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Last active January 18, 2019 20:38
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import org.clulab.processors.fastnlp.FastNLPProcessor
import org.clulab.processors.Document
import org.clulab.struct.Interval
import org.clulab.odin._
import org.clulab.odin.serialization.json.{JSONSerializer => OdinJSONSerializer, _}
import org.clulab.serialization.json._
/** Example demonstrating how to serialize/deserialize
* [[org.clulab.Document]] and [[org.clulab.odin.Mention]] to/from json
object JSONExample extends App {
val rules =
|# NE rules
|- name: "ner-person"
| label: [Person, PossiblePerson, Entity]
| priority: 1
| type: token
| pattern: |
| ([entity="PERSON"]+ | "Gonzo")
|# Events
|# optional location and date
|- name: "marry-syntax-1"
| label: [Marry]
| priority: 3
| example: "He married Jane last June in Hawaii."
| type: dependency
| pattern: |
| trigger = [lemma="marry"]
| spouse: Entity+ = <xcomp? /^nsubj/ | dobj
val engine = ExtractorEngine(rules)
val proc = new FastNLPProcessor
val text = "Gonzo married Camilla."
val doc = proc.annotate(text)
val mentions = engine.extractFrom(doc)
// print the json string for the extracted mentions
// save the json to a file
mentions.saveJSON("mentions.json", pretty=true)
// deserialize the mentions json that was written in the last step
val mentions2 = OdinJSONSerializer.toMentions(new File("mentions.json"))
// demonstrate span equivalence to the original mentions
def m2triple(m: Mention):(Int, Int, Interval) = (m.document.equivalenceHash, m.sentence, m.tokenInterval) ==
// documents can also be serialized/deserialized
doc.saveJSON("document.json", pretty=true)
val d2 = JSONSerializer.toDocument(new File("document.json"))
// demonstrate equivalence of annotations
doc.equivalenceHash == d2.equivalenceHash
"text":"Gonzo married Camilla",
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