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Created January 25, 2011 12:16
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Save nichtich/794846 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Handy command line script to import RDF data with RDF::Trine
use strict;
no strict 'subs';
use warnings;
=head1 NAME
rdfimport - Import RDF data into some Triple store
use RDF::Trine qw(0.133 statement iri literal);
use RDF::Trine::Parser;
use RDF::Trine::Serializer;
use RDF::Trine::Namespace;
use Pod::Usage;
use Getopt::Long;
use RDF::Trine::Namespace qw(rdf xsd);
our $VERSION = '0.1.3';
=head1 USAGE
rdfimport [ options ] [ source-files-and-urls... ]
-store CONFIG store configuration string
-base URI base URI when importing from files
-input FORMAT force a specific input format (rdfxml,turtle etc.)
-output FORMAT serialize the full store as FORMAT after import
-config FILE read configuration from file FILE
-flush flush store before importing triples
-void add VoID statements, dump model (if enabled)
-help brief help message
-man full documentation
-quiet suppress status messages
=head2 C<< -store >>
The store must be specified as L<RDF::Trine::Store> configuration string.
By default an in-memory store (C<Memory>) is used and destroyed after import.
Some examples of possible configuration strings:
=head2 C<< -config >>
The store and the base URI can also be read from a configuration file.
This file must be a Turtle RDF file like the following:
@prefix : <#> .
<> :base <> ;
:store "DBI;;DBI:SQLite:mydb.sqlite" .
=head2 C<< -input >> and C<< -output >>
The supported RDF serialization formats include C<rdfxml>, C<turtle>,
C<rdfjson>, C<ntriples>, and C<nquads>. Parsing in addition is possible
in C<trig> and C<rdfa> (not tested yet). See L<RDF::Trine> for details.
=head2 C<< -void >>
Add statements from the Vocabulary of Interlinked Datasets (VoID) and
possibly dumps the whole model into a file (in Turtle syntax). You must
enable dumping in the config file or in the input file, for instance:
void:dataDump "foo.ttl" . # dumps model to foo.ttl
my ($o_help,$o_man,$o_quiet,$o_config,$o_void,
'store:s' => \$o_store,
'base:s' => \$o_base,
'input:s' => \$o_input,
'output:s' => \$o_output,
'config:s' => \$o_config,
'flush' => \$o_flush,
'void' => \$o_void,
'help|?' => \$o_help,
'man' => \$o_man,
'quiet' => \$o_quiet,
) or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage("pdfimport $VERSION") if ($o_help);
pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if ($o_man);
unless (@ARGV) {
print STDERR "please specify an input file/URL or -h for help!\n";
exit 1;
my $config = RDF::Trine::Model->new;
if ($o_config) {
my $parser = RDF::Trine::Parser->new( 'turtle' );
print "read config file $o_config\n" unless $o_quiet;
my $cns = RDF::Trine::Namespace->new("file://$o_config");
$parser->parse_file_into_model( $cns->uri, $o_config, $config );
unless ($o_base) {
my ($c_base) = $config->objects( $cns->uri, $cns->uri('#base'), type => 'resource' );
$o_base = $c_base->uri_value if $c_base;
unless ($o_store) {
my ($c_store) = $config->objects( $cns->uri, $cns->uri('#store'), type => 'literal' );
$o_store = $c_store->literal_value if $c_store;
$o_store = 'Memory' unless $o_store;
my $model = RDF::Trine::Model->new( RDF::Trine::Store->new( $o_store ) );
my $parser = 'RDF::Trine::Parser';
$parser = RDF::Trine::Parser->new( $o_input ) if $o_input;
my $serializer;
if ($o_output) {
$o_quiet = 1;
$serializer = RDF::Trine::Serializer->new( $o_output );
if ($o_flush) {
print "flush store $o_store\n" unless $o_output;
$model->remove_statements( undef, undef, undef );
my $base;
my $size_before = $model->size;
foreach my $from (@ARGV) {
print "import $from ... " unless $o_quiet;
eval {
if ( $from =~ /^http[s]?:\/\// ) {
$base = $o_base || $from;
$parser->parse_url_into_model( $from, $model );
} else {
$base = $o_base || "file://$from";
$parser->parse_file_into_model( $base, $from, $model );
if ($@) {
print "failed:\n" unless $o_quiet;
print STDERR "$@\n";
} elsif( not $o_quiet) {
print "ok\n";
my $growth = $model->size - $size_before;
print "imported $growth additional triples\n" unless $o_quiet;
my $void = RDF::Trine::Namespace->new("");
if ( $o_void ) {
my ($dump) = $config->objects( $base, $void->dataDump, type => 'literal_value' );
my $dataset = iri($base);
my @statements = (
statement( $dataset, $rdf->type, $void->Dataset ),
push @statements, statement( $dataset, $void->dataDump, literal($dump) ) if $dump;
# TODO: automatically add void statements, e.g. void:vocabulary (?)
# TODO: copy void statements from the config file (?)
$model->add_statement( $_ ) for @statements;
my $size = $model->size + 1;
$model->remove_statements( $dataset, $void->triples, undef );
$model->add_statement( statement(
$dataset, $void->triples, literal( $size, undef, $xsd->integer ) ) );
if ( $dump ) {
print "writing dump file $dump with $size triples\n" unless $o_quiet;
if ( open my $fh, ">$dump" ) {
# TODO: add namespaces to abbreviate syntax
serialize_model_to_file ( $fh, $model );
} else {
print STDERR "failed to write file\n";
$serializer->serialize_model_to_file ( *STDOUT, $model )
if ( $serializer );
This script is intended to import RDF data from files or LinkedData URIs
into triple stores.
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