(Update: Version 3.2.0
of Jekyll looks like it's breaking a few things, so I've changed the guide to make you specifically install the version I was using, 3.1.3
. I believe this is the issue: jekyll/jekyll#5145.)
You will be using jekyll-import
to export your Tumblr site, Jekyll to (re)create it, and Surge to rehost it.
Update: You can also use Tumblr's native export feature in your blogs' individual settings. But rehosting that might be tricky. Read my comments below this post for how that works.
You will need:
- Ruby installation
- Node installation
- Knowledge of how to use the terminal
This guide is not optimized for Windows, because I can never get Ruby to work on the damn thing.
In your terminal, type:
gem install jekyll -v 3.1.3
gem install jekyll-import
npm install --global surge # For hosting
below is a placeholder; use your Tumblr blog name instead
mkdir tumblr
cd tumblr
jekyll new myblog
cd myblog
touch myblog.rb
Open myblog.rb
and enter this:
require "jekyll-import";
"url" => "https://myblog.tumblr.com",
"format" => "html", # "md" misses links and images etc
"grab_images" => true,
"add_highlights" => false,
"rewrite_urls" => false # `true` breaks build
If this returns an error, it's possible you may need to replace the "https" with "http".
Update: Also, take Jenn's advice in the comment below:
there were two errors i'd encounter - first the https vs http one you mentioned. another one was sometimes the images couldn't be accessed so script would stop. when this happened, i'd go to that post on tumblr and mark it as "private" and tried again and then it worked because the post was skipped. i had about 5500 posts and this error only happened 5 times.
Run the file to export your blog:
ruby myblog.rb
This will export your site into two folders: _posts/
and tumblr_files/
Now use the exported data to build your own blog using Jekyll:
jekyll build
I recommend you take a minute to review the file _config.yml
in your text editor. It should look like this:
# Welcome to Jekyll!
# This config file is meant for settings that affect your whole blog, values
# which you are expected to set up once and rarely need to edit after that.
# For technical reasons, this file is *NOT* reloaded automatically when you use
# 'jekyll serve'. If you change this file, please restart the server process.
# Site settings
title: Your awesome title
email: your-email@domain.com
description: > # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:"
Write an awesome description for your new site here. You can edit this
line in _config.yml. It will appear in your document head meta (for
Google search results) and in your feed.xml site description.
baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog
url: "http://yourdomain.com" # the base hostname & protocol for your site
twitter_username: jekyllrb
github_username: jekyll
# Build settings
markdown: kramdown
If you don't plan on defining a Twitter and GitHub username as well as an e-mail address, I recommend you just delete those lines, since the defaults will be featured on your site otherwise.
These are the required parts:
title: Your awesome title
baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog
url: "http://yourdomain.com" # the base hostname & protocol for your site
# Build settings
markdown: kramdown
Time to host the built site (in the folder _site/
) with Surge
surge --project _site/
You will be asked to create an account with e-mail and password.
The site will now be hosted at <random>.surge.sh
; if you want a custom domain, I recommend you read Surge's guide on custom domains, since it assumes some technical proficiency on your end.
To view your site locally, you can run jekyll serve
. It's now viewable at localhost:4000
, if you enter it into your address bar.
To build it with any new changes, run jekyll build
To view your site locally and automatically update it when you make changes, run jekyll serve --watch
. Note that this doesn't work for updating _config.yml
, so you will have to end the running process and re-run it for the changes to carry through.
When your site has been built with the new changes, you can upload the changes with surge --project _site/
Clearly, the default design is so-so, but if you feel like experimenting, you can try some of the available themes at the sites below:
- http://themes.jekyllrc.org/
- http://jekyll.tips/templates/
- https://jekyllthemes.io/
- http://jekyllthemes.org/
I've got zero experience with any of the sites, and all appear to have an awful ease of use---after all, the three main draws of Tumblr are its CMS, its themes, and its Dashboard, none of which are available here.
If you do try your hand at customizing your site, just remember to keep your _posts/
and tumblr_files/
folders and their content intact. If you mess up, you can always re-export your Tumblr site while it's still available.
HOWEVER! It looks like a dedicated theme feature is forthcoming, albeit indeterminately.
Hit me up on Twitter: @pessimism.
thank you so much, this is great and worked awesomely. there were two errors i'd encounter - first the https vs http one you mentioned. another one was sometimes the images couldn't be accessed so script would stop. when this happened, i'd go to that post on tumblr and mark it as "private" and tried again and then it worked because the post was skipped. i had about 5500 posts and this error only happened 5 times. anyway, thank you so much for writing this up!!