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Created September 12, 2020 07:28
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We need your help to translate the widget into more languages! If you know a language, please help by posting a translation for these strings in a comment below.
const en = {
titles: {
default: `What's on your mind?`,
idea: `Share an idea`,
issue: `Report an issue`,
other: `Tell us anything!`,
categories: {
idea: `Idea`,
issue: `Issue`,
other: `Other`,
placeholders: {
idea: `I would love...`,
issue: `I noticed that...`,
other: `What do you want us to know?`,
buttons: {
send: `Send feedback`,
more: `Submit more feedback`,
thanks: `Thanks! We received your feedback.`,
footer: `Widget by`,
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kristoferma commented Nov 30, 2020


const is = {
  titles: {
    default: `Hvað ertu að spá?`,
    idea: `Deila hugmynd`,
    issue: `Tilkynna vandamál`,
    other: `Segðu okkur frá hverju sem er!`,
  categories: {
    idea: `Hugmynd`,
    issue: `Vandamál`,
    other: `Annað`,
  placeholders: {
    idea: `Mér þætti frábært ef...`,
    issue: `Ég tók eftir að...`,
    other: `Hvað viltu segja okkur?`,
  buttons: {
    send: `Senda ábendingu`,
    more: `Senda fleiri ábendingar`,
  thanks: `Takk! Við höfum móttekið ábendinguna.`,
  footer: `Þjónusta eftir`,

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