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Nick Bauman nickbauman

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nickbauman / future_value.go
Last active August 2, 2024 16:25
Future value of investment
package future_value
import "math"
func futureValue(investmentAmount, interestRate, inflationRate, years float64) (float64, float64) {
furtureValue := investmentAmount * math.Pow(1+interestRate/100, years)
futureRealValue := furtureValue / math.Pow(1+inflationRate/100, years)
return furtureValue, futureRealValue
(defn make-change
[target-amount coins]
(let [sorted (reverse (sort coins))]
(loop [amount target-amount
coins-frequency {}]
(if (zero? amount)
(let [coin (first (filter #(<= % amount) sorted))
count (quot amount coin)]
(recur (- amount (* count coin)) (merge-with + coins-frequency {coin count})))))))
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.TreeSet;
Report the frequency of 100k random selections of strings in an array
nickbauman / anagram.clj
Created November 15, 2021 22:15
Clojure anagram detector
(defn split-string [word]
(into #{} (clojure.string/split word #"")))
(defn anagram-of? [word candidate]
(boolean (when (= (count word) (count candidate))
(let [word-list (split-string word)
cand-list (split-string candidate)]
(= #{} (clojure.set/difference cand-list word-list))))))
(ns haversine
(:require [math.numeric-tower :refer [expt sqrt]]))
(def RADIUS_OF_EARTH 6371.0088)
(defn radians [degrees]
(/ (* degrees Math/PI) 180))
(defn haversine
[lat1 lon1 lat2 lon2]
nickbauman /
Last active November 1, 2019 12:10
Condensed iOS Human Interface Guidelines, formulated as imperatives.

Condensed iOS Human Interface Guidelines

Imperatives for AppStore approval

For iPhone app developers. Emphasis on getting the fastest app store approval. Everything stated as suggestion made into an imperative. When "violating" these imperatives, you can check for yourself what the caveats are. Generally speaking, deviating will more likely cause your app to be hung up in approval.

You can read this entire document in about 20 minutes. This is faster than reading and understanding the entire Human Interface Guidelines.


nickbauman /
Created January 14, 2014 03:16
Mac backup your raspberry pi. Requires SSH client, dd, gzip installed
#Mac Backup your Raspberry Pi
#Backup remotely (requires public key exchange for pi account):
ssh pi@raspberry sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 | gzip -c > raspberry.img.gz
#Recover (requires locally mounted disk device rdisk1):
gzip -dc /path/to/raspberry.img.gz | sudo dd of=/dev/rdisk1 bs=1m
nickbauman /
Last active April 21, 2019 13:15
Lists all the repos, pub and priv, of a github user or organization. Prompts for password and/or 2FA token
from github3 import login
# Python 3
prompt = input
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
passwd = prompt('Enter password: ')
nickbauman / go_vs_clojure_habits.txt
Last active July 8, 2017 23:40
Go vs. Clojure: Habits of Thinking
The goal is to insert an integer into an ordered list-like thingy.
Here's Go.
// Given g
g := []int{1, 2, 3, 4}
// Insert 44 in the middle of it
append(g[:2], append([]int{44}, g[2:]...)...)
nickbauman / example_gae_ds.clj
Last active November 19, 2016 18:20
Clojure GAE Clojure Datastore API
(defentity AnotherEntity [content saved-time int-value])
(deftest test-query-language
(testing "query entity with predicates"
(let [entity (save! (create-AnotherEntity "Some content woo" (t/date-time 1980 3 5) 6))
entity2 (save! (create-AnotherEntity "Other content" (t/date-time 1984 10 12) 17))]
; query all
(is (= (list entity entity2) (query-AnotherEntity [])))
; equality
(is (= (list entity) (query-AnotherEntity [:content = "Some content woo"])))