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Created April 2, 2024 14:13
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wishbone sram
module top(
input [31:0] adr,
input [31:0] dat_w,
output reg [31:0] dat_r,
input [3:0] sel,
input cyc,
input stb,
output reg ack,
input we,
input [2:0] cti,
input [1:0] bte,
input err,
input sys_clk,
input sys_rst
reg [31:0] mem[0:127];
always @(posedge sys_clk) begin
ack <= 1'd0;
if (((cyc & stb) & ((~ack)))) begin
ack <= 1'd1;
if (sys_rst) begin
ack <= 1'd0;
always @(posedge sys_clk) begin
if ((cyc & stb) & we) begin
if (sel[0])
mem[adr[6:0]][7:0] <= dat_w[7:0];
if (sel[1])
mem[adr[6:0]][15:8] <= dat_w[15:8];
if (sel[2])
mem[adr[6:0]][23:16] <= dat_w[23:16];
if (sel[3])
mem[adr[6:0]][31:24] <= dat_w[31:24];
// if((cyc & stb) & ~we)
dat_r <= mem[adr[6:0]];
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