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Last active August 25, 2021 09:29
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# get some large EIGENSTRAT format data from
ind_file <- tempfile()
geno_file <- tempfile()
destfile = ind_file
destfile = geno_file
# read small ind file to extract the individual names
inds <- read.csv(ind_file, sep = "\t", header = F)
# create an LaF connection ( to the large .geno file
laf_geno <- LaF::laf_open_fwf(
column_types = rep("integer", nrow(inds)),
column_widths = rep(1, nrow(inds)),
column_names = inds[,1]
# read .geno file in chunks of 5000 lines
chunked::read_laf_chunkwise(laf_geno, chunk_size = 5000) |>
# fold chunk-wise to count non-missing SNPs (!=9)
# dplyr::summarise is actually overwritten by chunked:::summarise.chunkwise
dplyr::across(.fns = \(x) sum(x != 9))
) |>
# transform intermediate result to tibble
# (chunked is lazy, so the calculation starts only here)
tibble::as.tibble() |>
# complete the chunk-wise fold to a total sum
dplyr::across(.fns = \(x) sum(x))
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