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Created May 2, 2013 18:10
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Datomic, from Ruby, from Rails via @yokolet #railsConf
Diametric gem
- ActiveModel wrapper of Datomic. MRI via REST service. Jruby via REST service
Datomic is via Rich Hickey, newSql database.
ACID (atomicity, consistency, Isolation, Durability) guranteed.
- has idea of simplicity
- datomics schema, - Array of Hash
- data: array of hash
- query - array in array
- data is immutable
RDBMS: designed based on assumption that resource was limited
Datomic: resources are not limited
immutable: data is a fact, fact never changes. facts are always "added"
Datomic has an idea of time: DB of an hour ago, month ago... can rollback.
Do more on the programming side: query engine is on the programming side.
Datomic schema vs model definition
transaction data vs an instance
query = => "Clinton Dreisbach").filter(:>, :iq, 150)
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