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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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  • Save nickclaw/9538654 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nickclaw/9538654 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
{View, $} = require 'atom'
module.exports = class MessagePaneView extends View
@content:(params) =>
@div class: 'am-panel tool-panel panel-bottom', =>
@div class: 'panel-heading', params.title, =>
@div click: 'detach', class: 'close', 'X'
@div outlet:'body', style:'max-height:170px;overflow-y:scroll;',class: 'panel-body padded'
attach: ->
atom.workspaceView.prependToBottom @
detach: ->
clear: ->
appendHeader:(text, className) ->
@body.append $('<h1>', {
class: className
text: text
class: classNamecss:
cursor: 'pointer'
appendMessage:(message, className) ->
@body.append $('<div>', {
class: 'block ' + className
text: message
appendLineMessage:(line, character, message, preview, className) ->
goToLine = () ->
atom.workspace.getActiveEditor().cursors[0].setBufferPosition [line - 1, character - 1]
preview = preview
.replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
.replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
@body.append [
$('<div>', {
class: 'text-subtle inline-block'
text: 'at line ' + line + ', character ' + character
click: goToLine
cursor: 'pointer'
$('<div>', {
class: 'inline-block ' + className
text: message
$('<pre>', {
text: preview
click: goToLine
cursor: 'pointer'
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fangel commented Mar 14, 2014

Okay, I've created what I think is a very nice example of what I meant (and added the 0.3.0 functionality of collapsing the message-pane).
You can see my gist at

Basically it allows you to write

{MessagePaneView, PlainMessageView, LineMessageView} = require 'atom-message-pane'
messages = new MessagePaneView()

messages.add(new PlainMessageView('a message'))
messages.add(new LineMessageView(1, 2, 'a line message', 'with a preview'))

Which I think shows how easily extendable it is. Just pass it another View and give it to the add method, and then you have your own type of messages displayed.

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