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Last active February 6, 2017 14:03
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This is the gist of using ios address book api
- (void)addPetToContacts: (UIButton *) petButton{
NSString *petFirstName;
NSString *petLastName;
NSString *petPhoneNumber;
NSData *petImageData;
if (petButton.tag == 1){
petFirstName = @"Cheesy";
petLastName = @"Cat";
petPhoneNumber = @"2015552398";
petImageData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation([UIImage imageNamed:@"contact_Cheesy.jpg"], 0.7f);
} else if (petButton.tag == 2){
petFirstName = @"Freckles";
petLastName = @"Dog";
petPhoneNumber = @"3331560987";
petImageData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation([UIImage imageNamed:@"contact_Freckles.jpg"], 0.7f);
} else if (petButton.tag == 3){
petFirstName = @"Maxi";
petLastName = @"Dog";
petPhoneNumber = @"5438880123";
petImageData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation([UIImage imageNamed:@"contact_Maxi.jpg"], 0.7f);
} else if (petButton.tag == 4){
petFirstName = @"Shippo";
petLastName = @"Dog";
petPhoneNumber = @"7124779070";
petImageData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation([UIImage imageNamed:@"contact_Shippo.jpg"], 0.7f);
ABAddressBookRef addressBookRef = ABAddressBookCreateWithOptions(NULL, nil);
//creating a new contact
ABRecordRef pet = ABPersonCreate();
ABRecordSetValue(pet, kABPersonFirstNameProperty, (__bridge CFStringRef)petFirstName, nil);
ABRecordSetValue(pet, kABPersonLastNameProperty, (__bridge CFStringRef)petLastName, nil);
ABMutableMultiValueRef phoneNumbers = ABMultiValueCreateMutable(kABMultiStringPropertyType);
ABMultiValueAddValueAndLabel(phoneNumbers, (__bridge CFStringRef)petPhoneNumber, kABPersonPhoneMainLabel, NULL);
ABRecordSetValue(pet, kABPersonPhoneProperty, phoneNumbers, nil);
ABPersonSetImageData(pet, (__bridge CFDataRef)petImageData, nil);
//retrieving all the contacts to see if the contact already exists
NSArray *allContacts = (__bridge NSArray *)ABAddressBookCopyArrayOfAllPeople(addressBookRef);
for (id record in allContacts){
ABRecordRef thisContact = (__bridge ABRecordRef)record;
if (CFStringCompare(ABRecordCopyCompositeName(thisContact),
ABRecordCopyCompositeName(pet), 0) == kCFCompareEqualTo){
UIAlertView *contactExistsAlert = [[UIAlertView alloc]initWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"There can only be one %@", petFirstName] message:nil delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"OK" otherButtonTitles: nil];
[contactExistsAlert show];
ABAddressBookAddRecord(addressBookRef, pet, nil);
ABAddressBookSave(addressBookRef, nil);
- (IBAction)petTapped:(UIButton *)sender {
if (ABAddressBookGetAuthorizationStatus() == kABAuthorizationStatusDenied ||
ABAddressBookGetAuthorizationStatus() == kABAuthorizationStatusRestricted){
UIAlertView *cantAddContactAlert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle: @"Cannot Add Contact" message: @"You must give the app permission to add the contact first." delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle: @"OK" otherButtonTitles: nil];
[cantAddContactAlert show];
} else if (ABAddressBookGetAuthorizationStatus() == kABAuthorizationStatusAuthorized){
[self addPetToContacts:sender];
} else{ //ABAddressBookGetAuthorizationStatus() == kABAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined
ABAddressBookRequestAccessWithCompletion(ABAddressBookCreateWithOptions(NULL, nil), ^(bool granted, CFErrorRef error) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
if (!granted){
UIAlertView *cantAddContactAlert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle: @"Cannot Add Contact" message: @"You must give the app permission to add the contact first." delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle: @"OK" otherButtonTitles: nil];
[cantAddContactAlert show]; return;
[self addPetToContacts:sender];
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