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Created April 11, 2023 14:30
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GDrive Files to CSV List
/* FileList2CSV
* This AppScript produces a Salesforce DataLoader-ready spreadheet that lists all files contained in a given Google Drive Folder.
* The script fetches file names and extracts ID's (via FILENAME_REGEX) to place into a spreadsheet
* Once the files are downloaded to a local machine, the resulting local file paths can be updated in VersionData and PathOnClient columns before download as CSV
* If files need to relate to a Salesforce record, Salesforce ID's should be entered into FirstPublishedLocationId
* Additional details on uploading files via DataLoader can be found at
var GDRIVE_FOLDER_ID = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty('folderId');
var FOLDER = DriveApp.getFolderById(GDRIVE_FOLDER_ID);
var SUB_FOLDER_NAME = 'File List';
var DATETIME = dateTime(new Date());
var SHEET = SpreadsheetApp.create('File List_' + DATETIME);
var FILENAME_REGEX = /legacy_candidate_id=(\d+)/g;
function run() {
// check if subfolder exists, if not, create it
var subFolder = getSubFolder(SUB_FOLDER_NAME);
// move new sheet into subfolder
// add headers to sheet
// iterate through the list of files in parent folder, add rows
var files = FOLDER.getFiles();
while (files.hasNext()) {
var file =;
SHEET.appendRow([file.getName(), // title
parseCandidateId(file.getName()), // description
'', // versionData
'', // PathOnClient
'' // FirstPublishedLocationId
/* returns a Folder object for the subfolder that contains a list of files */
function getSubFolder(folderName) {
// create subfolder if not exists
var fileList = FOLDER.getFoldersByName(folderName);
// check if folder exists, if so, return Folder
if (fileList.hasNext()) {
// folder does not exist, create it and return it
else {
return FOLDER.createFolder(folderName);
function createHeaders() {
return ['Title','Description','VersionData','PathOnClient','FirstPublishedLocationId'];
/* Given a filename and a global regex, returns the ID or key value. If file does not match the pattern, returns empty string */
function parseCandidateId(fileName) {
var matchArray = [...fileName.matchAll(FILENAME_REGEX)];
return matchArray.length > 0 ? matchArray[0][1] : '';
/* constructs a date string in yyyymmdd_hhmmss format*/
function dateTime(date) {
return date.getFullYear().toString() + pad2(date.getMonth() + 1) + pad2( date.getDate()) + '_' + pad2(date.getHours()) + pad2(date.getMinutes()) + pad2( date.getSeconds());
/* used to add leading zero's to numbers that are less than 10
* input: 1
* output: 01
function pad2(n) { return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n }
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