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Last active May 26, 2017 09:47
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  • Save nanjizal/e3e22a252a88cc213d6b65b0d0ec7448 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nanjizal/e3e22a252a88cc213d6b65b0d0ec7448 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
experimenting with xml -> json
-resource sample.xml@sample
-js _.js
-main Main
-D js-flatten
-cmd echo '<!DOCTYPE html><meta charset="UTF-8"><html><body><script src="_.js"></script></body></html>' >index.html
-cmd open ./index.html
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<father name = "Kawasaki" test="bill" test2 = "fred">Yasuhisa</father>
<boy>Kairi fred</boy>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<father name = "Kawasaki" test="bill" test2 = "fred">Yasuhisa</father>
<boy>Kairi fred</boy>
</family> _.js:42:2
out xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?incTagLast undefined _.js:97:6
out fatherincTagLast family _.js:97:6
out motherincTagLast family _.js:97:6
out girlincTagLast children _.js:97:6
out boyincTagLast children _.js:97:6
out childrenincTagLast children _.js:97:6
out familyincTagLast family _.js:97:6
tags [family,father,mother,children,girl,boy] _.js:222:3
att [-name,"Kawasaki",test,"bill",test2,"fred"] _.js:223:3
contents [Yasuhisa,Chizuko,Shiori,Yusuke,Kairi fred] _.js:224:3
out _.js:226:3
'Kairi fred'
}} _.js:227:3
abstract OutType( Int ) {
var tagOut = 0;
var attOut = 1;
var contentOut = 2;
var nullOut = 4;
class Main { static public function main():Void { new Main(); }
public function new(){
trace( haxe.Resource.getString("sample") );
parse( haxe.Resource.getString("sample") );
var incTags: Array<String>;
var out: String = '';
var end: String = '';
var outTag: String = '';
var finalOut: String = '';
var indentStr: String = ' ';
var indent: String = '';
var indentCount: Int = 0;
var indentLen: Int = 3;
var tags: Array<String>;
var att: Array<String>;
var contents: Array<String>;
var str : String = '';
var pos: Int;
var c: Int;
var l: Int;
var last: String;
var lastOut: OutType = nullOut;
var tempOut: String;
var tempCount: Int;
public function parse( str_: String ){
att = new Array<String>();
tags = new Array<String>();
contents = new Array<String>();
incTags = new Array<String>();
str = str_;
pos = 0;
l = str.length;
c = nextChar();
indentCount = 0;
finalOut = '';
out = '';
tempOut = '';
tempCount = 0;
var b = new StringBuf();
var s: String;
var i: Int = 0;
var spaces: Int = 0;
while( pos < l ){
switch( c ){
case '\n'.code, '\r'.code:
case '<'.code:
s = b.toString();
if( s != '' && spaces != s.length ){
contents[ i ] = s;
lastOut = contentOut;
if( tempCount > 1 )
tempOut = indent + tempOut + '\n' + indent;
tempOut += "'" + s + "',";
i = contents.length;
spaces = 0;
b = new StringBuf();
if( c == ' '.code ) spaces++; // keeps track of spaces added
b.addChar( c );
c = nextChar();
if( tempCount > 0 ){
if( tempCount > 1 ){
out += '[\n' + removeLastChar( tempOut ) + '\n' + indent + ']' + '\n';
} else {
out += removeLastChar( tempOut ) + '\n';
tempCount = 0;
tempOut = '';
if( end != '' ) {
out += '\n' + indent + '}';
end = '';
trace( 'tags ' + tags );
trace( 'att ' + att );
trace( 'contents ' + contents );
finalOut += out + '}';
trace( 'out ' );
trace( finalOut );
inline function removeLastChar( s: String ){
return s.substr( 0, s.length-1 );
inline function removeFirstLast( s: String ){
return s.substr( 1, s.length-2 );
inline function extractTag() {
c = nextChar();
var b = new StringBuf();
var s: String;
if( c == '?'.code || c == '/'.code ) {
c = nextChar();
while( c != '>'.code ){
b.addChar( c );
c = nextChar();
s = b.toString();
//out+='dec ' + s;
trace( 'out ' + s + 'incTagLast ' + incTags[incTags.length-1] );
if( s == incTags[incTags.length-1] ){
end += '\n' + indent + '}';
b = new StringBuf();
var i = tags.length;
var tagStored = false;
while( true ) {
switch( c ) {//, ' '.code
case '>'.code:
if( !tagStored ){
s = b.toString();
if( last != s ) {
tags[i] = s;
if( lastOut == tagOut ){
//out+= '\n';
//out += '[' + tempOut + ']' + '\n';
//tempOut = '';
} else if( lastOut == contentOut ){
if( tempCount > 1 ){
out += '[\n' + removeLastChar( tempOut ) + '\n]' + ',\n';
} else {
out += tempOut + '\n';
tempCount = 0;
tempOut = '';
if( lastOut == tagOut ) {
out += '{\n';
incTags[ incTags.length ] = tags[i-1];
lastOut = tagOut;
out += indent + "'" + s + "':";
} else {
//out += "\n";//+indent+"[";
last = s;
trace('lastOut ' + lastOut );
var z = lastOut;
finalOut += '$z{\n'+out;
out = '';
case ' '.code:
tagStored = true;
s = b.toString();
if( last != s ) {
tags[i] = s;
if( lastOut == tagOut ) {
out += '{\n';
incTags[ incTags.length ] = tags[i-1];
lastOut = tagOut;
out += indent + "'" + s + "':\n";
// finalOut += '{\n'+out;
// out = '';
} else {
//out += " pie \n";//+indent+"[";
last = s;
//indent = indent + indentStr;
b.addChar( c );
tagStored = false;
c = nextChar();
inline function incIndent(){
indent = indent + indentStr;
inline function decIndent(){
indent = indent.substr(0, indent.length - indentLen );
inline function extractAtt(){
var b = new StringBuf();
var s: String;
var i = att.length;
var toggle: Bool = true;
while( true ) {
switch( c ) {
case '='.code, ' '.code:
s = b.toString();
if( s == 'name' ) s = '-name';
if( s != '' ){
if( toggle ){
att[i] = s;
lastOut = attOut;
out += indent + "'" + s + "':";
} else {
att[i] = s;
lastOut = attOut;
out += "'" + removeFirstLast( s ) + "'\n";
toggle = !toggle;
i = att.length;
b = new StringBuf();
case '>'.code:
s = b.toString();
att[i] = s;
lastOut = attOut;
out += "'" + removeFirstLast( s ) + "'\n";
b.addChar( c );
c = nextChar();
inline function nextChar() {
return StringTools.fastCodeAt( str, pos++ );
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'family': {
'-name': 'Kawasaki',
'father': 'Yasuhisa',
'mother': 'Chizuko',
'children': {
'girl': 'Shiori'
'boy': [

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