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Detect potentially vulnerable github actions workflows for orgs
import requests
import yaml
import re
import json
import time
import logging
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser
class GitHub:
def __init__(self, token=None, verbose=False):
self.session = requests.session()
self.headers = {}
if token:
self.headers['Authorization'] = 'token %s' % (token)
self.logger = logging.getLogger('ghactions')
logger_level = logging.DEBUG if verbose else logging.ERROR
logger_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
logging_format = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
def request(self, url, page=1, attempt=1):
data = ''
errored = False
res = self.session.get(url, headers=self.headers, params={'page': page})
if res.status_code == 404:
return ''
if int(res.headers.get('x-ratelimit-remaining', 1)) == 0:
reset_time = int(res.headers.get('x-ratelimit-reset'))
sleep_time = (reset_time - int(time.time())) + 1
self.logger.debug('Rate limiting in effect, sleeping for %s seconds...' % (sleep_time))
if sleep_time < 1:
sleep_time = 1
return self.request(url, page, attempt)
elif res.status_code == 403:
self.logger.debug('HTTP 403 unrelated to rate limitng, skipping this request')
return ''
errored = False if res.ok else True
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
errored = True
if errored:
self.logger.debug('Request errored - retrying attempt %s' % (attempt))
attempt += 1
if attempt > 5:
self.logger.error('Request failed after 5 attempts - aborting this request.')
return ''
return self.request(url, page, attempt)
data = res.json()
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
data = res.content
return data
def get_org_members(self, org):
page = 1
members = []
while True:
res = self.request('' % (org), page)
if len(res) == 0:
self.logger.debug('Finished finding members for %s' % (org))
for member in res:
if 'login' in member:
self.logger.debug('Found member %s' % (member['login']))
page += 1
return members
def get_org_repos(self, org, is_user=False):
page = 1
repos = []
org_type = 'users' if is_user else 'orgs'
while True:
res = self.request('' % (org_type, org), page)
if not res and not repos:
self.logger.error('Failed to get repos for "%s"' % (org))
if len(res) == 0:
self.logger.debug('Finished finding repos for %s' % (org))
for repo in res:
if repo and repo.get('archived'):
self.logger.debug('Skipping archived repo %s' % (repo['name']))
if 'name' in repo:
self.logger.debug('Found repo %s' % (repo['name']))
repos.append({'name': repo['name'], 'is_fork': repo.get('fork', False)})
page += 1
return repos
def _check_for_oidc_role_usage(self, yaml_html_url, yaml_parsed):
vulnerable_workflows = []
jobs = yaml_parsed['jobs'] or []
for job_name in jobs:
if 'steps' in yaml_parsed['jobs'][job_name]:
for step in yaml_parsed['jobs'][job_name]['steps']:
if 'with' in step and 'role-to-assume' in step['with'] and step['with']['role-to-assume'] and 'secrets.' not in step['with']['role-to-assume']:
vulnerable_workflows.append({'url': yaml_html_url, 'job': job_name, 'type': 'oidc-role-usage'})
return vulnerable_workflows
def _check_for_unsafe_event_usage(self, yaml_html_url, yaml_parsed):
vulnerable_workflows = []
events = yaml_parsed.get(True, [])
if events and 'pull_request_target' in events:
jobs = yaml_parsed['jobs'] or []
for job_name in jobs:
if 'steps' in yaml_parsed['jobs'][job_name]:
for step in yaml_parsed['jobs'][job_name]['steps']:
if 'actions/checkout' in step.get('uses', ''):
with_string = str(step.get('with', ''))
if 'pull' in with_string:
vulnerable_workflows.append({'url': yaml_html_url, 'job': job_name, 'type': 'unsafe-pr-event-usage'})
return vulnerable_workflows
def _check_for_unsafe_run_context_usage(self, yaml_html_url, yaml_parsed):
vulnerable_workflows = []
jobs = yaml_parsed['jobs'] or []
for job_name in jobs:
if 'steps' in yaml_parsed['jobs'][job_name]:
for step in yaml_parsed['jobs'][job_name]['steps']:
for unsafe_context in UNSAFE_CONTEXT_DATA:
if unsafe_context in str(step.get('run', '')):
vulnerable_workflows.append({'url': yaml_html_url, 'job': job_name, 'type': 'unsafe-run-context-usage', 'context': unsafe_context})
return vulnerable_workflows
def _check_for_self_hosted_runner(self, yaml_html_url, yaml_parsed):
vulnerable_workflows = []
jobs = yaml_parsed['jobs'] or []
for job_name in jobs:
if 'runs-on' in yaml_parsed['jobs'][job_name]:
if 'self-hosted' in str(yaml_parsed['jobs'][job_name]['runs-on']):
vulnerable_workflows.append({'url': yaml_html_url, 'job': job_name, 'type': 'self-hosted-usage'})
return vulnerable_workflows
def _check_for_potential_unsafe_context_usage(self, yaml_html_url, yaml_parsed):
vulnerable_workflows = []
# remove the concurrency details as this often causes false positives
if 'concurrency' in yaml_parsed:
del yaml_parsed['concurrency']
# remove all if:, env: and with > ref: as potential hits in there are false positives
jobs = yaml_parsed.get('jobs', []) or []
for job_name in jobs:
if 'if' in yaml_parsed['jobs'][job_name]:
del yaml_parsed['jobs'][job_name]['if']
if 'env' in yaml_parsed['jobs'][job_name]:
del yaml_parsed['jobs'][job_name]['env']
for step in yaml_parsed['jobs'][job_name].get('steps', []):
if 'if' in step:
del step['if']
if 'env' in step:
del step['env']
if 'with' in step:
if 'ref' in step.get('with', {}):
del step['with']['ref']
raw_yaml = str(yaml_parsed)
for unsafe_context in UNSAFE_CONTEXT_DATA:
if unsafe_context in raw_yaml:
vulnerable_workflows.append({'url': yaml_html_url, 'type': 'potential-unsafe-context-usage', 'context': unsafe_context})
return vulnerable_workflows
def check_vulnerable_workflows(self, yaml_html_url, yaml_raw):
vulnerable_workflows = []
yaml_raw = yaml_raw.replace(b'\t', b' ')
yaml_parsed = yaml.safe_load(yaml_raw)
if yaml_parsed and 'jobs' in yaml_parsed:
vulnerable_workflows.extend(self._check_for_oidc_role_usage(yaml_html_url, yaml_parsed))
vulnerable_workflows.extend(self._check_for_unsafe_event_usage(yaml_html_url, yaml_parsed))
vulnerable_workflows.extend(self._check_for_potential_unsafe_context_usage(yaml_html_url, yaml_parsed))
vulnerable_workflows.extend(self._check_for_unsafe_run_context_usage(yaml_html_url, yaml_parsed))
vulnerable_workflows.extend(self._check_for_self_hosted_runner(yaml_html_url, yaml_parsed))
return vulnerable_workflows
def get_workflows(self, repo):
page = 1
vulnerable_workflows = []
while True:
res = self.request('' % (repo), page)
if not res:
self.logger.debug('Failed to get' % (repo))
workflows = res.get('workflows', [])
if page == 1:
self.logger.debug('Starting finding workflows for %s' % (repo))
if len(workflows) == 0:
self.logger.debug('Finished finding workflows for %s' % (repo))
for workflow in workflows:
yaml_path = workflow.get('path')
yaml_html_url = workflow.get('html_url')
if yaml_path and yaml_html_url:
branch_re ='%s\/blob/([^/]+)' % (repo), yaml_html_url)
if branch_re:
workflow_branch =
if workflow_branch:
yaml_raw_url = '' % (repo, workflow_branch, yaml_path)
self.logger.debug('Checking %s...' % (yaml_raw_url))
yaml_raw = self.request(yaml_raw_url)
yaml_raw = yaml_raw.encode('utf-8')
except Exception as e:
vulnerable_workflows.extend(self.check_vulnerable_workflows(yaml_html_url, yaml_raw))
except yaml.YAMLError as e:
self.logger.error(f'Error while parsing yaml for {yaml_html_url}', exc_info=True)
page += 1
return vulnerable_workflows
def main(args):
verbose = args.verbose
org =
token = args.token
check_members = args.members
repos = []
gh = GitHub(token, verbose)
if args.repo:
repos = [{'name': args.repo}]
if check_members:
members = gh.get_org_members(org)
for member in members:
repos.extend(gh.get_org_repos(member, is_user=True))
repos = gh.get_org_repos(org)
workflows = {}
for repo in repos:
for workflow in gh.get_workflows(f'{org}/{repo["name"]}'):
if workflow['url'] not in workflows:
workflows[workflow['url']] = []
if 'is_fork' in repo:
workflow['is_fork'] = repo.get('is_fork', False)
for url, hits in workflows.items():
out = f'workflow: {url}'
types = []
seen_contexts = []
for hit in hits:
if hit['type'] in ['oidc-role-usage'] and 'job' in hit:
out += f" job: {hit['job']}"
if hit['type'] in ['unsafe-pr-event-usage', 'self-hosted-usage'] and 'job' in hit:
out += f" job: {hit['job']}"
if hit['type'] in ['potential-unsafe-context-usage', 'unsafe-run-context-usage'] and 'context' in hit:
if 'job' in hit:
out += f" job: {hit['job']}"
if hit['context'] in seen_contexts:
out += f" context: {hit['context']}"
if types:
if 'is_fork' in hit:
out += f' is_fork: {hit["is_fork"]}'
out += f' ({", ".join(list(set(types)))})'
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = ArgumentParser(description="Checks whether a Github org has any actions workflows that may be vulnerable to malicious pull requests")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--org", help="Github org to check", required=True)
parser.add_argument("-m", "--members", action="store_true", help="Check the repos of members of the org")
parser.add_argument("-r", "--repo", help="Github repo to check")
parser.add_argument("-t", "--token", help="Github token for authenticated API requests, used in the Authorization header")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="More output")
args = parser.parse_args()
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Is there any example which is intented to be vulnerable pleaase ?

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xflr6 commented Dec 18, 2021

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