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  • Save mytharcher/9138422 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mytharcher/9138422 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Used for automated deploy web site code from Bitbucket to Dreamhost test site via git POST hook.
# This config is used for Dreamhost which HTTP basic authoriztion is forbidden.
# The PHP Server variable 'PHP_AUTH_USER' & 'PHP_AUTH_PW' could be implement by
# this config via a CGI environment variable.
# From [HTTP Authentication on PHP as CGI (like Dreamhost)](
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^git-hook.*\.php - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization},L]

PHP git hook deploy

Used for automated deploy web site code from Bitbucket to Dreamhost test site.

When push branch 'master' to bitbucket, the post hook will invoke this url:

then this script will pull the origin/master down.


  1. Copy the both files to your Dreamhost site web root.
  2. Add post hook URL into your bitbucket repo admin panel.
  3. Initialize your git repo on Dreamhost, including add remote as a ssh protocol.
  4. Add the ssh public key to Bitbucket deploy keys.
  5. Checkout the branch you want to deploy So that the pulled code will be present on your site.


The Deploy class is from Brandon's post:

Using Bitbucket for Automated Deployments

$user = 'git';
$pass = 'pass';
$branch = $_GET['branch'] ? $_GET['branch'] : 'master';
$log_path = "deployments.log";
class Deploy {
* A callback function to call after the deploy has finished.
* @var callback
public $post_deploy;
* The name of the file that will be used for logging deployments. Set to
* FALSE to disable logging.
* @var string
private $_log = 'deployments.log';
* The timestamp format used for logging.
* @link
* @var string
private $_date_format = 'Y-m-d H:i:sP';
* The name of the branch to pull from.
* @var string
private $_branch = 'master';
* The name of the remote to pull from.
* @var string
private $_remote = 'origin';
* The directory where your website and git repository are located, can be
* a relative or absolute path
* @var string
private $_directory;
* Sets up defaults.
* @param string $directory Directory where your website is located
* @param array $data Information about the deployment
public function __construct($directory, $options = array())
// Determine the directory path
$this->_directory = realpath($directory).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$available_options = array('log', 'date_format', 'branch', 'remote');
foreach ($options as $option => $value)
if (in_array($option, $available_options))
$this->{'_'.$option} = $value;
$this->log('Attempting deployment...');
* Writes a message to the log file.
* @param string $message The message to write
* @param string $type The type of log message (e.g. INFO, DEBUG, ERROR, etc.)
public function log($message, $type = 'INFO')
if ($this->_log)
// Set the name of the log file
$filename = $this->_log;
if ( ! file_exists($filename))
// Create the log file
file_put_contents($filename, '');
// Allow anyone to write to log files
chmod($filename, 0666);
// Write the message into the log file
// Format: time --- type: message
file_put_contents($filename, date($this->_date_format).' --- '.$type.': '.$message.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
* Executes the necessary commands to deploy the website.
public function execute()
// Make sure we're in the right directory
exec('cd '.$this->_directory, $output);
$this->log('Changing working directory... '.implode(' ', $output));
// Discard any changes to tracked files since our last deploy
exec('git reset --hard HEAD', $output);
$this->log('Reseting repository... '.implode(' ', $output));
// Update the local repository
exec('git pull '.$this->_remote.' '.$this->_branch, $output);
$this->log('Pulling in changes... '.implode(' ', $output));
exec('git submodule update --init --recursive 2>&1', $output);
$this->log('Updating submodule changes... '.implode("\n", $output));
// Secure the .git directory
exec('chmod -R og-rx .git');
$this->log('Securing .git directory... ');
if (is_callable($this->post_deploy))
call_user_func($this->post_deploy, $this->_data);
$this->log('Deployment successful.');
catch (Exception $e)
$this->log($e, 'ERROR');
explode(':' , base64_decode(substr($_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'], 6)));
if ($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] == $user &&
$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] == $pass) {
if (!file_exists('.deploying')) {
// This is just an example
$deploy = new Deploy('.', array(
'branch' => $branch,
'log' => $log_path
$deploy->post_deploy = function() use ($deploy) {
$output = array();
exec('sh build/', $output);
$deploy->log(implode("\n", $output));
} else {
// $deploy->log('HTTP Basic Authorization failed.', 'ERROR');
header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'"');
header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized');
$host = 'your.test.domain';
$user = 'git';
$pass = 'pass';
$branch = $_GET['branch'] ? $_GET['branch'] : 'master';
$log_path = "deployments.log";
if ((!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) || !isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])) &&
explode(':' , base64_decode(substr($_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'], 6)));
if ($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] == $user &&
$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] == $pass) {
// log post data;
$data = json_decode($_POST['payload'], true);
if ($data && $data['commits'] && count($data['commits'])) {
$commits = $data['commits'];
$last = array_pop($commits);
if ($last['branch'] == $branch) {
$fp = fsockopen($host, 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);
if ($fp) {
$out = "GET /deploy.php?branch=$branch / HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$out .= "Host: $host\r\n";
$out .= "Authorization: ".$_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']."\r\n";
$out .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
fwrite($fp, $out);
} else {
// $deploy->log('No commits updated on branch: '.$branch);
} else {
// $deploy->log('HTTP Basic Authorization failed.', 'ERROR');
header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'"');
header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized');
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klokie commented Jun 17, 2014

Hi, thanks for the helpful code! I've updated it and used it as the basis for a deployment scheme that can manage multiple repositories and branches with flexible configuration:
Maybe you'll find it useful.

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Good work @klokie ! But in my practice there are some problems in this code.

  1. The git-hook and deployment should be divided into 2 scripts. Because BitBucket HTTP request need to return as quick as possible. Some heave deployment task which would take a long time (over 30s BB would send another request) like JS compressing should be async.
  2. The command such as git pull and so on should put the cd <path> && before and in one command, or PHP never find the right path because each command are separated. Now it looks normal because mostly the site document root is just the git path, but in some sites are not.

Just consider this.

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What do I use as the user and pass for dreamhost? is that my host login information?

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@thorakmedichi No. It's only hardcoded in this script to match the basic HTTP authentication you set in post hook service panel.

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I have worked it out to a new project hookagent to handle most deployment on common server rather than Dreamhost (PHP only). And I moved it to node.js and shell based which much simpler.

Hope you will find it useful!

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