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Last active August 28, 2020 20:59
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Mod 3 Week 1 Journaling

Mod 3 Week 1

What are the values that will drive your job search?
I'm looking for companies that are mission driven. Any company that describes the changes they're trying to make first will be ones that I look into.

What are your goals for your job search?
My goal is to find a company that I'll feel fulfilled and challenged working at in either Austin, TX or here in Denver.

What kind of role do you see yourself pursuing in your job search?
Any front end dev roles - if their stack includes React for the front end, even better. I'm not going to be too picky as far as my role for my first gig goes. As long as I get the opportunity to build helpful things and learn, I'll be happy.

Based on your latest version of your career vision, list the top 3-5 industries and companies you’ll pursue in your job search as of right now. Why did you pick these industries/companies? How do they relate to the values and goals you have for yourself in your job search?


  • Ed Tech
  • Health Tech
  • Green Tech


  • Thought Industries (Ed)
  • Indigo (Green)
  • Cricket Health (Health)

I'm finding myself gravitating towards education, health, or green tech - from the research I've done so far, companies in these industries are the most likely to be impact driven. Their work is done with the intent of making a change in the world, and that's where I want to be.

Resume and CV compiler reflections


Based on the feedback you received from CV Compiler, what updates will you make to your resume?

  • List out a few more specific practices and skills that I'm proficient in
  • Revise my experience section to be more specific and relevant
  • Use more action verbs

Alumni Portfolio Reflection Questions

What do you want this portfolio to say about you?
I want to showcase my love for design and creativity as well as development - that I can design AND build strong user experiences.

How will you continute to add to this to portray your story and showcase the kind of work that demonstrates your brand?
I want to show the work that demonstrates my eye for design - as I build out more projects in these later mods, I'll take more time to add those personal touches. I'll actively update my alumni page as I go.

Company Research Sheet


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Great work here! I like the simple format of your resume. When you write about things, quantify them so those viewing your resume understand the scope of your work. If you are targeting Austin as well as Denver, start building a network there. You have picked some pretty stable industries!

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