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Created July 24, 2014 13:56
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Save mudassir0909/2d5c50a411829733d547 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A hacky plugin to display "No results found" message on selectize. Don't use this along with "dropdown_header" plugin though.
Selectize doesn't display anything to let the user know there are no results.
This is a temporary patch to display a no results option when there are no
options to select for the user.
Selectize.define( 'no_results', function( options ) {
var self = this;
options = $.extend({
message: 'No results found.',
html: function(data) {
return (
'<div class="selectize-dropdown ' + data.classNames + ' dropdown-empty-message">' +
'<div class="selectize-dropdown-content">' + data.message + '</div>' +
}, options );
self.displayEmptyResultsMessage = function () {
this.$empty_results_container.css( 'top', this.$control.outerHeight() );
self.refreshOptions = (function () {
var original = self.refreshOptions;
return function () {
original.apply( self, arguments );
this.hasOptions ? this.$empty_results_container.hide() :
self.onKeyDown = (function () {
var original = self.onKeyDown;
return function ( e ) {
original.apply( self, arguments );
if ( e.keyCode === 27 ) {
self.onBlur = (function () {
var original = self.onBlur;
return function () {
original.apply( self, arguments );
self.setup = (function() {
var original = self.setup;
return function() {
original.apply(self, arguments);
self.$empty_results_container = $( options.html( $.extend( {
classNames: self.$input.attr( 'class' ) }, options ) ) );
self.$empty_results_container.insertBefore( self.$dropdown );
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temuri416 commented May 19, 2016

Thanks, works great!

There's only one quirk - the "no results" message is displayed after init if selectize has no options. Can it be modified to only do it following keyboard events?



This fork contains the fix:

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