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Created September 22, 2010 11:49
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use strict;
use warnings;
=head1 NAME
Code4LibBib - extract Code4lib Journal Bibliography
This script creates a bibliography of Code4Lib journal articles by screen
scraping. Right now it only exports BibTeX in UTF-8. Further extensions may
allow other export formats and add parsing of article citations etc.
use pQuery;
binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
my $source = '';
my ($key, $issue, $url, $title, @authors, $abstract, $year, $month, $day);
use LWP::Simple;
my $html = get($source); # because pQuery cracks Unicode
pQuery($html)->find('.issue')->each(sub {
my $p = pQuery($_);
my $issuetitle = $p->find('.issuetitle a')->text;
$issuetitle =~ /issue +(.*), +(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)/i
or warn "Failed to parse issue '$issuetitle'\n";
($issue, $year, $month, $day) = ($1,$2,$3,$4);
$p->find('li')->each(sub {
my $li = pQuery($_);
my $a = $li->find('.articletitle a');
$url = $a->get(0)->getAttribute('href');
$url =~ /(\d+)$/; $key = "code4lib$1";
$title = $a->text;
my $author = $li->find('.author')->text;
# J. Gordon Daines, III => J. Gordon Daines III
$author =~ s/, *(I+)/ $1/;
# split author names
@authors = map { s/ *\([^)]*\) *$//; $_ }
map { s/(^\s+|\s+$)//g; $_ }
split /&|,? +and +|,? +with +|,/, $author;
# .. .we could further get the abstract ...
bibtex(); # right now we only export BibTeX
# This will fail if anything contains '/' but BibteX is bad anyway
sub bibtex {
join(",\n", "\@article{$key",
" author = {" . join(' and ', @authors) . "}",
" title = {$title}",
" journal = {Code4Lib Journal}",
" volume = {$issue}",
" year = {$year}",
" month = {$month}",
" day = {$day}",
" url = {$url}",
) . "\n";
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I moved this script to, please fork from there if needed!

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