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Created March 9, 2011 16:40
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Europeana Data Model v5.2 from
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix : <> .
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix abc: <> .
@prefix DOLCE-Lite: <> .
@prefix wgs84_pos: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix ore: <> .
@prefix dcmitype: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix cidoc_crm_v5: <> .
@prefix core: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasMet .
rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasMet .
rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasMet .
rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasMet .
rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasType .
rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasType .
rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasMet .
rdfs:subPropertyOf :isRelatedTo .
rdfs:subPropertyOf :isDerivativeOf .
rdfs:subPropertyOf :isRelatedTo .
rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasType .
rdfs:subPropertyOf [
a rdf:Property ;
owl:inverseOf :isDerivativeOf
] .
rdfs:subPropertyOf [
a rdf:Property ;
owl:inverseOf :isDerivativeOf
] .
rdfs:subPropertyOf :isDerivativeOf .
rdfs:subPropertyOf [
a rdf:Property ;
owl:inverseOf :isDerivativeOf
] .
rdfs:subPropertyOf :isDerivativeOf .
rdfs:subPropertyOf :isDerivativeOf .
rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasView .
a owl:Ontology ;
rdfs:comment """
Changes between
1. refined annotations using skos:definition (for \"Europeana definition\", which was represented using rdfs:comment), skos:example (for \"Example\"), skos:scopeNote with specific prefixes (for \"Rationale\" and \"Obligation and occurrence\"), skos:note (for \"Europeana Note\")
2. range of dc:coverage, dcterms:created, dc:date, dcterms:issued, dc:publisher, dcterms:spatial and dcterms:temporal were wrong: in the doc they were rather stated as recommendations. I removed from the files the DC elements which were consequently left without any significant specification.
3. fixed error on the spec of hasVersion and hasFormat: it is a subproperty of the inverse of isderivativeOf, not equivalent to that inverse.
4. removed rdfs:seeAlso from isShownAt and isShownBy: they were not really fitting the intent of seeAlso
5. added skos:definition and rdfs:label for europeana:type
6. removed some rdf:typings as owl:ObjectProperties: ens:hasMet, ens:isDerivativeOf, ens:isRelatedTo, ens:isSimilarTo (some sub-properties can be used with literals), ens:country, ens:dataProvider, ens:language, ens:provider, ens:unstored, ens:userTag, ens:year (because they can be directly used with literals)
7. ens:type is now a DatatypeProperty, with a datarange of 4 literals (TEXT, IMAGE, SOUND, VIDEO)
8. removed two namespaces likely never to be used: and
9. removed all rdfs:seeAlso. It is not valid with a string. Nothing replaces it when the equivalent or sub/super entity is already formally indicated using RDFS/OWL statements, otherwise a rdfs:comment was created.
10. materialized equivalence between ens:TimeSpan and DOLCE TemporalInterval (it is in fact time-interval)
11. cleaned all occurrences of owl:topObjectProperty
12. added labels for europeana:userTag, europeana:year, europeana:country
Remaining TODOs for
- add metadata on the owl:Ontology instance
- check Martin's latest mappings to CRM and FRBR(oo)
- continue adding documentation values (skos:scopeNote, skos:example, etc, according to 1.), starting from ens:InformationResource
- add Europeana examples and rationale notes for non-EDM constructs
- keep specific EDM-doc properties for \"rationale\" and \"obligation and occurrence\". Use skos:definition for \"Europeana definition\", skos:example for \"Example\", skos:note for \"Europeana note\"
- try to capture formal cardinality constraints resulting from \"Obligation and Occurrence\" documentation--if possible
- change FRBR namespace and mappings using
""" .
a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "agent" ;
rdfs:subClassOf :NonInformationResource ;
owl:equivalentClass <> ;
skos:definition """This class comprises people, either individually or in groups, who have the
potential to perform intentional actions for which they can be held responsible.""" ;
skos:example "Leonardo da Vinci, the British Museum, W3C" ;
skos:scopeNote "Rationale: This class is a domain of ens:wasPresentAt" .
a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Europeana aggregation" ;
rdfs:subClassOf :EuropeanaObject, ore:Aggregation ;
skos:definition """The set of resources related to a single Cultural Heritage Object that
collectively represent that object in Europeana. Such set consists of: all
descriptions about the object that Europeana collects from (possibly different) content providers, including thumbnails and other forms of abstractions, as well as of the description of the object Europeana builds.""" ;
skos:example "The 56th issue of \"Le Temps\" is a (different) Cultural Heritage Object represented in Europeana by another EuropeanaAggregation instance", "The journal \"Le Temps\" is a Cultural Heritage Object represented in Europeana by one EuropeanaAggregation instance", "The painting Mona Lisa is a Cultural Heritage Object represented in Europeana by one EuropeanaAggregation instance" ;
skos:note "An instance of EuropeanaAggregation is created at ingestion time for each different Cultural Heritage Object recognized by Europeana. Such instance is associated to the Cultural Heritage Object that it is about, by the property ens:aggregatedCHO" ;
skos:scopeNote "Obligation and Occurence: The relation between the Cultural Heritage Objects represented in Europeana and the instances of the class EuropeanaAggregation is one-to-one: every Cultural Heritage Object is represented by an instance of EuropeanaAggregation, and every instance of EuropeanaAggregation represent a Cultural Heritage Object.", "Rationale:This class is used in Europeana to gather in a single conceptual unit all the information about a Cultural Heritage Object, necessary for all operations on these objects." .
a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Europeana object" ;
rdfs:subClassOf :WebResource ;
skos:definition "Any object that is the result of Europeana’s activities" ;
skos:example "An annotation created by a user through the Europeana portal", "Any content created by the users through the service made available by Europeana for that purpose", "Any instance of the class EuropeanaAggregation" ;
skos:scopeNote "Rationale:This class is used as the range of ens:hasAnnotation" .
a owl:Class ;
rdfs:comment "Superclass of Activities (AAT)" ;
rdfs:label "event"@en ;
rdfs:subClassOf <>, :NonInformationResource ;
owl:equivalentClass abc:Temporality, core:Event ;
skos:definition """An event is a change “of states in cultural, social or physical systems,
regardless of scale, brought about by a series or group of coherent physical,
cultural, technological or legal phenomena” (E5 Event in CIDOC CRM) or a “set of coherent phenomena or cultural manifestations bounded in time and space” (E4 Period in CIDOC CRM)
""" ;
skos:example "the 2nd World War", "the act of painting Mona Lisa", "the change of custody of Mona Lisa" ;
skos:note "Events are identified either by the content provider or by Europeana enrichment at ingestion time" ;
skos:scopeNote "Rationale:This class is a domain of ens:happenedAt and the domain of ens:occurredAt" .
a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "information resource" ;
owl:equivalentClass <>, [
a owl:Class ;
owl:unionOf (core:Work
] ;
skos:definition """An information resource is a resource whose essential characteristics can be
conveyed in a single message. It can be associated with a URI, it can have a
representation, for example: a text is an InformationResource.""" .
a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "non information resource" ;
skos:definition "All resources that are not information resources." .
a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "physical thing" ;
rdfs:subClassOf :NonInformationResource ;
owl:equivalentClass <> ;
skos:definition """A persistent physical item such as a painting, a building, a book or a stone.
Persons are not items. This class represents Cultural Heritage Objects known
to Europeana to be physical things (such as Mona Lisa) as well as all physical
things Europeana refers to in the descriptions of Cultural Heritage Objects
(such as the Rosetta Stone).""" .
a owl:Class ;
rdfs:comment "Equivalent class: Place (TGN)" ;
rdfs:label "place" ;
rdfs:subClassOf :NonInformationResource ;
owl:equivalentClass abc:Place, core:Place, <>, DOLCE-Lite:space-region ;
skos:definition "An \"extent in space, in particular on the surface of the earth, in the pure sense of physics: independent from temporal phenomena and matter\" (CIDOC CRM)" .
a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "time span" ;
rdfs:subClassOf dcterms:PeriodOfTime, :NonInformationResource ;
owl:equivalentClass abc:Time, <>, DOLCE-Lite:time-interval ;
skos:definition """The class of “abstract temporal extents, in the sense of Galilean physics,
having a beginning, an end and a duration” (CIDOC CRM)""" .
a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "web resource" ;
rdfs:subClassOf :InformationResource ;
skos:definition """Information Resources that have at least one Web Representation and at least
a URI.""" .
a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain ore:Aggregation ;
rdfs:label "aggregated Cultural Heritage Object" ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf dc:subject, ore:aggregates ;
skos:definition """This property associates an ORE aggregation with the Cultural Heritage
Object(s) (CHO for short) it is about.""" .
a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:label "Country" ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf <> .
a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain ore:Proxy ;
rdfs:label "current location" ;
rdfs:range :Place ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf dcterms:spatial ;
owl:equivalentProperty <>, wgs84_pos:location ;
skos:definition "The geographic location and/or name of the repository, building, site, or other entity whose boundaries presently include the resource." .
a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ore:Aggregation ;
rdfs:label "Europeana Data Provider" ;
rdfs:range :Agent ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf dcterms:provenance ;
skos:definition "This element is specifically included to allow the name of the organisation who supplies data to Europeana indirectly via an aggregator to be recorded and displayed in the portal. Aggregator names are recorded in ens:provider. If an organisation provides data directly to Europeana (i.e. not via an aggregator) the values in ens:dataProvider and ens:provider will be the same. Organisation names should be provided as an ordinary text string until the Europeana Authority File for Organisations has been established. At that point providers will be able to send an identifier from the file instead of a text string. The name provided should be the preferred form of the name in the language the provider chooses as the default language for display in the portal. Countries with multiple languages may prefer to concatenate the name in more than one language (See the example below.) Note: Europeana Data Provider is not necessarily the institution where the physical object is located." .
a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Event ;
rdfs:label "happened at" ;
rdfs:range :Place ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf dc:relation ;
owl:equivalentProperty <> ;
skos:definition """This property associates an event with the place at which the event
happened.""" .
a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain rdfs:Resource, [
a owl:Class ;
owl:intersectionOf (ore:Proxy
a owl:Restriction ;
owl:onProperty ore:proxyIn ;
owl:someValuesFrom :EuropeanaAggregation
] ;
rdfs:label "has met" ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf dc:relation ;
skos:definition "ens:hasMet relates a resource with the objects or phenomena that have happened to or have happened together with the resource under consideration. We can abstractly think of history and the present as a series of “meetings” between people and other things in space-time. Therefore we name this relationship as the things the object “has met” in the course of its existence. These meetings are events in the proper sense, in which other people and things participate in any role." .
a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain [
a owl:Class ;
owl:intersectionOf (ore:Proxy
a owl:Restriction ;
owl:onProperty ore:proxyIn ;
owl:someValuesFrom :EuropeanaAggregation
] ;
rdfs:label "has type" ;
rdfs:range :NonInformationResource ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :isRelatedTo ;
owl:equivalentProperty <> ;
skos:definition """This property relates a resource with the concepts it belongs to in a suitable
type system such as MIME or any thesaurus that captures categories of objects in a given field (e.g., the “Objects” facet in Getty’s Art and Architecture Thesaurus). It does not capture aboutness.""" .
a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain ore:Aggregation ;
rdfs:label "has view" ;
rdfs:range :WebResource ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf ore:aggregates ;
skos:definition """This property relates a ORE aggregation about a CHO with a web resource
providing a view of that CHO. Examples of view are: a thumbnail, a textual
abstract and a table of contents. The ORE aggregation may be a Europeana
Aggregation, in which case the view is an object owned by Europeana (i.e., an instance of ens:EuropeanaObject) or an aggregation contributed by a content provider. In order to capture both these cases, the domain of ens:hasView is ore:Aggregation and its range is ens:WebResource""" .
a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "incorporates" ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :isSimilarTo ;
skos:definition """This property captures the use of some resource to add value to another
resource. Such resources may be nested, such as performing a theater play text, and then recording the performance, or creating an artful edition of a collection of poems or just aggregating various poems in an anthology. There may be no single part that contains ultimately the incorporated object, which may be dispersed in the presentation. Therefore, incorporated resources do in general not form proper parts. Incorporated resources are not part of the same resource, but are taken from other resources, and have an independent history. Therefore ens:incorporates is not a sub-property of dcterm:hasPart.""" .
a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :EuropeanaObject ;
rdfs:label "is annotation of" ;
rdfs:range [
a owl:Class ;
owl:intersectionOf (ore:Proxy
a owl:Restriction ;
owl:onProperty ore:proxyIn ;
owl:someValuesFrom :EuropeanaAggregation
] ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf dc:subject ;
skos:definition """This property relates an annotation (a Europeana object) with the resource
that it annotates.""" .
a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:label "is derivative of" ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :isSimilarTo ;
skos:definition "This property captures a narrower notion of derivation than ens:isSimilarTo, in the sense that it relates a resource to another one, obtained by reworking, reducing, expanding, parts or the whole contents of the former, and possibly adding some minor parts. Versions have an even narrower meaning, in that it requires common identity between the related resources. Translations, summaries, abstractions etc. do not qualify as versions, but do qualify as derivatives." .
a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "is next in sequence" ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf dc:relation ;
skos:definition "ens:isNextInSequence relates two resources R and S that are ordered parts of the same resource A, and such that R comes immediately after S in the order created by their being parts of A." .
a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain [
a owl:Class ;
owl:intersectionOf (ore:Proxy
a owl:Restriction ;
owl:onProperty ore:proxyIn ;
owl:someValuesFrom ore:Aggregation
] ;
rdfs:label "is related to" ;
skos:definition """ens:isRelatedTo is the most general contextual property in EDM. Contextual
properties have typically to do either with the things that have happened to or together with the object under consideration, or what the object refers to by its shape, form or features in a figural or encoded form. For sake of simplicity, we include in the contextual relationships also the scholarly classification, which may have either to do with the role and cultural connections of the object in the past, or its kind of structure, substance or contents as it can be verified at present.""" .
a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :InformationResource ;
rdfs:label "is representation of" ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf dc:subject ;
skos:definition "This property associates an information resource to the resource (if any) that it represents" .
a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "is shown at" ;
rdfs:range :WebResource ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :landingPage ;
skos:definition "An unambiguous URL reference to the digital object on the provider’s web site in its full information context." .
a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "is shown by" ;
rdfs:range :WebResource ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasView ;
skos:definition "An unambiguous URL reference to the digital object on the provider’s web site in the best available resolution/quality." .
a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:label "is similar to" ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf dc:relation ;
owl:equivalentProperty <> ;
skos:definition "The most generic derivation property, covering also the case of questionable derivation. Is Similar To asserts that parts of the contents of one resource exhibit common features with respect to ideas, shapes, structures, colors, words, plots, topics with the contents of the related resource. Those common features may be attributed to a common origin or influence (in particular for derivation), but also to more generic cultural or psychological factors." .
a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "is successor of" ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :isSimilarTo ;
skos:definition "This property captures the relation between the continuation of a resource and that resource. This applies to a story, a serial, a journal etc. No content of the successor resource is identical or has a similar form with that of the precursor. The similarity is only in the context, subjects and figures of a plot. Successors typically form part of a common whole – such as a trilogy, a journal, etc." .
a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "landing page"@en ;
rdfs:range :WebResource ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf ore:aggregates ;
skos:definition """This property captures the relation between an aggregation representing a
Cultural Heritage Object and the Web Resource representing that Object on
the provider’s web site.""" .
a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:comment """The recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as
RFC 4646 ( which, in
conjunction with ISO 639, defines two- and three-letter primary language tags. Either a coded value or text string can be represented here.""" ;
rdfs:label "Europeana language" ;
skos:definition "A language assigned to the resource with reference to the Provider." .
a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "object" ;
rdfs:range :WebResource ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasView ;
skos:definition """The URL of a thumbnail representing the digital object or, if there is no such
thumbnail, the URL of the digital object in the best resolution available on the
web site of the data provider from which a thumbnail could be generated. This will often be the same URL as given in ens:isShownBy.""" .
a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Event ;
rdfs:label "occured at" ;
rdfs:range :TimeSpan ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf dc:relation ;
owl:equivalentProperty <> ;
skos:definition """This property associates an event to the smallest known time span that
overlaps with the occurrence of that event""" .
a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:label "Europeana provider" ;
rdfs:range :Agent ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasMet ;
skos:definition "Name of the organization that delivers data to Europeana" .
a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :PhysicalThing ;
rdfs:label "realizes" ;
rdfs:range :InformationResource ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :isRelatedTo ;
owl:equivalentProperty <> ;
skos:definition """A relation between an information realization and the information resource it
realizes.""" .
a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "Europeana rights" ;
skos:definition """Information about copyright of the digital object as specified by isShownBy
and isShownAt""" .
a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:label "Europeana type" ;
rdfs:range [
a rdfs:Datatype ;
owl:oneOf ("TEXT"
] ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf dc:type ;
skos:definition "The Europeana material type of the resource" .
a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:label "Unstored" ;
skos:definition """This is a container element which includes all relevant information that
otherwise cannot be mapped to another element in the ESE.""" .
a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "Europeana URI" ;
skos:definition "This is a tag created by a user through the Europeana interface." .
a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:label "User Tag" ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf dc:description ;
skos:definition "This is a tag created by a user through the Europeana interface." .
a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain [
a owl:Class ;
owl:unionOf (:Agent
] ;
rdfs:label "was present at" ;
rdfs:range :Event ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf dc:relation ;
owl:equivalentProperty <> ;
skos:definition "This property associates the people, things or information resources with an event at which they were present" .
a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:label "Europeana Year" ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf dcterms:temporal ;
skos:definition """A point of time associated with an event in the life of the original analog or
born digital object.""" .
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