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pkhuong /
Last active April 13, 2024 14:36
A minimal version of Yannakakis's algorithm for mostly plain Python
#!/usr/bin/env sed -re s|^|\x20\x20\x20\x20| -e s|^\x20{4}\x23\x23{(.*)$|<details><summary>\1</summary>\n| -e s|^\x20{4}\x23\x23}$|\n</details>| -e s|^\x20{4}\x23\x23\x20?|| -e s|\x0c|\x20|
license, imports
# by Paul Khuong
# To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0 with
# has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights
# to

gma /
Created September 16, 2021 18:33
Python NW group coding session
# Pac-man orientation: v < > ∧
# . . .
# .V.
# . . .
grid = [
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
jajeffries /
Created February 18, 2021 19:03
Python North West 18/2/21
def example1(a: int):
return a + 1
def example2(a: int):
return a * 3
tarcieri /
Last active March 18, 2019 10:51
Authenticated Encryption for Dummies

It might seem like a silly exercise, but I was looking at the "NIST approved" algorithms in NaCl (i.e. AES, HMAC) and wondering if I could build an authenticated encryption system with them. djb lists AES-GCM as a "todo" secretbox primitive so unfortunately NaCl does not presently expose any AES-based authenticated encryption, only aes128ctr.

This is what I came up with using the algorithms available in NaCl:


A quick rundown:

Encrypt-then-MAC with AES-CTR (128-bit for now, 256-bit later!) encryption and HMAC SHA-512256 (i.e. SHA-512, truncated to 256-bits by NaCl via crypto_auth_hmacsha512256) authentication. MAC comparisons are performed using a NaCl supplied verifier function which is (hopefully!) constant time.

grantr / curvecp_handshake.rb
Last active July 19, 2018 15:16
CurveCP handshake protocol in Ruby
# A demonstration of the CurveCP handshake protocol. This protocol has many
# favorable security properties described at
# In addition to its security advantages, it has the following favorable properties:
# * Needs only 2 messages (1 from client, 1 from server) before application
# messages can be exchanged (3 before the server can send application messages)
# * Does not require the server to keep protocol state between handshake messages.
# An overview of the protocol:
tarcieri / gist:4590841
Last active December 11, 2015 10:59
Instructions for NaCl's crypto_secretbox
  • What the algorithm does for you: ensures data is kept confidential and that it cannot be undetectably modified by an attacker
  • What the algorithm expects from you: a unique bit of seed data (a nonce) which is never, ever reused (with the same key)
  • What happens if you reuse a nonce: complete loss of the confidentiality of your data (provided nonces are reused with the same key). Do NOT let this happen or you are breaking the security of your system
ttscoff / planter.rb
Created September 22, 2012 17:57
Create directory trees from indented text input
Planter v1.3
Brett Terpstra 2013
ruby script to create a directory structure from indented data.
Three ways to use it:
- Pipe indented (tabs or 2 spaces) text to the script
- e.g. `cat "mytemplate" | planter.rb
- Create template.tpl files in ~/.planter and call them by their base name
postmodern / Makefile
Last active March 4, 2024 14:42
A generic Makefile for building/signing/install bash scripts
DIRS=etc lib bin sbin share
INSTALL_DIRS=`find $(DIRS) -type d 2>/dev/null`
INSTALL_FILES=`find $(DIRS) -type f 2>/dev/null`
DOC_FILES=*.md *.txt
tonyarnold / gist:3162762
Created July 23, 2012 09:20
Git config aliases for markdown release notes
co = checkout
tagsbydate = for-each-ref --sort=-taggerdate --format='%(refname:short)' refs/tags
previoustag = !sh -c 'git tagsbydate --count 2 | cut -f2 | sed -n 2p'
lg = log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --
markdownlog = log --color --pretty=format:'* %s `%Cred%h%Creset` - %C(bold blue)[%an](mailto:%ae)%Creset' --abbrev-commit --dense --no-merges --reverse
releasenotes = !sh -c 'git markdownlog ...`git previoustag`'
tarcieri / gist:3067720
Created July 7, 2012 19:14
Cryptosphere Key Exchange

Cryptosphere Key Exchange

Assumption #1: For protocol efficiency, we will use UDP, and to avoid packet loss associated with breaking apart large UDP messages, we will attempt to limit all messages to the "minimum maximum reassembly buffer size", which is 512 bytes. Packet loss may result in a failed opportunity to engage with a particular peer, but hopefully we have lots of peers. If we really care about engaging a particular peer we can retry the handshake M times after an N second timeout.

Assumption #2: Satan is watching our packets. We don't want him to be able to be able to track public keys we are using in key exchanges through casual packet inspection. Therefore, all public keys must be sent in encrypted form. Ideally all packets in the