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Convert Paxton Fob Data to ids and vice versa
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<title>Paxton Fob converter</title>
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<h1>Paxton Fob Conversion</h1>
This page can be used to convert the data on a paxton fob to a 8 byte id suitable for emulating as a EM41X id and vice versa. It was written by natmchugh It uses only client side JavaScript and so you can use the page here or save it and run it locally, enjoy!
The source code for this page can be found at
<h2>Convert page 4 and 5 of data from a paxton tag to an ID</h2>
<form onsubmit="convertToEm41x()">
<label for="page4">Page 4:</label><br>
<input id="page4"><br>
<label for="page5">Page 5:</label><br>
<input id="page5"><br>
<input type="submit" value="Convert"><br>
<table style="border:1px solid black">
<td>Decimal</td><td id="em41x_dec"></td>
<td>Hex</td><td id="em41x_hex"></td>
<h2>Convert from an ID to the equivalent data on page 4 and 5 of a paxton fob</h2>
<form onsubmit="convertPaxton()">
<label for="id">Id:</label><br>
<input id="id"><br>
<label for="type">Type:</label><br>
<select id="type">
<option value="6">iso card</option>
<option value="3">fob</option>
<option value="2">iso magstripe</option>
<input type="submit" value="Convert">
<table style="border:1px solid black">
<td>Page 4</td><td id="page4_result"></td>
<td>Page 5</td><td id="page5_result"></td>
function convertToEm41x() {
const page4 = document.getElementById('page4').value.replace(/ /g,'');
const page5 = document.getElementById('page5').value.replace(/ /g,'');
let hex = BigInt('0x'+page4+page5);
let num = i = 0n;
let output = 0n;
let skip = 64n;
let digit = '';
let mask = BigInt('0xF800000000000000');
while (i < 8n) {
num = hex & mask;
skip -= 5n;
mask = mask >> 5n;
digit = (num >> skip & 15n);
output = (output * 10n ) + digit;
if (i === 5n)
skip -= 2n;
mask = mask >> 2n;
document.getElementById('em41x_dec').innerHTML = (output.toString(10));
document.getElementById('em41x_hex').innerHTML = (output.toString(16));
function getParity(n)
return ~(((BigInt(n) * BigInt("0x0101010101010101")) & BigInt("0x8040201008040201")) % BigInt("0x1FF")) & 1n;
function convertPaxton() {
const em41x = document.getElementById('id').value.replace(/ /g,'').padStart(8, 0);
const type = document.getElementById('type').value;
let result = 0n;
(digit, index) => {
dec = BigInt(digit)
dec = (getParity(dec) << 4n) + dec;
result = (result << 5n) + BigInt(dec);
if (index == 5) { result = result << 2n; }
result = (result << 22n) + 4128768n + BigInt(type);
document.getElementById('page4_result').innerHTML = result.toString(16).substr(0, 8);
document.getElementById('page5_result').innerHTML = result.toString(16).substr(8, 16);
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Rajan244 commented Mar 8, 2023

Hi @natmchugh Thank you for your contribution. Could you help to get any Paxton python SDK? I am trying to read RFID tags using Paxton p75 reader .

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Hi @natmchugh Thank you for your contribution. Could you help to get any Paxton python SDK? I am trying to read RFID tags using Paxton p75 reader .

AFAIK the P75 reader is made to be plugged into a paxton board and speaks a proprietary protocol . However I believe you can get them to speak the common Wiegand protocol with an activation card. There will be stuff in python for understanding Wiegand.

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Rajan244 commented Mar 8, 2023

Hi @natmchugh appreciate your quick response. I am trying read using Wiegand protocol but instead of response page 4 or 5 , m receiving 8 characters string like 'F33C9E67'. here is code ,

  • how could received the response with page 4 - 5 ?
  • what is the role of activation card here ?
    many thanks.

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At a guess the string F33C9E67 converts to paxton id 4080836199 which you can convert to here to Page 4 90441132
Page 5 c1ce7f0006

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Rajan244 commented Mar 9, 2023

Thank you for comment @natmchugh, actually the tag contains 29714856 value, don't know how can I fetch direct id/page 4-5/ hex.

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