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Mark Vogelgesang mvogelgesang

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mvogelgesang / apexTestOutput.json
Created May 14, 2024 23:57
Example output when running apex tests with the Salesforce CLI. `sf apex run test --json -w 10 -c`
"status": 0,
"result": {
"summary": {
"failRate": "0%",
"failing": 0,
"hostname": "",
"orgId": "00DDE000005EMmV2AW",
"outcome": "Passed",
"passRate": "100%",
mvogelgesang /
Last active January 26, 2024 20:23
a shell script to install a local development environment
# Copy this file to a local directory
# Open terminal in directory containing this file
# change permissions of file to allow execution: chmod 700
# run: ./
# You will be asked if you want to run in dry-run mode, I suggest doing this first
# and you can selectively comment out applications that you do not need.
mvogelgesang /
Created August 7, 2023 18:20
A custom function for Google Sheets to turn a spreadsheet range into a Markdown Table
* Produced a table in markdown format
* @param {Range} inputRange The range of data to markdown-ify
* @param {boolean} includesHeader does the data have a header? defaults to true.
* @return {string} Range in markdown table format.
* @customfunction
function markdownTable(inputRange, includesHeader = true) {
let tableOutput = '';
mvogelgesang / Environment_Hub_Admin.permissionset-meta.xml
Created June 8, 2023 14:04
Partner Business Org - Environment Hub Permission Set
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PermissionSet xmlns="">
<description>Permission set following guidelines in</description>
<label>Environment Hub Admin</label>
mvogelgesang / FileList2CSV.js
Created April 11, 2023 14:30
GDrive Files to CSV List
/* FileList2CSV
* This AppScript produces a Salesforce DataLoader-ready spreadheet that lists all files contained in a given Google Drive Folder.
* The script fetches file names and extracts ID's (via FILENAME_REGEX) to place into a spreadsheet
* Once the files are downloaded to a local machine, the resulting local file paths can be updated in VersionData and PathOnClient columns before download as CSV
* If files need to relate to a Salesforce record, Salesforce ID's should be entered into FirstPublishedLocationId
* Additional details on uploading files via DataLoader can be found at
var GDRIVE_FOLDER_ID = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty('folderId');
mvogelgesang /
Last active April 29, 2022 18:56
Given an input file containing a newID value and oldId value, perform a mass find/replace across a series of files
# set -x
# Given an input file containing a newID value and oldId value, perform a mass find/replace across a series of files
EXCLUDEDIR=/Users/mv/folder\ to\ exclude
SEARCHDIR=/Users/mv/search\ directory
mvogelgesang /
Created February 3, 2022 16:55
Find and Replace with RegEx Matching Groups


Had a pre-existing JSON file which was missing an attribute for website domain. Rather than manually editing each file, sought out a solution which could be applied across all files at once.


  "scanVersion": "0.0.1",
 "url": "",
const lorem = `Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, his constituto quaerendum ut, quem impetus eu vim, has ea aperiri voluptaria. Odio sint definiebas ea per. Te eos utinam noster. Iudico essent conceptam eum ex, graecis appetere vel ea, et qui sumo movet.
Id his corpora volutpat adipiscing, in nec denique iudicabit mnesarchum, vim accusata definitionem ei. Vix eu diceret aliquam partiendo, exerci dicunt ut eos, dicant insolens adolescens ea qui. Doming inermis inimicus id sea, ne simul senserit sapientem vix. Id mel enim dicat, ius falli mnesarchum in, te graeco mollis aeterno has. Dictas probatus et duo, id illum verear malorum eum. Eum ad error adversarium reprehendunt, mei ne dicam euripidis, elitr labitur id cum.
Prima eirmod fabulas vel id. Sed eius dicit voluptatum at, vel illud facilisi perpetua ea, at vim vitae essent. At has diam incorrupte, summo laudem eam no, maiorum nostrum invenire ad vix. In vim stet prima epicurei, vis at vidit convenire salutatus.
No cum case ludus definiebas, partiendo instructio
/* Adopted from an example provided by Ezekiel Lawson at LogRocket. Goal was to better understand the flow of Currying functions and bind().
// new function called curry which takes a function as an argument. In this case, the totalNum function is passed and it expects 3 arguments
const curry = (fn) => {
// returns a function called curried which takes the args and spreads them ...
return curried = (...args) => {
console.log("fn length: " + fn.length);
<!-- displays nofitication text on multiple lines ->
<aura:html tag="style">
.toastMessage.forceActionsText{ white-space : pre-line !important; }