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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Save mtrovilho/1b6212e6740a0c7ecd73 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Helper to monitor network stats (speedtest_cli) via
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
DESTINATION = "#{Dir.home}/Dropbox/Public/TheDash"
SPEEDTEST_CLI_EXEC = 'speedtest_cli'
# You can add --server ID to use always the same server (for full list see speedtest_cli --help)
# Ex:
# 2487) TVA - Comercial Cabo TV São Paulo (Sao Paulo, Brazil) [19.00 km]
# 3068) TIM Brasil (Sao Paulo, Brazil) [19.00 km]
# 3971) America Net (Barueri, Brazil) [36.96 km]
# 4003) T-Systems Brasil (Barueri, Brazil) [36.96 km]
# 3298) Louvetel Comunicação Comercial Ltda. (Louveira, Brazil) [75.67 km]
def extract_data( data )
regex = '(?<value>[[:digit:].]+) (?<unit>[[:alpha:]\/]+)'
ping: /^Ping: #{regex}$/.match( data ),
upload: /^Upload: #{regex}$/.match( data ),
download: /^Download: #{regex}$/.match( data )
def data_to_json( data )
value = data[:value].to_f.round( 1 )
unit = data[:unit]
unit = 'Mbps' if unit == 'Mbits/s'
"{\"value\":#{value},\"formatted\":\"#{value} #{unit}\"}\n"
def data_to_csv( *data )
values = {|i| i[:value].to_f.round( 1 ) }
time = '%m/%d %H:%M' )
"#{time},#{values.join( ',' )}\n"
def write_to_file( contents, filename, mode = 'w' ) "#{DESTINATION}/#{filename}", mode ) do |f|
f.write contents
speedtest_bin = %x{which #{SPEEDTEST_CLI_EXEC}}.chomp
fail( "#{} - #{SPEEDTEST_CLI_EXEC} not found" ) if $?.exitstatus != 0
output = %x{#{speedtest_bin} #{SPEEDTEST_CLI_FLAGS}}
fail( "#{} - #{SPEEDTEST_CLI_EXEC} error: #{output}" ) if $?.exitstatus != 0
# parse data
data = extract_data( output )
# json
ping_json = data_to_json( data[:ping] )
download_json = data_to_json( data[:download] )
upload_json = data_to_json( data[:upload] )
# csv
ping_csv = data_to_csv( data[:ping] )
speeds_csv = data_to_csv( data[:download], data[:upload] )
# write json
write_to_file( ping_json, 'ping.json' )
write_to_file( download_json, 'download.json' )
write_to_file( upload_json, 'upload.json' )
# write csv
write_to_file( ping_csv, 'ping.csv', 'a' )
write_to_file( speeds_csv, 'speeds.csv', 'a' )
1. Install speedtest_cli (brew or
2. Configure app.rb header
3. Create this plist at: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/org.trovilho.speedtest_the_dash.plist
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
4. Load with: launchctl load org.trovilho.speedtest_the_dash.plist
5. Configure The Dash:
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