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Created January 17, 2011 22:49
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Wandelt PICA+ (egal welche Form) nach JSON (ohne Subfield-Ordnung)
use strict;
use warnings;
=head1 NAME
pica2json - Wandelt PICA+ (egal welche Form) nach JSON (ohne Subfield-Ordnung)
use PICA::Parser qw(parsefile);
use JSON;
my ($in,$out) = (\*STDIN, *STDOUT);
my $json = { };
parsefile( $in, Field => \&handle_field );
binmode $out, ':utf8';
print $out JSON->new->pretty->encode($json);
sub handle_field {
my $field = shift;
my $subfields = { };
foreach my $sf ( $field->content ) {
my ($code,$value) = @$sf;
push @{ $subfields->{ $code } }, $value;
push @{ $json->{ $field->tag } }, $subfields;
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