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Created February 8, 2015 22:21
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chance macro
(defmacro chance [& body]
(let [r (gensym "chance")
pairs (sort-by first (partition 2 body))
odds (map first pairs)
exprs (map last pairs)
sum (apply + odds)
fracs (map #(float (/ % sum)) odds)
frac-pairs (partition 2 (interleave fracs exprs))]
`(let [~r (rand)]
~@(apply concat
(fn [acc [odds expr]]
(let [odd-sum (if (seq acc)
(-> acc last first last)
(conj acc [`(< ~r ~(+ odd-sum odds))
(drop-last frac-pairs)))
~(-> frac-pairs last last)))))
1 "empty"
1 "pineapple")
; (let*
; [chance3864 (clojure.core/rand)]
; (clojure.core/cond
; (clojure.core/< chance3864 0.5)
; "pineapple"
; :else
; "empty"))
1 "empty"
2 "pineapple")
; (let*
; [chance3894 (clojure.core/rand)]
; (clojure.core/cond
; (clojure.core/< chance3894 0.333333343267441)
; "empty"
; :else
; "pineapple"))
10 "empty"
30 "apple"
52 "pineapple"
90 "for sure"
5 "just maybe")
; (let*
; [chance3909 (clojure.core/rand)]
; (clojure.core/cond
; (clojure.core/< chance3909 0.0267379675060511)
; "just maybe"
; (clojure.core/< chance3909 0.0802139025181532)
; "empty"
; (clojure.core/< chance3909 0.24064171127975)
; "apple"
; (clojure.core/< chance3909 0.518716571852565)
; "pineapple"
; :else
; "for sure"))
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reductions is sometimes handy for avoiding unpacking the end of accumulators (which isn't supported by destructuring):

(defmacro chance [& body]
  (let [parts (partition 2 body)
        total (apply + (map first parts))
        rsym (gensym "random_")
        clauses (->> (sort-by first > parts)
                    (fn [[odds-1 _]
                        [odds-2 expr-2]]
                      [(+ odds-1 (/ odds-2 total)) expr-2])
                    [0 nil])
                    (fn [[odds expr]]
                      [`(< ~rsym ~odds) expr])))]
    `(let [~rsym (rand)]
       (cond ~@clauses))))

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though I suppose that falls into the hmmmmmWELL have you considered blargleblargleblargle class of feedback comments

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hmmmmmWELL actually tims have you considered

(defmacro chance [& body]
  (let [parts (partition 2 body)
        total (apply + (map first parts))
        rsym (gensym "random_")
        clauses (->> parts
                  (sort-by first (comparator >))
                    (fn [[odds-1 _]
                        [odds-2 expr-2]]
                      [(+ odds-1 (/ odds-2 total)) expr-2])
                    [0 nil])
                    (fn [[odds expr]]
                      [(or (= 1 odds) `(< ~rsym ~odds))
    `(let [~rsym (rand)]
       (cond ~@clauses))))

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