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var H5PEditor = H5PEditor || {};
var ns = H5PEditor;
// Register plugin with CK
//CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal('base64image', '/var/www/html/moodle-org/master-dev/mod/hvp/editor/ckeditor/plugins/base64image/');
// Tell H5P about the plugin
ns.HtmlAddons = ns.HtmlAddons || {};
ns.HtmlAddons.img = ns.HtmlAddons.img || {};
ns.HtmlAddons.img.base64image = function (config, tags) {
// Print debug to browser console (Ctrl+Shift+J in Chrome)
console.log('Adding base64image plugin...');
// Add plugin to config
config.extraPlugins = (config.extraPlugins ? ',' : '') + 'base64image';
// Looking inside plugin.js I see that base64image should go into
// the 'insert' toolbar group. So let's create it and add the button
// config.toolbar.push({
// name: 'insert',
// items: ['base64image']
// });
* Adds a html text field to the form.
* @param {type} parent
* @param {type} field
* @param {type} params
* @param {type} setValue
* @returns {undefined}
ns.Html = function (parent, field, params, setValue) {
this.field = field;
this.value = params;
this.setValue = setValue;
this.tags = ns.$.merge(['br'], (this.field.tags || this.defaultTags));
ns.Html.first = true;
ns.Html.prototype.defaultTags = ['strong', 'em', 'del', 'h2', 'h3', 'a', 'ul', 'ol', 'table', 'hr', 'img'];
// This should probably be named "hasTag()" instead...
// And might be more efficient if this.tags.contains() were used?
ns.Html.prototype.inTags = function (value) {
return (ns.$.inArray(value.toLowerCase(), this.tags) >= 0);
ns.Html.prototype.createToolbar = function () {
var basicstyles = [];
var paragraph = [];
var formats = [];
var inserts = [];
var toolbar = [];
// Basic styles
if (this.inTags("strong") || this.inTags("b")) {
// Might make "strong" duplicated in the tag lists. Which doesn't really
// matter. Note: CKeditor will only make strongs.
if (this.inTags("em") || this.inTags("i")) {
// Might make "em" duplicated in the tag lists. Which again
// doesn't really matter. Note: CKeditor will only make ems.
if (this.inTags("u")) basicstyles.push('Underline');
if (this.inTags("strike") || this.inTags("del") || this.inTags("s")) {
// Might make "strike" or "del" or both duplicated in the tag lists. Which
// again doesn't really matter.
if (this.inTags("sub")) basicstyles.push("Subscript");
if (this.inTags("sup")) basicstyles.push("Superscript");
if (basicstyles.length > 0) {
name: 'basicstyles',
items: basicstyles
// Alignment is added to all wysiwygs
name: "justify",
items: ["JustifyLeft", "JustifyCenter", "JustifyRight","-","BidiLtr","BidiRtl"]
name: "insert",
items: ["image","base64image"]
// Paragraph styles
if (this.inTags("ul")) {
if (this.inTags("ol")) {
if (this.inTags("blockquote")) paragraph.push("Blockquote");
if (paragraph.length > 0) {
// Links.
if (this.inTags("a")) {
var items = ["Link", "Unlink"];
if (this.inTags("anchor")) {
name: "links",
items: items
// Inserts
if (this.inTags("img")) inserts.push("Image");
if (this.inTags("table")) {
ns.$.merge(this.tags, ["tr", "td", "th", "colgroup", "thead", "tbody", "tfoot"]);
if (this.inTags("hr")) inserts.push("HorizontalRule");
if (inserts.length > 0) {
name: "insert",
items: inserts
// Create wrapper for text styling options
var styles = {
name: "styles",
items: []
var colors = {
name: "colors",
items: []
// Add format group if formatters in tags (h1, h2, etc). Formats use their
// own format_tags to filter available formats.
if (this.inTags("h1")) formats.push("h1");
if (this.inTags("h2")) formats.push("h2");
if (this.inTags("h3")) formats.push("h3");
if (this.inTags("h4")) formats.push("h4");
if (this.inTags("h5")) formats.push("h5");
if (this.inTags("h6")) formats.push("h6");
if (this.inTags("address")) formats.push("address");
if (this.inTags("pre")) formats.push("pre");
if (formats.length > 0 || this.inTags('p') || this.inTags('div')) {
formats.push("p"); // If the formats are shown, always have a paragraph..
var ret = {
toolbar: toolbar
if (this.field.font !== undefined) {
* Help set specified values for property.
* @private
* @param {Array} values list
* @param {string} prop Property
* @param {string} [defProp] Default property name
var setValues = function (values, prop, defProp) {
ret[prop] = '';
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
var val = values[i];
if (val.label && val.css) {
// Add label and CSS
ret[prop] += val.label + '/' + val.css + ';';
// Check if default value
if (defProp && val.default) {
ret[defProp] = val.label;
* @private
* @param {Array} values
* @returns {string}
var getColors = function (values) {
var colors = '';
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
var val = values[i];
if (val.label && val.css) {
var css = val.css.match(/^#?([a-f0-9]{3}[a-f0-9]{3}?)$/i);
if (!css) {
// Add label and CSS
if (colors) {
colors += ',';
colors += val.label + '/' + css[1];
return colors;
if ( {
// Font family chooser
if ( instanceof Array) {
// Use specified families
setValues(, 'font_names', 'font_defaultLabel');
if (this.field.font.size) {
// Font size chooser
ret.fontSize_sizes = '';
if (this.field.font.size instanceof Array) {
// Use specified sizes
setValues(this.field.font.size, 'fontSize_sizes', 'fontSize_defaultLabel');
else {
ret.fontSize_defaultLabel = '100%';
// Standard font size that is used. (= 100%)
var defaultFont = 16;
// Standard font sizes that is available.
var defaultAvailable = [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48, 72];
for (var i = 0; i < defaultAvailable.length; i++) {
// Calculate percentage of standard font size. This enables scaling
// in content types without rounding errors across browsers.
var em = defaultAvailable[i] / 16;
ret.fontSize_sizes += (em * 100) + '%/' + em + 'em;';
if (this.field.font.color) {
// Text color chooser
if (this.field.font.color instanceof Array) {
ret.colorButton_colors = getColors(this.field.font.color);
ret.colorButton_enableMore = false;
if (this.field.font.background) {
// Text background color chooser
if (this.field.font.background instanceof Array) {
ret.colorButton_colors = getColors(this.field.font.color);
ret.colorButton_enableMore = false;
// Add the text styling options
if (styles.items.length) {
if (colors.items.length) {
// Set format_tags if not empty. CKeditor does not like empty format_tags.
if (formats.length) {
ret.format_tags = formats.join(';');
// Enable selection of enterMode in module semantics.
if (this.field.enterMode === 'p' || formats.length > 0) {
ret.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_P;
} else {
// Default to DIV, not allowing BR at all.
ret.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV;
return ret;
* Append field to wrapper.
* @param {type} $wrapper
* @returns {undefined}
ns.Html.prototype.appendTo = function ($wrapper) {
var that = this;
this.$item = ns.$(ns.createItem(this.field.type, this.createHtml(), this.field.description)).appendTo($wrapper);
this.$input = this.$item.children('.ckeditor');
this.$errors = this.$item.children('.h5p-errors');
var ckConfig = {
extraPlugins: "",
startupFocus: true,
allowedContent: true, // Disables the ckeditor content filter, might consider using it later... Must make sure it doesn't remove math...
protectedSource: []
ns.$.extend(ckConfig, this.createToolbar());
// Look for additions in HtmlAddons
if (ns.HtmlAddons) {
for (var tag in ns.HtmlAddons) {
if (that.inTags(tag)) {
for (var provider in ns.HtmlAddons[tag]) {
ns.HtmlAddons[tag][provider](ckConfig, that.tags);
this.$item.children('.ckeditor').focus(function () {
// Blur is not fired on destroy. Therefore we need to keep track of it!
var blurFired = false;
// Remove placeholder
that.$placeholder = that.$item.find('.h5peditor-ckeditor-placeholder').detach();
if (ns.Html.first) {
CKEDITOR.basePath = ns.basePath + '/ckeditor/';
if (ns.Html.current === that) {
// Remove existing CK instance.
ns.Html.current = that;
ckConfig.width = this.offsetWidth - 8; // Avoid miscalculations
that.ckeditor = CKEDITOR.replace(this, ckConfig);
that.ckeditor.on('focus', function () {
blurFired = false;
that.ckeditor.once('destroy', function () {
// In some cases, the blur event is not fired. Need to be sure it is, so that
// validation and saving is done
if (!blurFired) {
// Display placeholder if:
// -- The value held by the field is empty AND
// -- The value shown in the UI is empty AND
// -- A placeholder is defined
var value = that.ckeditor !== undefined ? that.ckeditor.getData() : that.$input.html();
if (that.$placeholder.length !== 0 && (value === undefined || value.length === 0) && (that.value === undefined || that.value.length === 0)) {
var blur = function () {
blurFired = true;
// Do not validate if the field has been hidden.
if (that.$':visible')) {
that.ckeditor.on('blur', blur);
// Add events to ckeditor. It is beeing done here since we know it exists
// at this point... Use case from commit message: "Make the default
// linkTargetType blank for ckeditor" - STGW
if (ns.Html.first) {
CKEDITOR.on('dialogDefinition', function(e) {
// Take the dialog name and its definition from the event data.
var dialogName =;
var dialogDefinition =;
// Check if the definition is from the dialog window you are interested in (the "Link" dialog window).
if (dialogName === 'link') {
// Get a reference to the "Link Info" tab.
var targetTab = dialogDefinition.getContents('target');
// Set the default value for the URL field.
var urlField = targetTab.get('linkTargetType');
urlField['default'] = '_blank';
// Override show event handler
var onShow = dialogDefinition.onShow;
dialogDefinition.onShow = function () {
onShow.apply(this, arguments);
// Grab current item
var $item = ns.Html.current.$item;
// Position dialog above text field
var itemPos = $item.offset();
var itemWidth = $item.width();
var itemHeight = $item.height();
var dialogSize = this.getSize();
var x = itemPos.left + (itemWidth / 2) - (dialogSize.width / 2);
var y = + (itemHeight / 2) - (dialogSize.height / 2);
this.move(x, y, true);
ns.Html.first = false;
* Create HTML for the HTML field.
ns.Html.prototype.createHtml = function () {
var html = '';
if (this.field.label !== undefined) {
html += '<label class="h5peditor-label' + (this.field.optional ? '' : ' h5peditor-required') + '">' + this.field.label + '</label>';
html += '<div class="ckeditor" tabindex="0" contenteditable="true">';
if (this.value !== undefined) {
html += this.value;
else if (this.field.placeholder !== undefined) {
html += '<span class="h5peditor-ckeditor-placeholder">' + this.field.placeholder + '</span>';
html += '</div>';
return html;
* Validate the current text field.
ns.Html.prototype.validate = function () {
var that = this;
if (that.$errors.children().length) {
// Get contents from editor
var value = this.ckeditor !== undefined ? this.ckeditor.getData() : this.$input.html();
// Remove placeholder text if any:
value = value.replace(/<span class="h5peditor-ckeditor-placeholder">.*<\/span>/, '');
var $value = ns.$('<div>' + value + '</div>');
var textValue = $value.text();
// Check if we have any text at all.
if (!this.field.optional && !textValue.length) {
// We can accept empty text, if there's an image instead.
if (! (this.inTags("img") && $value.find('img').length > 0)) {
this.$errors.append(ns.createError(this.field.label + ' is required and must have some text or at least an image in it.'));
// Verify HTML tags. Removes tags not in allowed tags. Will replace with
// the tag's content. So if we get an unallowed container, the contents
// will remain, without the container.
$value.find('*').each(function () {
if (! that.inTags(this.tagName)) {
value = $value.html();
// Display errors and bail if set.
if (that.$errors.children().length) {
return false;
this.value = value;
this.setValue(this.field, value);
this.$input.change(); // Trigger change event.
return value;
* Destroy H5PEditor existing CK instance. If it exists.
ns.Html.removeWysiwyg = function () {
if (ns.Html.current !== undefined) {
try {
catch (e) {
// No-op, just stop error from propagating. This usually occurs if
// the CKEditor DOM has been removed together with other DOM data.
ns.Html.current = undefined;
* Remove this item.
ns.Html.prototype.remove = function () {
ns.widgets.html = ns.Html;
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