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Mapping Out The UE4 Animation Architecture Flow
Animation Subsystem
AnimInstance is the runtime animation class that maintains runtime data & plays shit
- This is the parent class of the animation blueprint
- Get Bone Transforms from a specific time t:
○ Sequence->GetAnimationPose(Output.Pose, Output.Curve, FAnimExtractContext(CurrentTime, Sequence->bEnableRootMotion));
UAnimationAsset is the classes that contain the actual data and also calculates bones & curves
- UAnimSequence
- UAnimComposite
○ UAnimMontage
Two classes for each Anim Node; separated for optimization b/c node construction is expensive
- UAnimGraphNode_Base: Anim Graph Node that's shown in editor
○ Only exist in editor
○ One way relationship with corresponding FAnimNode_Base counterpart
- FAnimNode_Base: Anim Behavior node that is run time
○ Initialize: Called whenever need to initialize/reinitialize (e.g. changing mesh instance)
○ Update: Called to update current state (such as advancing playtime or updating blend weights)
§ Takes FAnimationUpdateContext that knows the delta time for the update & the current nodes blend weight
§ Might be where we hook in to do the forward time projection intersection
○ Evaluate/EvaluateComponentSpace: Generates a 'pose' i.e. list of bone transforms
- FAnimationRuntime has lots of good functions to look at and utility/helper functions
Update Functions:
[Should be called before RefreshBoneTransforms]USkinnedMeshComponent::TickPose()
[Should be atomic & not rely on Tick()] USkinnedMeshComponent::RefreshBoneTransforms()
USkeletalMeshComponent::InitAnim: Called when component needs to initialize or reinitialize eg InitializeComponent() or SetSkeletalMesh()
- USkeletalMeshComponent::InitializeAnimScriptInstance
○ AnimInstance::InitializeAnimation
- AnimInstance::NativeInitializeAnimation()
- AnimInstance::BlueprintInitializeAnimation()
- USkinnedMeshComponent::TickPose()
○ USkeletalMeshComponent::TickAnimation
- AnimInstance::UpdateAnimation
○ [Default does nothing] NativeUpdateAnimation: Only does something for UAnimSingleNodeInstance
○ BlueprintUpdateAnimation: Main AnimBP entry point
○ FAnimNode_Base::Update()
○ UAnimInstance::Montage_Advance()
○ UAnimInstance::TriggerAnimNotifies
○ UAnimInstance::TriggerQueuedMontageEvents
- USkinnedMeshComponent::RefreshBoneTransforms()
○ USkinnedMeshComponent::PerformAnimationEvaluation()
§ [Evaluate Animation System] USkeletalMeshComponent::EvaluateAnimation()
○ AnimInstance::EvaluateAnimation()
§ [Default does nothing] UAnimInstance::NativeEvaluateAnimation() AnimInstance can override animgraph evaluation completely. Ex: AnimSingleNodeInstance() doesn't eval the animgraph
§ FAnimNode_Base::Evaluate(): This is the root of the anim graph. Called if NativeEvaluateAnimation returns false
○ USkeletalMeshComponent::PostAnimEvaluation
§ AnimInstance::UpdateCurves
§ USkinnedMeshComponent::FinalizeBoneTransform()
○ AnimInstance::PostEvaluateAnimation
§ [Does nothing by default but virtual] AnimInstance::NativePostEvaluateAnimation
§ BlueprintPostEvaluateAnimation
§ UpdateComponentToWorld()
§ UpdateOverlaps()
○ [If RefreshBoneTransforms() not called from Tick()] USkinnedMeshComponent::FinalizeBoneTransform
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