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Created February 23, 2012 22:28
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child process lisps for fun and profit
(defun nic-child-lisp-hook (child-lisp)
;; version of a hook function which wraps child-lisp
`((flet ((my-func (x) (message "hello!")))
(defun nic-child-lisp-hook (child-lisp)
;; version of a hook function which just returns child-lisp for
;; interpolation
(out bindings &rest body)
(let ((childlispvar (make-symbol "child-lisp"))
(outvar (make-symbol "output-stream")))
`(let* ((,outvar ,out)
(,childlispvar ; the lisp to run
(format "(progn (setq load-path (quote %S)) (let %S %S))"
for f in bindings collect
(list 'list
`(quote ,(car f))
`(format "%s" ,(cadr f)))))
'(progn ,@(nic-child-lisp-hook body))))
(print ,childlispvar)))))
((x 1))
(let ((a 10)) a)))
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this is working out details around elnode's worker elisp stuff... I need to provide facilities to rewrite the child-lisp so that an flet can introduce mocking into stuff being done in child-emacsen. For example, the wiki stuff. The wiki renders creole in a child emacs. When I write an end to end test (a request level test) for the wiki I need to be able to flet the child-lisp so that it passes through stuff to the child-lisp to cause the wiki's file handling to be mocked with stuff that just returns a string.

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