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Christian Meter n2o

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n2o /
Last active July 6, 2017 12:18
Professional Programming: Results of practical exercises, week 12: JavaFX + SceneBuilder + AnchorPanes

Today we extended the project from week 11 and created a base template. This base template contains an AnchorPane, where FX-elements from other FXML files can be appended to. Therefore, we can change on click our UI and load new elements to it.

// src/main/java/

import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader;
import javafx.scene.Parent;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
n2o /
Created July 7, 2017 21:33
Clojure Meetup July: clojure.spec

We played around with clojure.spec and followed the post Interactive Development with clojure.spec.

In the beginning, we started to get to know the semantics of clojure.spec and looked at some specs. After this, we solved the codebreaker-example and successfully defined some specs for it.

REPL Session from Clojure Meetup Düsseldorf, Germany, 6th July 2017

n2o /
Last active November 3, 2019 14:16
Minimal Clojure Korma example to read data from a postgresql database

Let's play around with a postgres database and Clojure. To query and insert a database, we need to create one:

docker run --rm --name eventdb -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=foo -e POSTGRES_USER=foo -e POSTGRES_DB=foo -d -p 5432:5432 postgres

This creates a postgres database named foodb, with password, user and tablename also being foo. Ports are exposed to our local machine and we can access the database at localhost:5432.

Now, we need to connect to the database and create a table, which can be queried and filled with korma. You can use a library to do this, but for a minimal example this is not necessary:

user@host ~ % docker exec -it eventdb su postgres -c psql
n2o /
Last active February 20, 2020 09:01
FizzBuzz without conditions in Clojure

Just thought about a FizzBuzz solution written in frege which I saw on a meetup. This solution does not need any conditionals and is completely lazy, which is why I like this solution so much.

The rules are as follows:

  • print all numbers from 1 to n, but...
    • replace all numbers, which are smoothly divisible by 3, with "fizz"
n2o /
Last active January 4, 2022 13:02
Creating graphs with chart.js, ClojureScript, devcards and

I have a huge amount of data in an Excel-Sheet and want to get some statistics of it. Since I am only using LibreOffice, which is not very comfortable, and I am really loving web-techniques to build UIs / visualizations, I decided to use devcards and ClojureScript with React.js to build some Charts.

This is inspired by this gist, but I want to use it with and devcards, which is why I am writing this gist.

n2o /
Last active November 3, 2017 15:03
First steps with Spacemacs


In Spacemacs wird die Philosophie verfolgt, dass es nicht den besten Editor gibt, sondern man bemüht sich die besten Funktionen von vim und emacs zu vereinen.

Dabei sind beide Keymappings möglich, vim oder emacs. Oder einfach beides (hybrid-mode). Wenn der emacs-mode gewählt wurde beim Keymapping, so sind die Tastaturkürzel mit M-x (also die Tasten ALT + x) oder M-m meistens zu erreichen. Unter vim-mode finden

Clojure Meetup Juni 2018

Wir haben ein wenig in der REPL gespielt und dabei ist dieser Code entstanden:

(ns intro.core)

(defn spielregeln
  "I don't do a whole lot."
n2o /
Last active March 18, 2023 12:41
Docker Multistage Build for a Clojure Application

A Docker Multistage Build reduces the complexity of a production image to a minimum. Since it is very easy to build jars from Clojure applications, we can just use an JRE to bring it to production.

Let's create a sample project using the app template with Leiningen:

lein new app foo
cd foo
n2o /
Last active July 11, 2020 16:25
Babashka Script to make a PDF file look like a fax by using ImageMagick

Inspired by this Gist and @coryodaniel's solution, I put the script inside a babashka script, called pdf-like-fax.clj:

#!/usr/bin/env bb
(defn pdf-like-fax [input output]
  (let [sign (rand-nth ["+" "-"])
        rotation (rand-int 1000)
        cmd (format "convert -density 150 %s -rotate %s0.%s -attenuate 0.4 +noise Multiplicative -attenuate 0.03 +noise Multiplicative -sharpen 0x1.0 -colorspace Gray %s" input sign rotation output)
 prepared-cmd (str/split cmd #" ")]
n2o /
Last active August 8, 2022 09:46
Caching Clojure tools.deps Dependencies when building Docker Images

To cache the layer containing the dependencies from your Clojure project, you can execute a command without starting a REPL. This downloads all common dependencies, which are then be cached.

For example:

FROM clojure:openjdk-14-tools-deps-alpine

# Cache and install Clojure dependencies
COPY deps.edn .