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Created February 7, 2019 16:34
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See how bad I can fail the Elevator Saga:
init: function (elevators, floors) {
const numVators = elevators.length
// const numFloors = floors.length
const FILTER_BEFORE = true
const FILTER_AFTER = true
const STOP_ZERO = true
const IDLE_ZERO = true
const DIRECT_ZERO = true
const BEST_MATCH = false
const PITSTOP_REMOVAL = true
const VERBOSE = false
const JUNK = false
function getFloor (n) {
return floors[n]
function getDir (a, b) {
return a > b ? 'down' : 'up'
class Vator {
constructor (e, i) {
this.index = i = String.fromCharCode(65 + i)
this.e = e
e.on('idle', this.onIdle.bind(this))
e.on('floor_button_pressed', this.onFBP.bind(this))
e.on('passing_floor', this.onPassingFloor.bind(this))
e.on('stopped_at_floor', this.onStopped.bind(this))
// this.madeFirstMove = false
setOthers (vators) {
this.others = vators.filter(v => v !== this)
handleFloor (floorNum) {
this.gtf(floorNum, true)
this.others.forEach(v => v.onFloorHandledByOther(floorNum, this.ind))
futureDir (n, q) {
q = q || this.q()
const i = q.findIndex(x => x === n)
if (i === -1) return null
let priorn = i === 0 ? : q[i - 1]
return getDir(priorn, n)
onFloorHandledByOther (floorNum, ind) {
// potentially remove floorNum from q
if (!PITSTOP_REMOVAL) return null
const q = this.q()
if (!this.hasDestButtonPressed(floorNum) && q.includes(floorNum) && this.futureDir(floorNum, q) === ind) {
// console.log(`${} removing floor ${floorNum} from queue`)
this.e.destinationQueue = q.filter(x => x !== floorNum)
hasDestButtonPressed (n) {
return this.e.getPressedFloors().some(pf => pf === n)
hasSpace () {
return (1 - (1 / this.e.maxPassengerCount())) > this.e.loadFactor()
matchingInd (bs) {
return this.ind.includes(bs)
dir (q) { // check q.length BEFORE calling this!
q = q || this.q()
if (typeof q[0] !== 'number') return this.e.destinationDirection()
return getDir(, q[0])
isMovingToward (n, strict) {
const q = this.q()
if (!strict && !q.length) return true
const dir = this.dir(q)
if (dir === 'up' && < n) return true
else if (dir === 'down' && > n) return true
return false
goingNowhere () {
this.ind = 'up/down'
goingUp () {
this.ind = 'up'
goingDown () {
this.ind = 'down'
toggleInd () {
if (this.ind === 'up') this.goingDown()
else if (this.ind === 'down') this.goingUp()
q () {
return this.e.destinationQueue
gtf (n, direct) {
this.e.goToFloor(n, direct)
cf () {
return this.e.currentFloor()
nearestApex () {
const q = this.q()
if (q.length === 0) return null
if (q.length === 1) return 0
let i = 1
let pdir = getDir(q[i - 1], q[i])
let ndir = pdir
while (i < q.length && pdir === ndir) {
pdir = ndir
ndir = getDir(q[i - 1], q[i])
// let i = 0, pdir, ndir
// do {
// i++
// pdir = ndir
// ndir = getDir(q[i - 1], q[i])
// } while (pdir === ndir)
return i < q.length ? i - 1 : q.length - 1
addPickup (n, bs, possiblyDeferToOthers) {
// this.madeFirstMove = true
if (this.ind === 'up/down') {
if (bs === 'up') this.goingUp()
else this.goingDown()
this.optimus(n, bs, possiblyDeferToOthers)
filterToActive (q) {
return q.filter(x => {
if (this.hasDestButtonPressed(x)) return true
const bss = getFloor(x).buttonStates
// if (this.ind === 'up' && !bss.up) return false
// if (this.ind === 'down' && !bss.down) return false
const fd = this.futureDir(x, q)
if (!bss.up && fd === 'up') return false
if (!bss.down && fd === 'down') return false
// return bss.up || bss.down || this.hasDestButtonPressed(x)
return !!bss.up || !!bss.down
optimus (n, bs, possiblyDeferToOthers) {
// TODO if possiblyDeferToOthers, see if n (with anticipated bs) is already on other q; if so, do not add n to this q
if (JUNK && possiblyDeferToOthers) {
let o = this.others.find(o => {
// let fd = o.futureDir(n)
return bs === o.futureDir(n) && o.q().includes(n)
if (o) {
console.log(`${} deferring floor ${n} ${bs} to vator ${}: ${o.q().join('-')}`)
let q = this.q()
if (!q.length) return this.gtf(n)
if (this.isMovingToward(n) && this.matchingInd(bs)) {
// add n before the fold
const foldIndex = this.nearestApex()
const beforeFold = q.slice(0, foldIndex + 1)
const afterFold = q.slice(foldIndex + 1)
// const dir = this.dir(q)
this.e.destinationQueue = Array.from(new Set(beforeFold.concat(n))).sort((a, b) => {
if (bs === 'up') {
// sort asc
return a - b
} else {
// sort desc
return b - a
if (FILTER_BEFORE) this.e.destinationQueue = this.filterToActive(this.e.destinationQueue)
// console.log(`${} n: ${n}, q: ${q.join('-')}, bs: ${bs}, dir: ${dir}, fi: ${foldIndex}, bf: ${beforeFold.join('-')}, af: ${afterFold.join('-')}, dq: ${this.e.destinationQueue.join('-')}`)
if (VERBOSE) console.log(`${} ${this.ind} optimized: ${this.e.destinationQueue.join('-')}`)
} else {
// add n after the fold
this.e.destinationQueue = Array.from(new Set(this.e.destinationQueue.concat(n)))
this.e.destinationQueue = this.filterToActive(this.e.destinationQueue)
if (VERBOSE) console.log(`${} ${this.ind} NOT optimized: ${this.e.destinationQueue.join('-')}`)
onStopped (floorNum) {
// if bottom floor, make sure we're going up
// if top floor, make sure we're going down
if (floorNum === 0 && this.e.goingDownIndicator()) this.goingUp()
else if (floorNum === (floors.length - 1) && this.e.goingUpIndicator()) this.goingDown()
// detect other dir changes and set ind
const q = this.q()
if (
q.length &&
!this.matchingInd(getDir(floorNum, q[0]))
) {
// console.log(`${} switch from ${this.ind} to ${getDir(floorNum, q[0])}`)
return this.toggleInd()
// if q is empty and no one getting on, treat as idle
const bss = getFloor(floorNum).buttonStates
if (
// this.madeFirstMove &&
this.ind !== 'up/down' &&
q.length === 0 &&
!bss.up &&
) {
// do whatever idle would do
// console.log(`${} going nowhere from stop`)
if (STOP_ZERO) this.gtf(0, DIRECT_ZERO)
onIdle () {
// if (!this.madeFirstMove) return false
if (this.ind !== 'up/down') this.goingNowhere()
// console.log(`${} going nowhere from idle`)
// TODO try staggering floors ???
if (IDLE_ZERO) this.gtf(0, DIRECT_ZERO)
onFBP (floorNum) {
// do not change ind, optimize q
// this.madeFirstMove = true
this.optimus(floorNum, this.ind, false)
onPassingFloor (floorNum, dir) {
passing floor vator result
n dir bs cf ind result
- ---- ---- - ---- ------
1 up up 0 up stop
1 up up 0 down pass
1 up down 0 up pass
1 up down 0 down pass
1 down up 2 up pass
1 down up 2 down pass
1 down down 2 up pass
1 down down 2 down stop
if (
// dir === this.ind &&
this.matchingInd(dir) &&
this.hasSpace() &&
// getFloor(floorNum).buttonStates[this.ind]
) {
// console.log(`${} pit stop ${floorNum} ${dir}`)
const vators =, i) => new Vator(e, i))
vators.forEach(v => {
function randomBool () {
return Math.random() >= 0.5
function getIdleVator () {
if (randomBool()) {
for (let i = 0; i < vators.length; i++) { // ascending
if (vators[i].ind === 'up/down') return vators[i]
} else {
for (let i = vators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // descending
if (vators[i].ind === 'up/down') return vators[i]
return null
function getBestMatchVator (n, bs) {
// closest vator that has space with "ind containing bs" moving towards n
return vators.filter(v => {
// TODO how to anticipate future space ??
return v.matchingInd(bs) && v.isMovingToward(n, true) && v.hasSpace()
}).sort((a, b) => {
return Math.abs( - n) - Math.abs( - n) // adist - bdist
function getShortestQVator () {
return vators.sort((a, b) => {
return a.q().length - b.q().length
function getClosestTailVator (n) {
return vators.sort((a, b) => {
const aq = a.q()
const bq = b.q()
const atail = aq.length ? aq[aq.length - 1] :
const btail = bq.length ? bq[bq.length - 1] :
return Math.abs(atail - n) - Math.abs(btail - n)
function getClosestVator (n) {
return vators.sort((a, b) => {
return Math.abs( - n) - Math.abs( - n)
function allVatorsBusy () {
const busy = vators.filter(v => v.q().length > 2)
return busy.length === numVators
function floorNeedsService (n, bs) {
let v, how
if (numVators === 1) v = vators[0] // 1. only
if (!v) {
v = getIdleVator() // 2. idle
if (v) how = 'idle'
if (!v && BEST_MATCH) {
v = getBestMatchVator(n, bs) // 3. best match
if (v) how = 'best'
// if (!v) v = allVatorsBusy() ? getClosestTailVator(n) : getShortestQVator()
// if (!v) v = allVatorsBusy() ? getShortestQVator() : getClosestTailVator(n) // 4. just pick one
if (!v) {
const allBusy = allVatorsBusy()
if (allBusy) v = getShortestQVator()
if (v) how = 'shortest'
if (!v) v = getClosestTailVator(n)
how = 'closest'
// if (!v && PREFER_CLOSEST_TAIL) v = getClosestTailVator(n)
// if (!v && PREFER_CLOSEST_CF) v = getClosestVator(n)
// if (!v) v = getShortestQVator()
console.log(`${n} ${bs} pressed, chose ${how} vator ${}: ${v.q().join('-')}`)
v.addPickup(n, bs, true)
floors.forEach(f => {
f.on('up_button_pressed', () => {
floorNeedsService(f.floorNum(), 'up')
f.on('down_button_pressed', () => {
floorNeedsService(f.floorNum(), 'down')
update: function (dt, elevators, floors) {}
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