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Created September 22, 2021 16:35
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tidy-codegen livecoding example
module CodegenWalkthrough where
import Prelude
import Control.Alternative (guard)
import Control.Monad.Writer (tell)
import Data.Array as Array
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Newtype (unwrap)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..), snd)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Class.Console as Console
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafeCrashWith, unsafePartial)
import PureScript.CST (RecoveredParserResult(..), parseModule)
import PureScript.CST.Traversal (defaultMonoidalVisitor, foldMapModule)
import PureScript.CST.Types (DataCtor(..), Declaration(..), Module(..), ModuleHeader(..), Name(..), Proper(..), Separated(..))
import PureScript.CST.Types as CST
import Tidy.Codegen (binderCtor, binderVar, binderWildcard, caseBranch, declSignature, declValue, docComments, exprApp, exprCase, exprCtor, exprIdent, exprSection, exprString, leading, lineBreaks, printModule, typeApp, typeArrow, typeCtor, typeWildcard)
import Tidy.Codegen.Monad (Codegen, codegenModule, exporting, importCtor, importFrom, importOpen, importType, importValue)
import Tidy.Codegen.Types (Qualified(..))
source :: String
source = """
module PrismExample where
data Val = ValString String | ValInt Int | ValBool Boolean
testModule :: Partial => Module Void -> Codegen Void Unit
testModule mod@(Module { header: ModuleHeader { name: modName } }) = do
constructors = mod # foldMapModule defaultMonoidalVisitor
{ onDecl = case _ of
DeclData { name: typeName, vars: [] } (Just (Tuple _ (Separated { head, tail }))) ->
(Array.cons head (map snd tail))
# Array.mapMaybe \(DataCtor { fields, name }) -> do
field <- Array.head fields
guard (Array.length fields == 1)
{ field
, name
, typeName
_ ->
exporting do
for_ constructors \{ field, name: Name { name }, typeName } -> do
_ <- importFrom (unwrap modName).name (importCtor typeName (unwrap name))
dataMaybe <- importFrom "Data.Maybe"
{ just: importCtor "Maybe" "Just"
, nothing: importCtor "Maybe" "Nothing"
dataLens <- importFrom "Data.Lens"
{ prismType: importType "Prism'"
, prism: importValue "prism'"
[ declSignature ("_" <> unwrap name) do
typeApp (typeCtor dataLens.prismType)
[ typeCtor typeName
, field
, declValue ("_" <> unwrap name) [] do
exprApp (exprIdent dataLens.prism)
[ exprCtor name
, exprCase [ exprSection ]
[ caseBranch [ binderCtor name [ binderVar "value" ] ] do
leading (lineBreaks 1) do
exprApp (exprCtor dataMaybe.just)
[ exprIdent "value" ]
, caseBranch [ binderWildcard ] do
exprCtor dataMaybe.nothing
main :: Effect Unit
main =
case parseModule source of
ParseSucceeded mod ->
Console.log $ printModule $ unsafePartial do
codegenModule "PrismExample.Optics" $ testModule mod
_ ->
unsafeCrashWith "Oops"
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