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Matt Wagner n1zyy

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n1zyy /
Last active November 11, 2021 04:28
The Essentials on Various Distros

There's a core set of packages I just expect to be present on any *nix box I use.


apt-get install man wget curl vim traceroute bind9-dnsutils chrony

vim on Debian will turn on visual mode when you highlight text. This drives me bonkers. You can disable it with :set mouse-=a in vim, or without the leading : by putting it in ~/.vimrc. (Source).

Configure Chrony with a few hosts from if this will be in the NTP pool. Otherwise the default is usually pretty good.

n1zyy /
Created May 17, 2021 14:28
Comcast NTP servers

Comcast doesn't know it, but the last comment in this forum post reveals that and are pools of NTP servers that Comcast operates. ( doesn't work.)

% /usr/local/Cellar/ntp/4.2.8p15/sbin/ntpdate -q
server 2001:558:fee0:833b:96:114:29:7, stratum 2, offset +0.019681, delay 0.11285
server 2001:558:1004:3:68:87:66:59, stratum 2, offset -0.046284, delay 0.23793
server 2001:558:fe14:16:68:87:31:7, stratum 2, offset +0.002472, delay 0.04906
server 2001:558:fe14:65:68:87:102:164, stratum 2, offset -0.060830, delay 0.18040
server 2001:558:fe16:31:68:87:51:132, stratum 2, offset -0.009330, delay 0.31607
n1zyy /
Last active June 16, 2024 18:07
Apple NTP servers

Apple runs a fleet of stratum 1 NTP servers at In my experience, ntpd/chronyd are very happy with them.

It looks like, instead of doing anycast, they maybe use DNS to steer you to the closest one. is a CNAME for Querying a handful of DNS servers, I've identified the following locations:

IP Hostname Location Dallas
n1zyy /
Last active February 6, 2024 22:48
Live Torrent Trackers

I was hacking on a little side-project, and found that most lists of torrent trackers are full of defunct trackers, or lots of dupes. I spent a while going through all the lists on the first few pages of Google, compiling them into a giant list, de-duping it, and then writing some quick code to test all of them.

Also, an aside: "/announce" on the end of a UDP URL doesn't make any sense. It's completely ignored at the protocol level, so I normalized entries by removing it.

I don't endorse any of these trackers, nor suggest you use them for committing copyright infringement.

Straight list

These trackers all respond to at least some scrape queries:

n1zyy / gist:9cde567fb9d7d0404ac2
Created July 7, 2015 03:03
Variation of if_modified_since WP plugin to updated Last-Modified based on most recent comment
/* Do Not Change Anything here */
add_action('template_redirect', 'ism_add_last_modified_header');
function ism_add_last_modified_header($headers) {
//Check if we are in a single post of any type (archive pages has not modified date)
if( is_singular() ) {
$post_id = get_queried_object_id();
if( $post_id ) {
$comments = get_comments(array(
n1zyy / gist:fee0a53e60ebf532ba5e
Created December 7, 2014 19:26
Half-assed GeoIP center-finder
geos = {}
places.each do |p|
puts "Geocoding #{p}..."
geo =
geos[p] = {
:lat => geo.first.latitude,
:long => geo.first.longitude
puts " Found #{geos[p].inspect}"
n1zyy / gist:9838658
Created March 28, 2014 17:47
Testing Ironic IPMI serial-over-LAN


  • Make sure ipmitool and shellinabox are installed. That seems obvious, but I forgot to install ipmitool on the Ironic server I used for testing and it took me a bit to figure out.
  • After applying you'll need to restart ironic-api and ironic-conductor. I didn't see them as system services, so I just kill'ed the process and restarted it each time.
  • Register a node with ironic node-create as usual, but specifying these additional parameters
  • ipmi_terminal_port
  • ipmi_username
  • ipmi_address
  • ipmi_password
  • Do all the other normal setup
  • Check that ironic node-validate $NODE includes console: True
n1zyy / gist:5044734
Last active December 14, 2015 06:39
Sheraton Mahwah's WTF Internet

Since I couldn't really use the network at my hotel, I spent some time poking around how it was so horribly broken.


Speedtest Result


$ grep ^nameserver /etc/resolv.conf
n1zyy / gist:4957377
Last active December 13, 2015 18:39
3.2.12 habtm breakage; after moving to 3.2-stable

Cucumber failures

Failing Scenarios:
cucumber features/deployment.feature:29 # Scenario: Launch new deployment
cucumber features/deployment.feature:47 # Scenario: Launch new deployment over XHR
cucumber features/deployment.feature:66 # Scenario: Validate Deployment when creating new
cucumber features/deployment.feature:221 # Scenario: Launch a deployment which is not launchable
cucumber features/deployment.feature:234 # Scenario: Verify that the launch parameters are displayed
cucumber features/deployment.feature:252 # Scenario: Verify that the launch parameters are required
n1zyy / gist:2898237
Created June 8, 2012 21:42
Deltacloud failure on F17
[root@dhcp-187-232 ~]# service deltacloud-core status
deltacloud-core.service - LSB: Deltacloud Core API deamon
Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/deltacloud-core)
Active: active (exited) since Fri, 08 Jun 2012 17:35:17 -0400; 2min 44s ago
CGroup: name=systemd:/system/deltacloud-core.service
[root@dhcp-187-232 ~]# service deltacloud-core restart
Restarting deltacloud-core (via systemctl): [ OK ]
[root@dhcp-187-232 ~]# service deltacloud-core status
deltacloud-core.service - LSB: Deltacloud Core API deamon