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Chapter 1 - Don't criticize/condemn anyone
Chapter 2 - Give people due appreciation (not flattery)
Chapter 3 - Think from other people's perspective and see what they would want in a situation
Social and Emotional Learning Curriculum example
- [Early Elementary] Student should accurately recognize and label their emotions and how they lead them to act
- [Late Elementary] Lessons in empathy should make kids able to identify non-verbal clues to how someone else feels
- [Junior High] Kids should be able to analyze what creates stress for them and what motivates their best performance
- [High School] Skills include listening and talking in ways that resolve conflicts instead of escalating them and negotiating for win-win solution
Chapter 2
Things to focus on to be a good executive
- Operational excellence
- Putting people first
- Being decisive
- Communicating well
- Knowing how to get the most out of even the most challenging people
- Focusing on product excellence
- Treating people well when they are let go
Module 0
Innovation needs to be
- Desirable (people)
- Feasible (tech)
- Viable (business)
- (And Sustainable)
Put simply, it is a discipline that uses the designer’s sensibility and methods to match people’s needs with what is technologically feasible and what a viable business strategy can convert into customer value and market opportunity.
This book is written based on few fundamental ideas
- Incentives are the cornerstone of modern life. (Chapter 1)
- “Experts”— from criminologists to real-estate agents— use their informational advantage to serve their own agenda. (Chapter 2)
- The conventional wisdom is often wrong. (Chapter 3)
- Dramatic effects often have distant, even subtle, causes.
- Knowing what to measure and how to measure it makes a complicated world much less so.
So the aim of this book is to explore the hidden side of … everything.
- Bloom Filters (
- Consistent Hashing (
- String Interning (
- Cryptographic Hash Functions (
- Pre-Image Resistant (Output => input should be difficult)
- Second Pre-Image Resistant (nearby strings should have different hash values)
- Collision Resistant (No two inputs have same output
- Video on Dynamo (Dynamo : paper that changed databases)
- PAC-ELC theorem + CAP theorem
- Consistent Hashing
The product manager has two key responsibilities:
- assessing product (that is valuable) opportunities
- defining the product (usable, and feasible) to be built.
Different roles in a product organization
- Product managers (the key is that it describes the functionality and behavior of the product to be built, and not how it will be implemented.)
- UX Designers ( These people are responsible for developing a deep understanding of the target users (each persona that you’re trying to
satisfy in your pro) and coming up with the tasks, navigation, and flow that are both usable and productive.)
cd ~/zookeeper/bin
//To start zookeeper server
./zkServer start
//To start zookeeper client
If it is installed on mac using brew, then just write zkServer start
Installing HBase
- Download HBase
- Edit conf/hbae-site.xml. Add the following to the configuration file
- Best Practice: write implicit conversion to types that you own
- Implicits can always be explicitly provided
Coursera courses
Cheatsheet for this course is present at
Cheatsheet for this course is present at