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Nick Chan nickccm1122

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DimitryDushkin / configs.js
Created October 2, 2018 14:19
React Native 0.57 + Babel 7 + Typescript + Jest
// babel.config.js
module.exports = {
"presets": [
"plugins": [
["module-resolver", {
"root": ["./src"],
"extensions": [".js", ".ts", ".tsx", ".ios.js", ".android.js"]

In this tutorial we're going to build a set of parser combinators.

What is a parser combinator?

We'll answer the above question in 2 steps.

  1. What is a parser?
  2. and, what is a parser combinator?

So first question: What is parser?

jgautheron / CategorySagas.js
Created March 22, 2017 19:07 — forked from pesakitan22/CategorySagas.js
Redux-Saga for next.js
import {call, put, take, fork} from 'redux-saga/effects'
import {END} from 'redux-saga'
import CategoryActions, {CategoryTypes} from '../Redux/CategoryRedux'
// attempts to fetch category
export function* fetchCategoryServer (api) {
let action = yield take(CategoryTypes.CATEGORY_SERVER)
// check when it stopped
while (action !== END) {
yield fork(fetchCategoryAPI, api)
heron2014 /
Last active May 21, 2024 07:25
Visual instructions how to enable Google Maps on IOS using react-native-maps

Visual instructions how to enable Google Maps on IOS using react-native-maps

UPDATE: Following instructions are now a year old. I have recently managed to upgrade react-native-maps from 0.17 to the latest version 0.21 with react-native 0.51 - if you want to follow my instruction scroll down to the end this doc! Hope that will work for you too!

This is for my personal use, things might not be correctly explained here. For the official docs please check

Steps from scratch:

1.react-native init GoogleMapPlayground

Raise Open File Limits in OS X

in OS X 10.4 to macOS sierra 10.12 and maybe higher!

Create Launcher Script:


Copy this entire code block and paste it into your terminal and push Return to create this file for you with correct permissions. It will (probably) ask for your password:

slavafomin /
Last active March 9, 2024 12:03
Custom ES6 errors in Node.js

Here's how you could create custom error classes in Node.js using latest ES6 / ES2015 syntax.

I've tried to make it as lean and unobtrusive as possible.

Defining our own base class for errors


eladnava /
Last active March 11, 2024 10:21
Automatically backup a MongoDB database to S3 using mongodump, tar, and awscli (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS)
# Make sure to:
# 1) Name this file `` and place it in /home/ubuntu
# 2) Run sudo apt-get install awscli to install the AWSCLI
# 3) Run aws configure (enter s3-authorized IAM user and specify region)
# 4) Fill in DB host + name
# 5) Create S3 bucket for the backups and fill it in below (set a lifecycle rule to expire files older than X days in the bucket)
# 6) Run chmod +x
# 7) Test it out via ./

Important: At the time of writing (2019-11-11) Immutable.js is effectively abandonware, so I can no longer recommend anyone to follow the advice given here. I'll leave the article here for posterity, since it's still getting some traffic.

Understanding Immutable.Record

Functional programming principles and with it immutable data are changing the way we write frontend applications. If the recent de-facto frontend stack of React and Redux feels like it goes perfectly together with immutable data, that's because it's specifically designed for that.

There's several interesting implementations of immutable data for JavaScript, but here I'll be focusing on Facebook's own Immutable.js, and specifically on one of i

leommoore /
Last active August 16, 2022 17:35
MongoDB 3.2.x SSL with Letsencrypt

MongoDB 3.2.x SSL with Letsencrypt

Letsencrypt is an initative which aims to increase the use of encryption for websites. It basically allows people to apply for free certificates provided that they prove the they control the requested domain. We will look at the what is needed to secure your MongoDB installation. For more details on setting up a MongoDB server see MongoDB 3.2.x.

Set the hostname

We sould to set the hostname to match the name of the certificate we are going to optain.

sudo hostname

Then update the hostname file to set the server name permanently.

subfuzion /
Last active June 14, 2024 20:32
curl POST examples

Common Options

-#, --progress-bar Make curl display a simple progress bar instead of the more informational standard meter.

-b, --cookie <name=data> Supply cookie with request. If no =, then specifies the cookie file to use (see -c).

-c, --cookie-jar <file name> File to save response cookies to.