duckdb ST |
ibis ops |
ibis + duckdb support | Summary |
ST_Area |
GeoArea |
✅ | Returns the area of a geometry. |
ST_Area_Spheroid |
Returns the area of a geometry in meters, using an ellipsoidal model of the earth | ||
Returns the geometry as a GeoJSON fragment | ||
Returns the geometry as a HEXWKB string | ||
ST_AsText |
GeoAsText |
✅ | Returns the geometry as a WKT string |
GeoAsBinary |
TODO next | Returns the geometry as a WKB blob |
ST_Boundary |
Returns the "boundary" of a geometry | ||
ST_Buffer |
GeoBuffer |
✅ | Returns a buffer around the input geometry at the target distance |
ST_Centroid |
GeoCentroid |
✅ | Returns the centroid of a geometry. |
ST_Collect |
Collects geometries into a collection geometry | ||
ST_CollectionExtract |
Extracts a sub-geometry from a collection geometry | ||
ST_Contains |
GeoContains |
✅ | Returns true if geom1 contains geom2. |
ST_ContainsProperly |
GeoContainsProperly |
TODO next | Returns true if geom1 "properly contains" geom2 |
ST_ConvexHul |
Returns the convex hull enclosing the geometry | ||
ST_CoveredBy |
GeoCoveredBy |
✅ | Returns true if geom1 is "covered" by geom2 |
ST_Covers |
GeoCovers |
✅ | Returns if geom1 "covers" geom2 |
ST_Crosses |
GeoCrosses |
✅ | Returns true if geom1 "crosses" geom2 |
ST_Difference |
GeoDifference |
✅ | Returns the "difference" between two geometries |
ST_Dimension |
Returns the dimension of a geometry. | ||
ST_Disjoint |
GeoDisjoint |
✅ | Returns if two geometries are disjoint |
ST_Distance |
GeoDistance |
✅ | Returns the distance between two geometries. |
ST_Distance_Spheroid |
Returns the distance between two geometries in meters using a ellipsoidal model of the earths surface | ||
ST_Dump |
Dumps a geometry into a set of sub-geometries | ||
ST_DWithin |
GeoDWithin |
✅ | Returns if two geometries are within a target distance of eachother |
ST_DWithin_Spheroid |
Returns if two POINT_2D's are within a target distance in meters, using an ellipsoidal model of the earths surface | ||
ST_EndPoint |
GeoEndPoint |
✅ | Returns the end point of a line. |
ST_Envelope |
GeoEnvelope |
✅ | Returns the minimum bounding box for the input geometry as a polygon geometry. |
ST_Envelope_Agg |
Computes a minimal-bounding-box polygon 'enveloping' the set of input geometries | ||
ST_Equals |
GeoEquals |
✅ | Compares two geometries for equality |
ST_Extent |
Returns the minimal bounding box enclosing the input geometry | ||
ST_ExteriorRing |
Returns the exterior ring (shell) of a polygon geometry. | ||
ST_FlipCoordinates |
Returns a new geometry with the coordinates of the input geometry "flipped" so that x = y and y = x. | ||
ST_GeometryType |
GeoGeometryType |
❔ problem with dtype | Returns a 'GEOMETRY_TYPE' enum identifying the input geometry type. |
ST_GeomFromGeoJSON |
Deserializes a GEOMETRY from a GeoJSON fragment. | ||
Deserialize a GEOMETRY from a HEXEWKB encoded string | ||
Creates a GEOMETRY from a HEXWKB string | ||
ST_GeomFromText |
Deserializes a GEOMETRY from a WKT string, optionally ignoring invalid geometries | ||
ST_GeomFromWKB |
Deserializes a GEOMETRY from a WKB encoded blob | ||
ST_Intersection |
GeoIntersection |
✅ | Returns the "intersection" of geom1 and geom2 |
ST_Intersection_Agg |
Computes the intersection of a set of geometries | ||
ST_Intersects |
GeoIntersects |
✅ | Returns true if two geometries intersects |
ST_Intersects_Extent |
Returns true if the extent of two geometries intersects | ||
ST_IsClosed |
Returns true if a geometry is "closed" | ||
ST_IsEmpty |
Returns true if the geometry is "empty" | ||
ST_IsRing |
Returns true if the input line geometry is a ring (both ST_IsClosed and ST_IsSimple). | ||
ST_IsSimple |
Returns true if the input geometry is "simple" | ||
ST_IsValid |
GeoIsValid |
✅ | Returns true if the geometry is topologically "valid" |
ST_Length |
GeoLength |
Returns the length of the input line geometry | |
ST_Length_Spheroid |
Returns the length of the input geometry in meters, using a ellipsoidal model of the earth | ||
ST_LineMerge |
? GeoLineMerge |
UNCLEAR | "Merges" the input line geometry, optionally taking direction into account. |
ST_LineString2DFromWKB |
Deserialize a LINESTRING_2D from a WKB encoded geometry blob | ||
ST_MakeEnvelope |
Returns a minimal bounding box polygon enclosing the input geometry | ||
ST_MakeLine |
Creates a LINESTRING geometry from a pair or list of input points | ||
ST_MakePolygon |
Creates a polygon from a shell geometry and an optional set of holes | ||
ST_Normalize |
Returns a "normalized" version of the input geometry. | ||
ST_NumGeometries |
Returns the number of component geometries in a collection geometry | ||
ST_NumInteriorRings |
Returns the number if interior rings of a polygon | ||
ST_NumPoints |
GeoNPoints (sa.func.ST_NPoints) |
✅ | Returns the number of points within a geometry |
ST_Overlaps |
GeoOverlaps |
✅ | Returns true if geom1 "overlaps" geom2 |
ST_Perimeter |
GeoPerimeter |
TODO next | Returns the length of the perimeter of the geometry |
ST_Perimeter_Spheroid |
Returns the length of the perimeter in meters using an ellipsoidal model of the earths surface | ||
ST_Point |
GeoPoint |
✅ | Creates a GEOMETRY point |
ST_Point2D |
Creates a POINT_2D | ||
ST_Point2DFromWKB |
Deserialize a POINT_2D from a WKB encoded geometry blob | ||
ST_Point3D |
Creates a POINT_3D | ||
ST_Point4D |
Creates a POINT_4D | ||
ST_PointN |
GeoPointN |
TODO next | Returns the n'th vertex from the input geometry as a point geometry |
ST_PointOnSurface |
Returns a point that is guaranteed to be on the surface of the input geometry. Sometimes a useful alternative to ST_Centroid. | ||
ST_Polygon2DFromWKB |
Deserialize a POLYGON_2D from a WKB encoded blob | ||
ST_ReducePrecision |
Returns the geometry with all vertices reduced to the target precision | ||
ST_RemoveRepeatedPoints |
Returns a new geometry with repeated points removed, optionally within a target distance of eachother. | ||
ST_Reverse |
Returns a new version of the input geometry with the order of its vertices reversed | ||
ST_Simplify |
GeoSimplify |
TODO next | Simplifies the input geometry by collapsing edges smaller than 'distance' |
ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology |
Returns a simplified geometry but avoids creating invalid topologies | ||
ST_StartPoint |
GeoStartPoint |
✅ | Returns the first point of a line geometry |
ST_Touches |
GeoTouches |
✅ | Returns true if geom1 "touches" geom2 |
ST_Transform |
? GeoTransform |
? TODO next | Transforms a geometry between two coordinate systems |
ST_Union |
GeoUnion |
✅ | Returns the union of two geometries. |
ST_Union_Agg |
GeoUnaryUnion |
✅ | Computes the union of a set of input geometries |
ST_Within |
GeoWithin |
✅ | Returns true if geom1 is "within" geom2 |
ST_X |
GeoX |
✅ | Returns the X coordinate of a point geometry, or NULL if not a point or empty |
ST_XMax |
GeoXMax |
TODO next | Returns the maximum x coordinate of a geometry |
ST_XMin |
GeoXMin |
TODO next | Returns the minimum x coordinate of a geometry |
ST_Y |
GeoY |
✅ | Returns the y coordinate of a point geometry, or NULL if not a point or empty. |
ST_YMax |
GeoYMax |
TODO next | Returns the maximum y coordinate of a geometry |
ST_YMin |
GeoYMin |
TODO next | Returns the minimum y coordinate of a geometry |
ST_Read |
read_geo |
✅ | duckdb docs link |
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@cboettig will do, I noticed that this was recently added to duckdb. Is this something you are needing or looking to have at some point?
I'd encourage you opening an issue on the repo requesting this, if this is something somehow time sensitive.
thanks, will do. (Learning where best to comment, the docs point to this gist as the road map. Also noticed that not everything on this list appears on what I think are the official docs? e.g. read_geo seems pretty fundamental! but maybe I'm not completely following the process here.
@cboettig That's fair, and you are right, things are a bit disorganized docs wise. We are working on a better "How-to"/Docs for the DuckDB geospatial support. The docs you are pointing to have the expressions supported but it doesn't specify which are ones are DuckDB, or Postgres, or BigQuery.
We appreciate the feedback, but as a rule of thumb any suggestions, requests, bug reports will get better attention in the Ibis repo.
Awesome stuff. Consider