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Last active May 27, 2024 04:36
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Save mwaterfall/25b4a6a06dc3309d9555 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Decoding HTML Entities in Swift
// Very slightly adapted from
// 99.99% Credit to Martin R!
// Mapping from XML/HTML character entity reference to character
// From
private let characterEntities : [String: Character] = [
// XML predefined entities:
""" : "\"",
"&" : "&",
"'" : "'",
"&lt;" : "<",
"&gt;" : ">",
// HTML character entity references:
"&nbsp;" : "\u{00A0}",
"&iexcl;" : "\u{00A1}",
"&cent;" : "\u{00A2}",
"&pound;" : "\u{00A3}",
"&curren;" : "\u{00A4}",
"&yen;" : "\u{00A5}",
"&brvbar;" : "\u{00A6}",
"&sect;" : "\u{00A7}",
"&uml;" : "\u{00A8}",
"&copy;" : "\u{00A9}",
"&ordf;" : "\u{00AA}",
"&laquo;" : "\u{00AB}",
"&not;" : "\u{00AC}",
"&shy;" : "\u{00AD}",
"&reg;" : "\u{00AE}",
"&macr;" : "\u{00AF}",
"&deg;" : "\u{00B0}",
"&plusmn;" : "\u{00B1}",
"&sup2;" : "\u{00B2}",
"&sup3;" : "\u{00B3}",
"&acute;" : "\u{00B4}",
"&micro;" : "\u{00B5}",
"&para;" : "\u{00B6}",
"&middot;" : "\u{00B7}",
"&cedil;" : "\u{00B8}",
"&sup1;" : "\u{00B9}",
"&ordm;" : "\u{00BA}",
"&raquo;" : "\u{00BB}",
"&frac14;" : "\u{00BC}",
"&frac12;" : "\u{00BD}",
"&frac34;" : "\u{00BE}",
"&iquest;" : "\u{00BF}",
"&Agrave;" : "\u{00C0}",
"&Aacute;" : "\u{00C1}",
"&Acirc;" : "\u{00C2}",
"&Atilde;" : "\u{00C3}",
"&Auml;" : "\u{00C4}",
"&Aring;" : "\u{00C5}",
"&AElig;" : "\u{00C6}",
"&Ccedil;" : "\u{00C7}",
"&Egrave;" : "\u{00C8}",
"&Eacute;" : "\u{00C9}",
"&Ecirc;" : "\u{00CA}",
"&Euml;" : "\u{00CB}",
"&Igrave;" : "\u{00CC}",
"&Iacute;" : "\u{00CD}",
"&Icirc;" : "\u{00CE}",
"&Iuml;" : "\u{00CF}",
"&ETH;" : "\u{00D0}",
"&Ntilde;" : "\u{00D1}",
"&Ograve;" : "\u{00D2}",
"&Oacute;" : "\u{00D3}",
"&Ocirc;" : "\u{00D4}",
"&Otilde;" : "\u{00D5}",
"&Ouml;" : "\u{00D6}",
"&times;" : "\u{00D7}",
"&Oslash;" : "\u{00D8}",
"&Ugrave;" : "\u{00D9}",
"&Uacute;" : "\u{00DA}",
"&Ucirc;" : "\u{00DB}",
"&Uuml;" : "\u{00DC}",
"&Yacute;" : "\u{00DD}",
"&THORN;" : "\u{00DE}",
"&szlig;" : "\u{00DF}",
"&agrave;" : "\u{00E0}",
"&aacute;" : "\u{00E1}",
"&acirc;" : "\u{00E2}",
"&atilde;" : "\u{00E3}",
"&auml;" : "\u{00E4}",
"&aring;" : "\u{00E5}",
"&aelig;" : "\u{00E6}",
"&ccedil;" : "\u{00E7}",
"&egrave;" : "\u{00E8}",
"&eacute;" : "\u{00E9}",
"&ecirc;" : "\u{00EA}",
"&euml;" : "\u{00EB}",
"&igrave;" : "\u{00EC}",
"&iacute;" : "\u{00ED}",
"&icirc;" : "\u{00EE}",
"&iuml;" : "\u{00EF}",
"&eth;" : "\u{00F0}",
"&ntilde;" : "\u{00F1}",
"&ograve;" : "\u{00F2}",
"&oacute;" : "\u{00F3}",
"&ocirc;" : "\u{00F4}",
"&otilde;" : "\u{00F5}",
"&ouml;" : "\u{00F6}",
"&divide;" : "\u{00F7}",
"&oslash;" : "\u{00F8}",
"&ugrave;" : "\u{00F9}",
"&uacute;" : "\u{00FA}",
"&ucirc;" : "\u{00FB}",
"&uuml;" : "\u{00FC}",
"&yacute;" : "\u{00FD}",
"&thorn;" : "\u{00FE}",
"&yuml;" : "\u{00FF}",
"&OElig;" : "\u{0152}",
"&oelig;" : "\u{0153}",
"&Scaron;" : "\u{0160}",
"&scaron;" : "\u{0161}",
"&Yuml;" : "\u{0178}",
"&fnof;" : "\u{0192}",
"&circ;" : "\u{02C6}",
"&tilde;" : "\u{02DC}",
"&Alpha;" : "\u{0391}",
"&Beta;" : "\u{0392}",
"&Gamma;" : "\u{0393}",
"&Delta;" : "\u{0394}",
"&Epsilon;" : "\u{0395}",
"&Zeta;" : "\u{0396}",
"&Eta;" : "\u{0397}",
"&Theta;" : "\u{0398}",
"&Iota;" : "\u{0399}",
"&Kappa;" : "\u{039A}",
"&Lambda;" : "\u{039B}",
"&Mu;" : "\u{039C}",
"&Nu;" : "\u{039D}",
"&Xi;" : "\u{039E}",
"&Omicron;" : "\u{039F}",
"&Pi;" : "\u{03A0}",
"&Rho;" : "\u{03A1}",
"&Sigma;" : "\u{03A3}",
"&Tau;" : "\u{03A4}",
"&Upsilon;" : "\u{03A5}",
"&Phi;" : "\u{03A6}",
"&Chi;" : "\u{03A7}",
"&Psi;" : "\u{03A8}",
"&Omega;" : "\u{03A9}",
"&alpha;" : "\u{03B1}",
"&beta;" : "\u{03B2}",
"&gamma;" : "\u{03B3}",
"&delta;" : "\u{03B4}",
"&epsilon;" : "\u{03B5}",
"&zeta;" : "\u{03B6}",
"&eta;" : "\u{03B7}",
"&theta;" : "\u{03B8}",
"&iota;" : "\u{03B9}",
"&kappa;" : "\u{03BA}",
"&lambda;" : "\u{03BB}",
"&mu;" : "\u{03BC}",
"&nu;" : "\u{03BD}",
"&xi;" : "\u{03BE}",
"&omicron;" : "\u{03BF}",
"&pi;" : "\u{03C0}",
"&rho;" : "\u{03C1}",
"&sigmaf;" : "\u{03C2}",
"&sigma;" : "\u{03C3}",
"&tau;" : "\u{03C4}",
"&upsilon;" : "\u{03C5}",
"&phi;" : "\u{03C6}",
"&chi;" : "\u{03C7}",
"&psi;" : "\u{03C8}",
"&omega;" : "\u{03C9}",
"&thetasym;" : "\u{03D1}",
"&upsih;" : "\u{03D2}",
"&piv;" : "\u{03D6}",
"&ensp;" : "\u{2002}",
"&emsp;" : "\u{2003}",
"&thinsp;" : "\u{2009}",
"&zwnj;" : "\u{200C}",
"&zwj;" : "\u{200D}",
"&lrm;" : "\u{200E}",
"&rlm;" : "\u{200F}",
"&ndash;" : "\u{2013}",
"&mdash;" : "\u{2014}",
"&lsquo;" : "\u{2018}",
"&rsquo;" : "\u{2019}",
"&sbquo;" : "\u{201A}",
"&ldquo;" : "\u{201C}",
"&rdquo;" : "\u{201D}",
"&bdquo;" : "\u{201E}",
"&dagger;" : "\u{2020}",
"&Dagger;" : "\u{2021}",
"&bull;" : "\u{2022}",
"&hellip;" : "\u{2026}",
"&permil;" : "\u{2030}",
"&prime;" : "\u{2032}",
"&Prime;" : "\u{2033}",
"&lsaquo;" : "\u{2039}",
"&rsaquo;" : "\u{203A}",
"&oline;" : "\u{203E}",
"&frasl;" : "\u{2044}",
"&euro;" : "\u{20AC}",
"&image;" : "\u{2111}",
"&weierp;" : "\u{2118}",
"&real;" : "\u{211C}",
"&trade;" : "\u{2122}",
"&alefsym;" : "\u{2135}",
"&larr;" : "\u{2190}",
"&uarr;" : "\u{2191}",
"&rarr;" : "\u{2192}",
"&darr;" : "\u{2193}",
"&harr;" : "\u{2194}",
"&crarr;" : "\u{21B5}",
"&lArr;" : "\u{21D0}",
"&uArr;" : "\u{21D1}",
"&rArr;" : "\u{21D2}",
"&dArr;" : "\u{21D3}",
"&hArr;" : "\u{21D4}",
"&forall;" : "\u{2200}",
"&part;" : "\u{2202}",
"&exist;" : "\u{2203}",
"&empty;" : "\u{2205}",
"&nabla;" : "\u{2207}",
"&isin;" : "\u{2208}",
"&notin;" : "\u{2209}",
"&ni;" : "\u{220B}",
"&prod;" : "\u{220F}",
"&sum;" : "\u{2211}",
"&minus;" : "\u{2212}",
"&lowast;" : "\u{2217}",
"&radic;" : "\u{221A}",
"&prop;" : "\u{221D}",
"&infin;" : "\u{221E}",
"&ang;" : "\u{2220}",
"&and;" : "\u{2227}",
"&or;" : "\u{2228}",
"&cap;" : "\u{2229}",
"&cup;" : "\u{222A}",
"&int;" : "\u{222B}",
"&there4;" : "\u{2234}",
"&sim;" : "\u{223C}",
"&cong;" : "\u{2245}",
"&asymp;" : "\u{2248}",
"&ne;" : "\u{2260}",
"&equiv;" : "\u{2261}",
"&le;" : "\u{2264}",
"&ge;" : "\u{2265}",
"&sub;" : "\u{2282}",
"&sup;" : "\u{2283}",
"&nsub;" : "\u{2284}",
"&sube;" : "\u{2286}",
"&supe;" : "\u{2287}",
"&oplus;" : "\u{2295}",
"&otimes;" : "\u{2297}",
"&perp;" : "\u{22A5}",
"&sdot;" : "\u{22C5}",
"&lceil;" : "\u{2308}",
"&rceil;" : "\u{2309}",
"&lfloor;" : "\u{230A}",
"&rfloor;" : "\u{230B}",
"&lang;" : "\u{2329}",
"&rang;" : "\u{232A}",
"&loz;" : "\u{25CA}",
"&spades;" : "\u{2660}",
"&clubs;" : "\u{2663}",
"&hearts;" : "\u{2665}",
"&diams;" : "\u{2666}",
extension String {
/// Returns a new string made by replacing in the `String`
/// all HTML character entity references with the corresponding
/// character.
var stringByDecodingHTMLEntities: String {
return decodeHTMLEntities().decodedString
/// Returns a tuple containing the string made by relpacing in the
/// `String` all HTML character entity references with the corresponding
/// character. Also returned is an array of offset information describing
/// the location and length offsets for each replacement. This allows
/// for the correct adjust any attributes that may be associated with
/// with substrings within the `String`
func decodeHTMLEntities() -> (decodedString: String, replacementOffsets: [(index: String.Index, offset: String.Index.Distance)]) {
// ===== Utility functions =====
// Record the index offsets of each replacement
// This allows anyone to correctly adjust any attributes that may be
// associated with substrings within the string
var replacementOffsets: [(index: String.Index, offset: String.Index.Distance)] = []
// Convert the number in the string to the corresponding
// Unicode character, e.g.
// decodeNumeric("64", 10) --> "@"
// decodeNumeric("20ac", 16) --> "€"
func decodeNumeric(string : String, base : Int32) -> Character? {
let code = UInt32(strtoul(string, nil, base))
return Character(UnicodeScalar(code))
// Decode the HTML character entity to the corresponding
// Unicode character, return `nil` for invalid input.
// decode("&#64;") --> "@"
// decode("&#x20ac;") --> "€"
// decode("&lt;") --> "<"
// decode("&foo;") --> nil
func decode(entity : String) -> Character? {
if entity.hasPrefix("&#x") || entity.hasPrefix("&#X"){
return decodeNumeric(entity.substringFromIndex(advance(entity.startIndex, 3)), 16)
} else if entity.hasPrefix("&#") {
return decodeNumeric(entity.substringFromIndex(advance(entity.startIndex, 2)), 10)
} else {
return characterEntities[entity]
// ===== Method starts here =====
var result = ""
var position = startIndex
// Find the next '&' and copy the characters preceding it to `result`:
while let ampRange = self.rangeOfString("&", range: position ..< endIndex) {
result.extend(self[position ..< ampRange.startIndex])
position = ampRange.startIndex
// Find the next ';' and copy everything from '&' to ';' into `entity`
if let semiRange = self.rangeOfString(";", range: position ..< endIndex) {
let entity = self[position ..< semiRange.endIndex]
if let decoded = decode(entity) {
// Replace by decoded character:
// Record offset
let offset = (index: semiRange.endIndex, offset: 1 - distance(position, semiRange.endIndex))
} else {
// Invalid entity, copy verbatim:
position = semiRange.endIndex
} else {
// No matching ';'.
// Copy remaining characters to `result`:
result.extend(self[position ..< endIndex])
// Return results
return (decodedString: result, replacementOffsets: replacementOffsets)
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@augustorsouza: had the same issue. Here fore future reference:

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nyxee commented Jun 5, 2017

extension String {
    func htmlDecoded()->String {
        guard (self != "") else { return self }
        var newStr = self
        // from
        let entities = [ //a dictionary of HTM/XML entities.
            "&quot;"    : "\"",
            "&amp;"     : "&",
            "&apos;"    : "'",
            "&lt;"      : "<",
            "&gt;"      : ">",
            "&deg;"     : "º",
        for (name,value) in entities {
            newStr = newStr.replacingOccurrences(of: name, with: value)
        return newStr

var input = "Mostly dry. Warm (max 28&deg;C on Thu morning, min 13&deg;C on Wed night). Wind will be generally light."
var output = input.htmlDecoded()

some manual work needed to extend the above for Swift 3.

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nyxee commented Jun 5, 2017

@marbetschar any links on how to use the example you linked to?

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Swift 4 anyone? Many changes and updates to the original approach.

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for swift 3 :-

extension String {

/// Returns a new string made by replacing in the `String`
/// all HTML character entity references with the corresponding
/// character.
var stringByDecodingHTMLEntities : String {

    // ===== Utility functions =====

    // Convert the number in the string to the corresponding
    // Unicode character, e.g.
    //    decodeNumeric("64", 10)   --> "@"
    //    decodeNumeric("20ac", 16) --> "€"
    func decodeNumeric(_ string : String, base : Int) -> Character? {
        guard let code = UInt32(string, radix: base),
            let uniScalar = UnicodeScalar(code) else { return nil }
        return Character(uniScalar)

    // Decode the HTML character entity to the corresponding
    // Unicode character, return `nil` for invalid input.
    //     decode("&#64;")    --> "@"
    //     decode("&#x20ac;") --> "€"
    //     decode("&lt;")     --> "<"
    //     decode("&foo;")    --> nil
    func decode(_ entity : String) -> Character? {

        if entity.hasPrefix("&#x") || entity.hasPrefix("&#X"){
            return decodeNumeric(entity.substring(with: entity.index(entity.startIndex, offsetBy: 3) ..< entity.index(entity.endIndex, offsetBy: -1)), base: 16)
        } else if entity.hasPrefix("&#") {
            return decodeNumeric(entity.substring(with: entity.index(entity.startIndex, offsetBy: 2) ..< entity.index(entity.endIndex, offsetBy: -1)), base: 10)
        } else {
            return characterEntities[entity]

    // ===== Method starts here =====

    var result = ""
    var position = startIndex

    // Find the next '&' and copy the characters preceding it to `result`:
    while let ampRange = self.range(of: "&", range: position ..< endIndex) {
        result.append(self[position ..< ampRange.lowerBound])
        position = ampRange.lowerBound

        // Find the next ';' and copy everything from '&' to ';' into `entity`
        if let semiRange = self.range(of: ";", range: position ..< endIndex) {
            let entity = self[position ..< semiRange.upperBound]
            position = semiRange.upperBound

            if let decoded = decode(entity) {
                // Replace by decoded character:
            } else {
                // Invalid entity, copy verbatim:
        } else {
            // No matching ';'.
    // Copy remaining characters to `result`:
    result.append(self[position ..< endIndex])
    return result


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Swift 5+

extension String {
    /// Returns a new string made by replacing in the `String`
    /// all HTML character entity references with the corresponding
    /// character.
    var stringByDecodingHTMLEntities : String {

        // ===== Utility functions =====

        // Convert the number in the string to the corresponding
        // Unicode character, e.g.
        //    decodeNumeric("64", 10)   --> "@"
        //    decodeNumeric("20ac", 16) --> "€"
        func decodeNumeric(_ string : String, base : Int) -> Character? {
            guard let code = UInt32(string, radix: base),
                let uniScalar = UnicodeScalar(code) else { return nil }
            return Character(uniScalar)

        // Decode the HTML character entity to the corresponding
        // Unicode character, return `nil` for invalid input.
        //     decode("&#64;")    --> "@"
        //     decode("&#x20ac;") --> "€"
        //     decode("&lt;")     --> "<"
        //     decode("&foo;")    --> nil
        func decode(_ entity : String) -> Character? {

            if entity.hasPrefix("&#x") || entity.hasPrefix("&#X"){
                return decodeNumeric(
                        entity.index(entity.startIndex, offsetBy: 3)
                        ..< entity.index(entity.endIndex, offsetBy: -1)
                    ]), base: 16
            } else if entity.hasPrefix("&#") {
                return decodeNumeric(
                        entity.index(entity.startIndex, offsetBy: 2)
                        ..< entity.index(entity.endIndex, offsetBy: -1)
                    ]), base: 10
            } else {
                return characterEntities[entity]

        // ===== Method starts here =====

        var result = ""
        var position = startIndex

        // Find the next '&' and copy the characters preceding it to `result`:
        while let ampRange = self.range(of: "&", range: position ..< endIndex) {
            result.append(String(self[position ..< ampRange.lowerBound]))
            position = ampRange.lowerBound

            // Find the next ';' and copy everything from '&' to ';' into `entity`
            if let semiRange = self.range(of: ";", range: position ..< endIndex) {
                let entity = String(self[position ..< semiRange.upperBound])
                position = semiRange.upperBound

                if let decoded = decode(entity) {
                    // Replace by decoded character:
                } else {
                    // Invalid entity, copy verbatim:
            } else {
                // No matching ';'.
        // Copy remaining characters to `result`:
        result.append(String(self[position ..< endIndex]))
        return result

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bdkjones commented May 27, 2024

Swift 5.7+

With the Regex Literal support introduced in Swift 5.7, this process has gotten much simpler:

let test: String = "Insisting on &gt; splitting on&nbsp;the first &lt; date"
var cleanText: String = ""

// Matches an HTML entity encoding, such as `&lt;` or `&nbsp;`
let regex = /&[A-Za-z0-9]{2,};/ 

var lastIndex: String.Index = test.startIndex

let ranges: [Range<String.Index>] = test.ranges(of: regex)
for range: Range<String.Index> in ranges
    if range.lowerBound > lastIndex 
        cleanText.append(String(test[lastIndex ..< range.lowerBound]))
    let doomedText: String = String(test[range.lowerBound ..< range.upperBound])
    if let newCharacter: Character = characterEntities[doomedText]
        lastIndex = range.upperBound
        lastIndex = range.lowerBound

if lastIndex < test.endIndex 
    cleanText.append(String(test[lastIndex ..< test.endIndex]))


I haven't really tested all the edge cases in the above snippet and I typed it on GitHub, so it may require tweaking. Still, it's way more streamlined than the older approach and the performance is phenomenal.

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