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Created June 27, 2017 14:30
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A better
#!/bin/bash -e
# Adapted from
# Expects the necessary PG* variables.
until psql -c '\l'; do
echo >&2 "$(date +%Y%m%dt%H%M%S) Postgres is unavailable - sleeping"
sleep 1
echo >&2 "$(date +%Y%m%dt%H%M%S) Postgres is up - executing command"
exec ${@}
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srghma commented Nov 14, 2018

here's better variant

#!/bin/sh -e

# idea stolen from

# DBNAME=postgres://... ./wait-for-postgres

# Retries a command on failure (idea stolen from
# $1 - the max number of attempts
# $2 - the seconds to sleep
# $3... - the command to run
retry() {
  max_attempts="$1"; shift
  seconds="$1"; shift

  until $cmd
    if [ $attempt_num -eq $max_attempts ]
      echo "Attempt $attempt_num failed and there are no more attempts left!"
      return 1
      echo "Attempt $attempt_num failed! Trying again in $seconds seconds..."
      attempt_num=`expr "$attempt_num" + 1`
      sleep "$seconds"

retry 5 1 psql --dbname=$DBNAME -c '\l' >/dev/null

echo >&2 "$(date +%Y%m%dt%H%M%S) Postgres is up - executing command"

exec ${@}

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nicerobot commented Jan 12, 2019

"Better" is subjective. It's more versatile maybe. That doesn't always mean better ;-) Simplicity also matters and I didn't need a retry limit.

Also, I wouldn't provide the --dbname flag. psql supports PG* environment variables. Let the caller provide them in the way psql already expects.

I would also adhere to a different Bash style.

So if you want retries and want a truly better variant, I would write it like this:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -o errexit
set -o nounset
set -o pipefail

retry() {
  local max_attempts="${1}"; shift
  local retry_delay_seconds="${1}"; shift
  local cmd="${@}"
  local attempt_num=1

  until ${cmd}; do
    (( attempt_num >= max_attempts )) && {
      echo "Attempt ${attempt_num} failed and there are no more attempts left!"
      return 1
    echo "Attempt ${attempt_num} failed! Trying again in ${retry_delay_seconds} seconds..."
    attempt_num=$[ attempt_num + 1 ]
    sleep ${retry_delay_seconds}

retry 1>&2 ${MAX_ATTEMPTS:-5} ${RETRY_DELAY_SECONDS:-1} psql -c '\l'

psql "${@}"

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amikrop commented Apr 20, 2021

This example (as the original one in the docker website) is using the psql command. This command is not available in the "webapp" service though (only available in the "db" service). Am I getting something wrong?

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therohk commented Nov 7, 2021

You will need to install the "postgresql-client" package for these commands to be available in the webapp.

The included pg_isready command achieves the same as above without the retry limit.

See the complete config using this technique here.

A simplified Dockerfile is shown below. You will need to include a pgsql link for hostname in docker-compose.yml.

FROM openjdk:11

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y procps curl net-tools telnet
RUN apt-get install -y postgresql-client

#other things

COPY build/libs/app-0.0.1.war app.war


CMD until pg_isready --host=pgsql; do sleep 1; done \
    && java -jar app.war

For the above script replace the CMD with :

CMD && java -jar app.war

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