; i <= 20; i++){
var center = icostriangles[i], z;
center = {lon: center[0], lat: center[1]};
z = acos(sin( * sin( + cos( * cos( * cos(ll.lon - center.lon));
if (z > g + 0.000005){
Az = sph_azimuth(center.lon,, ll.lon,;
az_offset = az_adjustment(i);
Az -= az_offset;
if (Az < 0.0) {
Az += 2.0 * PI;
Az_adjust_multiples = 0;
while (Az < 0.0) {
Az += DEG120;
while (Az > DEG120 + 0.000005) {
Az -= DEG120;
cot_theta = 1.0 / tan(theta);
tan_g = tan(g);
q = atan2(tan_g, cos(Az) + sin(Az) * cot_theta);
if (z > q + 0.000005) {
H = acos(sin(Az) * sin(G) * cos(g) - cos(Az) * cos(G));
Ag = Az + G + H - DEG180;
Azprime = atan2(2.0 * Ag, RPRIME * RPRIME * tan_g * tan_g - 2.0 * Ag * cot_theta);
dprime = RPRIME * tan_g / (cos(Azprime) + sin(Azprime) * cot_theta);
f = dprime / (2.0 * RPRIME * sin(q / 2.0));
rho = 2.0 * RPRIME * f * sin(z / 2.0);
Azprime += DEG120 * Az_adjust_multiples;
x = rho * sin(Azprime);
y = rho * cos(Azprime);
out.x = x;
out.y = y;
return i;
console.log("Error - Not supposed to happend");
function snyder_ctran(np, pt){
var npt = {},
alpha, phi, lambda, lambda0, beta,
lambdap, phip, sin_phip, lp_b, cos_p, sin_a;
phi =; lambda = pt.lon;
alpha =; beta = np.lon;
lambda0 = beta;
cos_p = cos(phi);
sin_a = sin(alpha);
sin_phip = sin_a * sin(phi) - cos(alpha) * cos_p * cos(lambda - lambda0);
lp_b = atan2(cos_p * sin(lambda - lambda0),
(sin_a * cos_p * cos(lambda - lambda0) + cos(alpha) * sin(phi)));
lp_b = atan2(cos_p * sin(lambda - lambda0),
(sin_a * cos_p * cos(lambda - lambda0) + cos(alpha) * sin(phi)));
lambdap = lp_b + beta;
lp_b = atan2(cos_p * sin(lambda - lambda0),
(sin_a * cos_p * cos(lambda - lambda0) + cos(alpha) * sin(phi)));
lambdap = lp_b + beta;
lambdap = lp_b + beta;
lambdap = lambdap % (2 * PI);
while (lambdap > PI)
lambdap -= 2 * PI;
while (lambdap < -PI)
lambdap += 2 * PI;
phip = asin(sin_phip); = phip;
npt.lon = lambdap;
return npt;
function isea_ctran(np, pt, lon0){
var npt = {};
np.lon += PI;
npt = snyder_ctran(np, pt);
np.lon -= PI;
npt.lon -= (PI - lon0 + np.lon);
npt.lon += PI;
npt.lon = npt.lon % (2 * PI);
while (npt.lon > PI)
npt.lon -= 2 * PI;
while (npt.lon < -PI)
npt.lon += 2 * PI;
return npt;
function isea_grid_init(g){
if(!g) return 0;
g['polyhedron'] = 20;
g['o_lat'] = ISEA_STD_LAT;
g['o_lon'] = ISEA_STD_LON;
g['o_az'] = 0;
g['aperture'] = 4;
g['resolution'] = 6;
g['radius'] = 1.0;
g['topology'] = 6;
return 1;
function isea_orient_isea(g){
if(!g) return 0;
g['o_lat'] = ISEA_STD_LAT;
g['o_lon'] = ISEA_STD_LON;
g['o_az'] = 0;
return 1;
function isea_orient_pole(g){
if(!g) return 0;
g['o_lat'] = PI / 2;
g['o_lon'] = 0;
g['o_az'] = 0;
return 1;
function isea_transform(g, _in, _out){
var i, pole = {}, tri; = g.o_lat;
pole.lon = g.o_lon;
i = isea_ctran(pole, _in, g['o_az']);
tri = isea_snyder_forward(i, _out);
_out.x *= g.radius;
_out.y *= g.radius;
g.triangle = tri;
return tri;
var isea_forward = function(params, _in){
var tri, _out = {}, coord;
tri = isea_transform(params, _in, _out);
if(params['output'] == ISEA_PLANE){
isea_tri_plane(tri, _out, params['radius']);
return _out;
function IcosahedralSnyderEqualArea(orient="isea"){
var params = {};
params['output'] = ISEA_PLANE;
// params['resolution'] = 4;
// params['aperture'] = 3;
if(orient == "isea"){
} else if (orient == "pole"){
return function(lambda, phi){
var out = isea_forward(params, {lon: lambda, lat: phi});
return [out.x, out.y];
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