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Last active November 22, 2021 00:42
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Vue.js pluralize filter
<p>I got {{ amount }} {{ 'cookie' | pluralize(amount) }}</p>
<button @click="decrement">Decrement</button>
export default {
data: () => ({
amount: 5
methods: {
decrement () {
import Vue from 'vue'
Vue.filter('pluralize', (word, amount) => (amount > 1 || amount === 0) ? `${word}s` : word)
new Vue({render: create => create(App)}).$mount('#app')
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bit9labs commented Jan 22, 2021

This is not sufficient as the English language is much more complex:
{{ 'lady' | pluralize(2) }} becomes 'ladys' and not the correct 'ladies'

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dav0r commented Jan 22, 2021

It's worth noting there are complete packages available such as weighing in at ~18kb which will handle everything thrown at it includes some other useful features such as testing whether a word is singular or plural.

There's also an interesting solution over on SO: but that will require additional work as it doesn't cover all special cases, meaning the former may be preferable.

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iSWORD commented Feb 28, 2021

I decided to do it the more manual way with:

Vue.filter('pluralize', (amount, singular, plural) => (amount > 1 || amount === 0) ? plural : singular)

so that I can use it like this:

<p>I got {{ amount }} {{ amount | pluralize('cookie', 'cookies') }}</p>

This is not very different from going completely manual but still saves a few strokes and ensures proper pluralization without adding more packages.

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@iSWORD to make it even simpler to use:

Vue.filter('pluralize', (amount, singular, plural = null) => {
  if (plural === null) {
    plural = `${singular}s`;
  return (amount > 1 || amount === 0) ? plural : singular;

Then if the word pluralizes "normally" you can just exclude the third argument:

// NOTE: Not how you actually use this, just using it as a normal function for example purposes
pluralize(1, 'cookie'); // => cookie
pluralize(2, 'cookie'); // => cookies
pluralize(1, 'octopus', 'octopi'); // => octopus
pluralize(2, 'octopus', 'octopi'); // => octopi

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tamlyn commented May 17, 2021

And while we're at it...

Vue.filter('pluralize', (amount, singular, plural = `${singular}s`) => amount === 1 ? singular : plural);

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