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Created August 3, 2013 23:45
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whee, i made their pointless C compile!
typedef struct {
int girlfriend;
} holder;
typedef struct {
holder a;
} toplevel;
typedef struct {
int this;
} yoda;
int main() {
holder holder = { 2 };
yoda understand = { 2 };
toplevel get = {holder};
int you = 2;
/* whee, i made this stupid code work! */
if (you == understand.this) {
return 0;
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user24 commented Aug 5, 2013

another php attempt with not-quite-right syntax but I found it funny (and this one actually executes something)

class Axe {
    public function __get($name) {
        if($name == "girlfriend") {
            echo "lol only single males know code";
        } else {
            return new Axe();

$get = new Axe(); // sadly constants can't hold objects otherwise I could get rid of the dollar.

define("you", "lolmoney");
define("understand", "lol");
define("this", "money");

if(you == understand.this) {


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orf commented Aug 5, 2013

#!/usr/bin/env python
class a(object): __getattr__ = lambda s,*a,**k: s
locals().update({i:a() for i in ('you', 'understand', 'get')})

if you == understand.this:

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ifonefox commented Aug 5, 2013

Here's my python version:

class Object():
    def __init__(self):
        self.a = self
        self.girlfriend = self
        self.this = self

def axe(you, understand, get):
    if you == understand.this:

you = Object()
understand = you
get = Object()

axe(you, understand, get)

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/* You "class" */

function You() {
    this.understanding = ['some-bullshit-pseudocode', 'axe-being-terrible'];

You.prototype.understand = function (wat) {
    return this.understanding.indexOf(wat) !== -1;

/* Girlfriend "class" */

function Girlfriend() {}

Girlfriend.prototype.get = function () {
    alert('lolol u smell like a 14 year-old');

/* Main shit */

function init() {
    var you = new You();
    var thisBullshit = 'some-bullshit-pseudocode';

    if (you.understand(thisBullshit)) {
        var girlfriend = new Girlfriend();


(not written by me, thank @BellendSebastian)

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nicuveo commented Aug 5, 2013

It is worth noting (for extreme values of "worth") that this snippet is also valid (though pointless) brainfuck syntax.

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phpnode commented Aug 5, 2013


you = understand: (that) => this is that
get = a: girlfriend: -> alert 'You suck Unilever!'
do get.a.girlfriend if you.understand this

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davzie commented Aug 5, 2013

I'm married. Fuck you all. totters off

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davglass commented Aug 5, 2013


get="echo "
a="You suck,"
girlfriend=" Unilever"

if [ ${you} == "${understand}.${this}" ]; then

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 +++ +++ ++<<< <-]>>

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@sgerrand re: first ruby example, I believe idea was to make parse/compile, not to output obscenities for some ad agency. :)

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PHP - Live Test 5.0.0 - 5.5.1


    try {
        if ($you = new Understand(new You())) {
            $you->get()->a()->girlFriend(new Her());
    } catch ( NullBabeException $e ) {
        echo $e->getMessage();
abstract class Person {
    abstract public function name();
    function __toString() {
        return $this->name();

class Her extends Person {
    public function name() {
        return "girlFriend";

class You extends Person {
    public function name() {
        return "you";

class Understand {
    private $y, $i;
    function __construct(Person $y) {
        $this->y = $y;
        $this->i = "";
    function a() {
        return new What($this->y, $this->i);
    function get() {
        while ( $x = mt_rand(0, 5) ) {
            $this->i .= $x;
        return $this;

class What {
    private $i, $y;
    function __construct(Person $y, $i) {
        $this->i = $i;
        $this->y = $y;
    function girlFriend(Person $her) {
        throw new NullBabeException(sprintf("%s is Needed ASAP Found %s issues with  %s ", 
                $her, number_format(( int ) $this->i), $this->y), E_CORE_WARNING);
class NullBabeException extends Exception {
    function __construct($m) {
        parent::__construct(sprintf("<h1>%s</h1>", $m));

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ghost commented Aug 5, 2013

#!/usr/bin/env python
import this

# ;_;
class Person(object):
    def understand(self, concept):
        assert concept
        return concept

    def get(self):
        return self

you = Person()
girlfriend = Person()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if you.understand(this):

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jplitza commented Aug 5, 2013

orf's python doesn't reach the if block, thus my version:

class a: __cmp__ = lambda *a: 0
class b(object): __getattribute__ = lambda *a: b()

you = a()
understand = get = b()

if you == understand.this:

Didn't actually read his before I wrote mine. That feeling when someone already had your idea... head → wall

And because I didn't like the mass definition of structs, here's my C version (for which I had to modify the syntax slightly):

int main() {
    union bar {
        void* this;
        union bar* a;
        void* girlfriend;
    } get;
    void* you = get.a = &get;
    union bar understand;
    understand.a = get.a;

    if (you == understand.this) {
    return 0;

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Only 8th grade boys like the smell of Axe. The irony is that 8th grade girls think the boys who like it are idiots. So if you want a girlfriend, you;re better off with Old Spice.

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=head1 NAME - douchebaggery implemented in Perl


    $ perl

=head1 DESCRIPTION is precisely what it says on the tin.


Copyright (C) 2013 Apreten Tiousass Wipe may be used and/or redistributed under the same terms as Perl itself.


sub get_a {
    my ($object_to_get, @args) = @_;
    if ($object_to_get eq "girlfriend") {
        return 0;
    } else {
        return 1;

sub you_understand {
    my $subject = shift;
    return 1;

my $this = "perl";

if (you_understand($this)) {

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sgerrand commented Aug 5, 2013


re: first ruby example, I believe idea was to make parse/compile, not to output obscenities for some ad agency. :)

My point was that it didn't compile. 😉

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mwotton commented Aug 5, 2013

jplitza: ooh, i like that one, but changing the Axe code to be less stupid is a definite no-no.

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It compiled and ran successfully, both on my machine and in the REPL output you posted.

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pranavrc commented Aug 6, 2013

Common Lisp

* (let* ((you 1) (understand.this 1) (get.a.girlfriend "HODOR!"))
      (defmacro custom-if (func if-form block-start result block-end)
        (list `,func `(,(cadr if-form) ,(car if-form) ,(caddr if-form)) result))
      (setf (symbol-function '==) (function =)))
      if (you == understand.this) {

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mwotton commented Aug 6, 2013

@pranavrc All the props.

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rvagg commented Aug 6, 2013

yes, I think @pranavrc wins this thread with that one, macro-to-the-max!

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seler commented Dec 21, 2015

Instead of trying to defend original code I'll propose how it should actually look to make sense:

if (you.understand(this)){

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