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Created September 6, 2012 08:13
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console.log in vim
" Console log from insert mode; Puts focus inside parentheses
imap cll console.log();<Esc>==f(a
" Console log from visual mode on next line, puts visual selection inside parentheses
vmap cll yocll<Esc>p
" Console log from normal mode, inserted on next line with word your on inside parentheses
nmap cll yiwocll<Esc>p
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rob137 commented Jul 8, 2020

Thank you!

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cmdcolin commented Jul 14, 2020

Here is a modified console log vim inserter

imap cll console.log({});<Esc>==f{a  

this makes it so that you have


With the cursor inside the curlies, because then if you type


Then the console log contains


That way you don't have to do things like

console.log('myvariable', myvariable)

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7iibob commented Oct 30, 2020

nnoremap gll oconsole.log("LINE: =line('.')","")F"i

Then hit gll to produce console.log("LINE: line","").

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darkmasta commented Apr 1, 2021

How to run this in VSCode VIm Plugin? @nervetattoo

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delbetu commented Oct 14, 2021

nnoremap gll oconsole.log("LINE: =line('.')","")F"i

Then hit gll to produce console.log("LINE: line","").

This didn't work for me (in neovim) the =line('.') doesn't get evaluated.

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cmdcolin commented Jun 3, 2022

one maybe more "modern" alternative to this gist (which i used happily for years already, but wanted to try out something new) is to use "snippet" plugins like

Install vim-vsnip plugin
Run :VsnipOpen
Select type global (or filetype specific)
This opens a blank file where you can put your snippets
Put this in the snip file

  "console.log": {
    "prefix": "cl",
    "body": "console.log(${0})"

console.log is the name of the snippet. you can add more to the file for custom usages. Then while you are typing in insert mode


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